I applied heparin ointment and my face turned red

Symptoms and treatment of heparin allergy

Heparin is a popular anticoagulant agent that is used to treat inflammatory manifestations in various pathologies. Some people may experience an allergic reaction and even a burn when using Heparin ointment, so it is important to know what the drug is used for, how the allergy manifests itself and what to do in this case.

Indications and contraindications for use

The remedy is included in the treatment program to eliminate the following diseases:

  1. varicose veins (at different stages);
  2. thrombophlebitis;
  3. bruises (of various origins);
  4. haemorrhoids.

There are contraindications for the medication, which are taken into account at the time of examination.

You will have to stop using the drug if you have a history of:

  1. the presence of cracks, ulcers and bleeding on the skin (including the anus);
  2. pathologies associated with decreased clotting processes;
  3. peptic ulcer (in addition to thrombophlebitis);
  4. hypertension;
  5. stomach ulcer;
  6. liver pathologies (cirrhosis).

For women, gynecological diseases, as well as the period of menstruation, are contraindications.

Heparin ointment cannot be part of the therapeutic process against bruises and contusions if the skin has purulent wounds, redness and necrotic tissue damage.

Causes of allergy to Heparin

Allergies to Heparin are caused by the components included in the composition. The main reason is that the medication promotes the synthesis of a hormone called bradykinin.

It is this that leads to an allergic reaction in the form of:

  1. development of inflammation;
  2. tissue swelling;
  3. angioedema (rare).

Another reason for the development of allergies is genetic predisposition.

Symptoms and treatment of an allergic reaction

Manifestation of a negative reaction when using Heparin ointment:

  1. skin redness;
  2. hives;
  3. burning;
  4. itching sensation of varying intensity;
  5. hyperemia of the skin;
  6. tissue swelling.

It is important to remember here that these symptoms are not always a consequence of the development of an allergic reaction. The ointment contains a component such as nicotinic acid. When this substance interacts with inflamed skin, it can become even more inflamed and a burn may occur.

First of all, you need to immediately stop treatment with Heparin ointment. Wash off any remaining ointment with cool water. If the skin burns very strongly, the affected areas should not be cleaned using alcohol formulations (lotions, tinctures). In the event that symptoms do not disappear after the measures taken, you need to seek medical advice.

If treatment is required, all measures must be carried out comprehensively.

The medications include antihistamines - tablets Terfenadine, Astemizole, Akrivastine, Loratadine, Ebastine, Levocetirizine; ointments - Epidel, Protopic.

You can also use Bepanten and Panthenol.

Traditional medicine in this case is not the main, but an additional element of treatment.

Decoctions, teas and infusions made from:

Video from an expert:

How to replace Heparin ointment?

If an allergic reaction to a drug containing heparin is diagnosed, you need to understand whether its further use is necessary.

In some cases, it becomes necessary to replace it with another product with a similar effect. Here you can use any medicine that is included in a similar group.

In 90% of cases the following drugs are prescribed:

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Allergy to heparin ointment

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Heparin ointment is a combination drug that is a powerful analgesic and healing agent for many ailments. But many people wonder what to do if you are allergic to heparin ointment and how to eliminate redness?

What is an allergy

An allergy is usually called a hypersensitive reaction of the body to an irritant. Most often, symptoms appear on the part of the body that is most in contact with the irritant. This disease is observed in both children and adults. But childhood allergies can be outgrown.

The disease is divided into the following types:

  1. Rhinitis. In other words, this is hay fever, which occurs seasonally, but can also be permanent.
  2. Asthma or cough. Shortness of breath occurs, which can become a threat to human life.
  3. Dermatitis. This is an inflammation of the skin that appears in the form of a rash due to contact with an allergen.
  4. Food allergies. It occurs in only 2% of adults and is very life-threatening.
  5. Insect bites. Most often this occurs due to the bites of bees, wasps, mosquitoes and hornets.
  6. Allergy to medicine. It is observed in approximately every tenth inhabitant of the planet.

When the body reacts to a stimulus, the following symptoms appear:

  1. lacrimation,
  2. sneezing,
  3. stuffy nose,
  4. cough,
  5. shortness of breath,
  6. skin rash
  7. edema,
  8. itching,
  9. rash,
  10. nausea,
  11. vomit.

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It is best to avoid allergens, but sometimes this fails.

Allergy and redness to heparin ointment

Allergic reactions are often caused by long-term use of medications. The reaction to the ointment passes quickly and is not a global cause, if this were the case with medications used orally.

If a negative reaction to the use of heparin is observed, then you need to inform your doctor in advance, since the drug is used for many diseases.

The gel is most often used to resolve blood clots and against vein blockages. The product is widely used to treat hemorrhoids, eliminate swelling and bruises, and is also used in cosmetology. It should not be used for open wounds and cracks, as well as for stomach ulcers and cirrhosis of the liver. It is not recommended to use the gel during menstruation and in case of disorders of the genitourinary system in women.

But such a good and effective remedy can also have its side effects. One of them is an allergic reaction to the drug. In order to find out whether there may be an allergy to heparin ointment, it is enough to apply a small amount to an open area of ​​skin. The result will be obvious, but there are cases when allergies occur as a result of prolonged use of the medicine.

During a negative reaction to the gel, the skin often suffers. The following manifestations are typical:

  1. hives,
  2. redness and swelling
  3. blisters,
  4. thickening of the skin
  5. itching,
  6. peeling,
  7. dry skin,
  8. acne,
  9. redness of the eyes,

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If such signs occur, you should consult a doctor or stop using the drug for the duration. There is also an allergy to heparin ointment in a child, because it is used to eliminate abrasions, contusions and bruises. For a more comprehensive answer to an allergic reaction, it is best to consult an allergist and undergo possible tests.

This product is a complex combination drug that contains many different beneficial substances. An allergic reaction may be intolerance to one of them. The ointment itself is not one of the drugs that can cause severe disorders, but some undesirable symptoms still occur. From recent scientific studies, we can conclude that the cause of such reactions may be increased production of the hormone bradykinin. It is this that often causes swelling of the skin, inflammation and is the cause of anaphylactic shock.

Do not confuse allergies with side effects of the drug. After all, their signs and symptoms are very similar. Often a sign of a side effect is the improper use of the medicine, especially when applied to inflamed skin. In this regard, hives appear, which quickly disappear if you do not use the gel for some time. If the manifestations do not go away for a long time and develop into swelling or inflammation, then you urgently need to go to the hospital. Before doing this, the ointment must be washed off and gently blotted with a towel.

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To eliminate the disease, antihistamines are prescribed. These drugs block the further development of the reaction and relieve symptoms.

If the patient does not experience burning and redness from the heparin ointment, since this is the first sign of an allergy, then the use of the gel can be continued. Despite this, the ointment really has a healing effect.

Can you be allergic to heparin ointment?

Modern medicine is increasingly faced with the problems of allergies to various medications, among which allergy to heparin ointment is very common. Since in some cases of allergic reactions severe complications are observed, you need to learn as much as possible about the main indications and contraindications for the use of this ointment, as well as the main mechanisms of allergies after using Heparin in the form of an ointment and methods of treating this problem.

List of indications and contraindications for the use of ointment

Before using this drug for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases, you should carefully understand all the indications.

These include with full confidence:

  1. Varicose veins;
  2. thrombophlebitis;
  3. the presence of any bruises on the legs;
  4. haemorrhoids;
  5. skin trauma.

At the same time, we should not forget about contraindications, in the presence of which the use of heparin ointment is strictly prohibited, because this can lead to serious complications.

Factors under which this drug cannot be used include:

  1. various bleeding at the sites where the ointment was applied;
  2. very low blood clotting in the patient;
  3. the presence of trophic ulcers as a result of thrombophlebitis or varicose veins;
  4. high blood pressure;
  5. stomach ulcers;
  6. cirrhosis of the liver;
  1. a number of problems with the genital organs, mainly in women.

There are also a number of contraindications that doctors call relative. This means that in some cases the use of any drug is not completely prohibited and can only be used under the close supervision of the attending physician.

Causes and symptoms of allergy to heparin ointment

Previously, doctors rejected the idea that heparin ointment could cause allergic reactions. But recently, experts have found evidence that this is not the case at all.

Experts include the following as the most important causes of allergy to Heparin ointment:

  1. the presence of bradykinin in the ointment, which increases swelling of the mucous membranes of the patient’s body, and can also cause anaphylactic shock and various inflammatory reactions;
  2. the presence of substances that affect the number of mast cells responsible for various inflammatory processes in the human body.

There are also a number of reasons, the involvement of which in the occurrence of allergies when using heparin ointment is currently being tested and proven by specialists. Perhaps over time the list will expand significantly.

In order to promptly identify an allergy after using Heparin preparations, you need to know its symptoms.

The main signs of inflammatory processes after using heparin ointment include:

  1. the presence of urticaria on the patient’s skin;
  2. severe itching;
  3. skin hyperemia;
  4. increased swelling of the lower extremities.

We must not forget that knowing these symptoms, you can quickly determine whether the patient has an allergy and its subsequent complications, which will allow you to consult a doctor for help as quickly as possible.

Allergy treatment

What to do if you have an allergy? If the symptoms of the disease do not go away on their own, then in most cases doctors use medications to treat allergies. The most commonly used group is antihistamines. With their help, doctors relieve hyperemia, swelling of the mucous membranes and other allergy symptoms in the patient.

These drugs include:

  1. Suprastin;
  2. Diazolin;
  3. Loratadine;
  4. Zodak;
  5. Tavegil.

However, almost all antihistamines affect the patient's nervous system. They can cause drowsiness, problems with concentration and memory. Therefore, during their use, the patient is not recommended to drive or go out alone.

Along with medications in the form of tablets, doctors widely use ointments to treat an allergic reaction after using heparin ointment. Their advantage is that they can eliminate allergy symptoms through direct contact and can act very quickly.

These ointments include:

  1. Preparations based on panthenol (Bepanten).
  2. Preparations based on lanolinic acid.
  3. Products that contain antihistamines (Fenistil).
  4. Ointments that contain the substance retinol (Radevit).

It is also possible to use ointments based on hormones, as well as their components. These include Advantan, Elokoma or hydrocortisone ointment. They are also very effective for allergies.

It is worth remembering that it is the doctor who should be involved in the treatment, because only he will be able to most effectively select treatment tactics for a particular patient and restore his health!

The drug "Heparin ointment" - reviews, tips and applications

Despite its apparent simplicity, the drug “Heparin Ointment” receives the most enthusiastic reviews and is in great demand among people of different professions and ages.

Composition of the ointment

The medicine “Heparin ointment” is a combination drug. It contains sodium heparin, which is the main element of this product. Auxiliary components are benzocaine and benzonicotinic acid.

Heparin sodium is slowly released from the ointment and has an antithrombotic effect - it reduces blood clotting, resolves formed blood clots, and prevents the formation of new clots. In addition, it eliminates the process of inflammation, which is important for thrombophlebitis.

Benzonicotinic acid ester dilates blood vessels on the surface of the body, which promotes faster penetration of heparin. Benzocaine has an analgesic effect.


The product is intended for external use. The most common diseases in the treatment of which the drug is used are thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, trophic ulcers, injuries and bruises.

Contraindications are hypersensitivity, the presence of open, purulent wounds, abrasions. If there is increased vascular permeability, it is recommended to use the ointment with extreme caution. Allergy and skin redness may occur.

Most often, the ointment is applied to the affected area of ​​the body in a thin layer and rubbed into the skin in a circular motion. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times during the day, the duration of the course is from 3 to 7 days. It is necessary to achieve the disappearance of inflammatory phenomena. To extend the course of treatment, you need to consult a doctor, despite reviews from friends who have used this ointment. In addition, the doctor will recommend the possibility of using the ointment in combination with other medications.

Medicine "Heparin ointment". Reviews and tips for use

Most people purchase ointment to treat bruises and abrasions. You need to know that the drug is an excellent remedy for neutralizing such problems, but using it on the first day of the appearance of a hematoma is strictly contraindicated, since the drug can aggravate its condition. The drug “Heparin ointment” can be used only on the second or third day after the injury. There is a caution against using it to treat facial bruises. According to reviews from people who have done this, the ointment causes severe burning and redness of the skin. The symptoms do not go away for a long time, causing discomfort.

Some parents used the ointment to treat abrasions in children (in the summer there are countless of them on their knees). The product “Heparin Ointment” receives very good reviews from the “victims”. The good news is that with such effectiveness, the medicine is very inexpensive.

The medicine “Heparin ointment” for varicose veins is prescribed only by a doctor. Each patient is given individual advice on the use of the drug. It is unacceptable to use the ointment as a massage cream. Self-medication of varicose veins can be fatal.

It is worth noting once again that any medicine, even something as harmless as Heparin Ointment, has received the most contradictory reviews. And this indicates that it cannot be used without the appointment of a specialist. If the drug is purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, then you should definitely ask a pharmacist for advice, he can give qualified advice on the use of the drug.

Heparin ointment, when applied to the skin, has a complex effect: it eliminates pain, swelling and inflammation, and prevents the formation of blood clots. But when using this drug, the development of side effects is possible, since heparin actively affects the blood coagulation system. One of them is an allergy to Heparin ointment.


Manufacturers of medications insist that every potential consumer should read the instructions before using any pharmaceutical product. It lists indications and contraindications, possible side effects that can be avoided if you use the product as prescribed by a doctor, without resorting to amateur activities.

Composition of the drug

Ingredients of Heparin ointment:

  1. active ingredient - heparin;
  2. base - Vaseline;
  3. auxiliary components: benzocaine, glycerin, benzyl nicotinate, peach oil, nipagin.

When applied to the skin, heparin begins to be released from the ointment, providing an active local anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant effect. Benzyl nicotinate promotes vasodilation, improving the absorption of heparin into the blood. Benzocaine acts as an analgesic. Thus, Heparin ointment has a complex therapeutic effect.

Causes of allergies

Heparin ointment is not a drug that can cause severe allergic reactions in a wide range of people. Typically, this remedy is well tolerated by the body, without causing any serious problems or unpleasant clinical manifestations, so it is generally considered harmless. But, despite this, if the rules for using the drug are violated, for example, an overdose, or an individual reaction of the body, sometimes it is not possible to avoid allergies.


It should be noted that not in all cases the body’s negative reaction is of allergic origin. The instructions for the drug indicate that it contains nicotinic acid - benzyl nicotinate. This substance, when interacting with the skin, causes a violent reaction in some people, very similar to an allergic one. But in this case, the symptoms that occur immediately after applying the product to the skin disappear quite quickly and do not require any intervention.

Allergy symptoms

The body's reaction to heparin is not excluded when this ointment is prescribed locally. This drug is valued for its anticoagulant properties, which prevent thrombosis and serious conditions such as stroke and myocardial infarction. Heparin ointment is prescribed for vascular diseases of the lower extremities of an inflammatory nature, for bruises, hematomas, hemorrhoids and other diseases.

But the initial use of the drug, less often over a long period, can provoke hypersensitivity of the body to heparin, the active ingredient of the drug, which will externally manifest itself in the form of allergic contact dermatitis. Typically, individuals with individual resistance to heparin are prone to this.

The main symptoms of an allergic reaction:

  1. hyperemia in the area of ​​application of the ointment;
  2. swelling and irritation of the skin;


  1. severe itching;
  2. skin rashes, urticaria.

Anaphylactic shock when using Heparin ointment develops extremely rarely; its appearance is usually preceded by the injection of heparin. All symptoms of an allergy to this drug disappear a few days after its discontinuation.

What to do if an allergic reaction occurs?

Many people, when faced with signs of an allergic reaction to Heparin ointment for the first time, begin to panic, especially if this remedy has not previously caused any side effects. If these symptoms are not caused by the temporary influence of nicotinic acid and do not go away on their own, most likely it is an allergy. What to do in this case should be decided by a specialist.

If an overdose of Heparin ointment is allowed or the recommendations for its use are neglected, allergic manifestations can persist for a long time.

Allergy treatment

Regardless of the root cause of the pathology, treatment of any type of allergy is not complete without the prescription of antihistamines.

Drugs Mechanism of action
Oral antiallergic drugs: Suprastin, Zodak, Loratadine, etc. They have a pronounced blocking effect on the production of histamine, which is intensively synthesized in the body after its contact with irritants. The effect of antihistamines begins within 10 minutes after use.
Local antiallergic ointments: Bepanten, Advantan, Elokom, Hydrocortisone ointment, etc. Apply to the affected area of ​​the skin. These remedies successfully eliminate the signs of the inflammatory process, as a result of which skin rashes, burning, itching and hyperemia disappear in a short time.

If Heparin ointment provokes an allergic reaction in the form of unbearable itching, swelling of the nasopharynx and problems with respiratory function, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before doctors arrive, it is recommended to offer the patient any antihistamine. Specialists must determine what medical care he needs and what to do to prevent anaphylactic shock.

Allergy to Heparin ointment cannot be classified as a common condition, but sometimes this situation does occur. Therefore, before using this drug, it is advisable to check how the body reacts to it.


But we must not forget about compliance with the dosage and regimen of use of the drug, as prescribed by the attending physician.


Negative reviews

I’m sitting with a red face. I’m waiting……….for the wrinkles to disappear

Girls, I’m also sitting like a red cancer. I spread the cream on my wrinkles on my face. It’s one o’clock, I’d like to sleep at night, but I’m afraid it won’t pass. The children are shocked. They laugh at me. And I’m almost crying. Tell me, how long will this crap last?, excuse the expression

That’s just nonsense, but I didn’t refuse to try. I want to be beautiful, I almost burned my face.

horror red face everything is burning

I tried the ointment today. It's good that it's cheap - you don't mind throwing it away.

I have rosacea, I was hoping for help.

Horror - my face turned red, as if burned, and cucumber and sour cream are not helping yet.

I walk like the leader of the Redskins. Girls who have rosacea - don't take risks!

Well, it’s complete nonsense to use medicine as daily skin care. Does anyone really need to explain obvious things, that medicine cures? And wrinkles are not a disease. Moreover, now there are enough specialized products, without side effects, affordable and with the desired effect. For example, there is this Bioven cream. As far as I know, it was developed precisely on the basis of medicinal components. The same snake venom, but this is a targeted effect on wrinkles. Otherwise your medications will cure and cripple.

I made a big mistake by succumbing to positive reviews about using heparin ointment on my face! I wanted to check the effectiveness of its action on small blood vessels that appeared on the cheeks. I applied the ointment to my cheeks and rubbed it a little. A few minutes later the real horror began. At first my cheeks began to burn, then they became insanely red. Not knowing what kind of reaction this was, I began to wash everything off, cool it, and took an antihistamine. I struggled with terrible redness for about an hour.

Conclusion: I do not recommend this product as a strong one for the face.

Be careful with this ointment! I tried it and it’s terrible what happened to my face. Everything turned red and swollen. It turns out that this ointment is a strong allergen. It must be used for its intended purpose for the place for which it was made.

Heparin ointment hardly helped me against wrinkles - it smoothed out the fold between the eyebrows a little, but this was more of a self-hypnosis and massage. But she instantly dealt with the bruises that arose after a couple of sleepless nights.

Everything is correct - the face turns red. Don't be afraid, you are unlikely to do this 3 times a day. You especially shouldn’t do this in the morning, because you’ll be red for the whole hour. Blood rushes to the skin and then this redness goes away. I only do this mask in the evening, an hour before bed. When the redness goes away, I apply the rich cream for another 15 minutes, then wash everything off thoroughly with laundry soap, but I have an oily skin type. Therefore, I don’t know how everything will work for you. But the effect is very impressive. I injected hellarion and the effect is no worse.

Heparin ointment is a good, time-tested thing. Usually it is applied to bruises so that they go away faster, and bruises so that they dissolve faster. They also remove “stars” from varicose veins and treat hemorrhoids. In general, the instructions write quite a lot about the problems that heparin can solve.

But not a word about one of its properties. I mean that, in addition to its direct purpose, many women also use this ointment for cosmetic purposes. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. It increases blood circulation and relieves swelling. And when blood circulation is good, the skin on your face looks fresher.

A friend told me about this use of heparin ointment. She used it to remove dark circles under her eyes. I also smeared it on my face. At first I did not dare to follow her example, but since this woman looks great, I finally could not stand it and began to smear heparin ointment on my face. First, however, I checked to see if there was an allergy and applied it to my wrist. But I didn’t have any irritation from it before when I applied it to bruises.

From my own experience, I can say that if you apply heparin 2 times a day to the face and area around the eyes, it really helps you look better. That is, it relieves puffiness, and also improves blood supply and nutrition to the skin, so wrinkles on it become less noticeable.

We, girls and women, constantly strive to look great. It’s not for nothing that they say that we are the beautiful half of humanity. This statement must be supported. But sometimes the desire to look great is so strong that the mind turns off and we only harm our health.

Personally, this happened to me once, so now before I use something on myself or take it internally, I will think a hundred times.

This review will focus on Heparin ointment, with which I tried to remove wrinkles under the eyes. I want to tell you how it ended and whether there was any effect.

In fact, heparin ointment is quite effective, so I always have it in my medicine cabinet. But what is it intended for, and in what area would it be appropriate to use it?

Heparin ointment contains heparin, which is the main active ingredient. It is this component that is aimed at reducing the inflammatory process, relieving swelling and pain. Heparin has an antithrombotic effect, which is why it is used against blood clots and inflammation of the veins in the legs.

This ointment also contains a component that dilates blood vessels and helps the heparin ointment to better penetrate the skin and carry out its healing process.

In order for the ointment to have an analgesic effect, it contains a component such as Anestezin. It acts quite quickly and is an excellent pain reliever.

This ointment is used only externally, mainly in cases of problems with veins. This may be a blockage of a vein, or after taking intravenous injections, when a tubercle appears, inflammation of the vein. And of course, the ointment is applied to the legs for varicose veins. This is the direct purpose of this ointment.

But the girls came up with the idea that the ointment perfectly helps to cope with wrinkles on the face, namely in the area under the eyes. This myth continues to circulate on the Internet. I don’t know who writes laudatory reviews about the ointment in this particular direction.

Exactly, I can’t say anything good, since the ointment is not intended at all to remove wrinkles, and it should not be used in this industry. In this case, the ointment can only do harm.

The skin under the eyes is very delicate, so even many creams are contraindicated for application under the eyes. And what can we say about the ointment, which dilates the blood vessels and penetrates the skin, providing pain relief. These are not the effects that are needed to remove wrinkles.

I still took the risk of applying the ointment under my eyes. Luckily I didn’t apply a lot of product at all. Immediately I felt my skin begin to pinch a little and even burn. After this, irritation and redness began. I realized that something was going wrong, so I immediately went to wash my face to wash off the ointment. But everything was not so easy. The ointment did not want to wash off and the redness did not go away. I just had to endure it until this effect wore off. This lasted for 15-20 minutes, then gradually the reaction went away. I anointed the area under my eyes with baby cream to remove redness. The next morning everything went away, to my great happiness. I didn’t try to apply Heparin ointment under my eyes again, since once was enough.

I will not recommend ointment to remove wrinkles. Because in this way you can only harm yourself, and after that it will take a long and tedious time to clear up the consequences. In order to remove wrinkles, you just need to choose a good cream or facial serum that will moisturize the skin well. But I would not recommend using improvised means, ointments, and so on.

I hope my review will be useful to you and you will not make my mistakes. Thank you for your attention, and all the best to you.

The price of Heparin ointment is not high.

Hello.. I read on VKontakte about heparin ointment, applied it.. after 20 seconds it started to burn, washed it off.. a day later the skin around the eyes peeled off.. don’t do this, it’s very painful, the skin is like parchment, colleagues are twisting it at the temple, I’m in I’m shocked, and soon NG.. I’m a fool, I’m a fool, I’m 32, no one gave me more than 24, now my eyes are all 37..

And I believe that each medicine has its place. For varicose veins with hemorrhoids - one thing, for wrinkles - completely different! After all, the face is our calling card. It is unknown how the skin will react to such “treatment”. The costs, time and material, for its restoration may be incomparably greater than for the purchase of a branded firming night cream.

Neutral reviews

Many women are primarily interested in the effectiveness of heparin ointment for wrinkles. Most consumer reviews confirm the unique anti-aging effect of this inexpensive product. Women note that after using heparin ointment, small facial wrinkles, swelling and dark circles under the eyes disappear. However, it is worth remembering that only a specialist can give a correct assessment of the effectiveness of the product. If you pay attention to the composition and mechanisms of action of the components of the ointment, you can understand that the drug cannot affect the regeneration processes of dermal cells in any way. The ointment really accelerates microcirculation, improves metabolic processes in tissues and has a very slight effect on the tone of the skin. Therefore, the drug will not completely cope with wrinkles under the eyes.

Also, the drug has a relatively short-term therapeutic effect, and its use on an ongoing basis is not recommended. In this regard, we can only say that consumers must decide for themselves which reviews about heparin ointment for wrinkles to believe - those left by experts, or those written by those who have tried this ointment on themselves. –

I also have a problem with dark circles under my eyes. I'm tired of endless purchases of correctors and concealers. I’m 22 years old, and with bruises I’m still 30.. I bought heparin ointment today. I read that it causes redness and burning. I decided not to risk it and smeared a little on my cheek, it burned, it turned red... I washed it off. I'm waiting for it to pass to see what happens. and after that I’ll think about whether to apply it under my eyes or not..

Heparin ointment NIZHFARM - Sometimes causes allergies

I've always used this ointment before. Yesterday I smeared it - everything is ok. Today I applied it and everything turned red and burned. I do not know what to do. I sit and wait.

I have used hepaarin ointment more than once; it has helped me a lot to get rid of fine wrinkles and dark circles and bags under the eyes. Heparin helps the skin relax, thereby enhancing metabolic processes in cells.

Using a cotton pad, I carefully apply heparin ointment for wrinkles under the eyes and rub it into the skin with light circular movements. It is best to do this in the morning and evening.

Recently, it has become fashionable to use medicine and ointments in cosmetology.

There was a time when I very often used heparin ointment to eliminate wrinkles. I guess I got too carried away, because I began to experience side effects in the form of prolonged periods and frequent colds. At first I didn’t connect this with the use of the ointment, but then the therapist asked me if I was taking blood thinners. It turned out that heparin ointment has a strong effect on blood viscosity, so people with normal or low viscosity should not get carried away with heparin ointment.

Positive reviews

I use it for swelling, rarely, but effectively, my face tingles at first, then it goes away, I apply it with my fingertips, without wiping, by patting, and most importantly, without fanaticism, I’m satisfied with the result. Yes, in the summer, only when necessary in a very peaceful amount, and only at the site of swelling. It can be done preventatively so that there are no surprises

Before applying the ointment to your face. You need to do a test for an allergic reaction. A slight redness and tingling is acceptable for this product. It does not last for a long time, about 3 minutes. If it is longer and swollen. You no longer need this drug in cosmetics. This is an allergic reaction. I I personally have been using it for more than a year. Everything is great for me. I won’t say that it’s great for wrinkles, but it helps with dry skin.

I use. The face burns, but not for long. The result is beautiful, well-groomed skin. No one is forcing anyone to do it too much; if funds allow, you can purchase more expensive creams. Heprin ointment suits me personally, just what I need.

I’ve been using it for more than two weeks. I apply the ointment under the eyes and on the cheeks. At first there was a slight burning sensation, now there’s nothing. But there are fewer wrinkles and there is no more rosacea.

I am already 70 years old, but even in these years I want to look good. I tried heparin ointment around the eyes. I used it for three weeks. The result is wonderful. There are no negative actions. The skin tightened and fine wrinkles disappeared. I am pleased.

  1. low cost
  2. improves skin condition
  3. economical
  1. incompatible with salon procedures

After reading the reviews on the recommendation, I decided to buy an ointment to get rid of the dark circles under my eyes, which have tormented me since childhood, despite any recommendations such as sleeping longer, treating my kidneys, etc.

I’ve been applying it to the area around my eyes for about two weeks before going to bed, and I’ve been taking half a pea-sized amount of ointment. The skin turns red, a tingling sensation is felt, and in the morning everything goes away.

I’ll say right away that the effect for my bruises is noticeable only to me, but it is there, they have brightened a little, but another effect is much more pleasing - the skin around the eyes has become more elastic, facial wrinkles are almost invisible, due to which the look is more rested, even with my bruises .

Considering the low cost of the ointment, I recommend that anyone who has similar problems try it and report back on its effect!

This is some kind of miracle! I’ve been using heparin ointment mixed with my cream for the area around the eyes for a week now (I took the ointment to the cream 1:3), small expression lines have become less noticeable! True, I don’t go above the lower eye bone - it immediately starts to burn there, I washed it off right away.

My age has already passed my fifties, so wrinkles have become very noticeable, especially on my face. I tried everything to combat them (masks, creams, etc.), but none of them turned out to be effective enough. A friend of mine once shared with me her “recipe for youth.” She will soon be sixty years old, but her skin is tight and there are practically no wrinkles. He admitted that he regularly uses heparin ointment and that it is the only thing that “saves” her from aging. Without thinking twice, I tried this method myself, and was very pleased! The skin really looked fresher and more toned. Within a two-week course, wrinkles decreased.

I mixed heparin ointment with my eye cream (1:3) and applied it as usual, morning and evening. Within a week, the fine wrinkles had practically disappeared.

I want to share a discovery I made.

To make it clear, I’ll start from the beginning!!

We have a friend who is a gynecologist, she is already half a size, and her skin, the oval of her face are almost like a girl’s!! My mother asked her what she uses, she answered that there is an ointment called “heparin ointment” and says that she smears it on her face all the time and the result is like this, plus she says that this ointment contains only natural substances and there are allergies and overdoses can’t and that they get them from calves, please!! imagine!

Our family has a lot of familiar doctors, candidates of medical sciences working at the military medical academy, and so on and so forth, in general you can trust + my mother asked two cosmetologists and they also said that there is such a thing as heparin applications and that in general this is a good thing.

So, I read the annotation, it says against the formation of blood clots, for resorption, improvement of blood circulation. And I remember that my friend (she’s 25) just complained to me about rosacea, I think I’ll give her some advice. AND CAN YOU IMAGINE ALREADY ON THE THIRD DAY OF USE SHE HAD SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENTS, AND HER MOTHER, WHO ALSO SUFFERED WITH COUPEROSIS, ALSO PRAISEED IT!

So whoever has the problem of rosacea, try this ointment, it is inexpensive and is available in all pharmacies!