Irregularities on the facial skin

The external data of any person, especially his “calling card” - his face, can often be a kind of reflection of the state of the body as a whole. Uneven, bumpy facial skin can be a particular problem. Such a defect, such a problem, is difficult to hide with a simple foundation.


In order to improve the condition of problem skin, you will have to make some efforts. It is worth noting that problematic formations such as acne, blackheads, “orange peel”, etc. accompany a person throughout the entire path of his life from youth to old age.

Reasons for the appearance of formations and their types

The causes of bumpy facial skin can be very different depending on the nature of the disorder. For example, enlarged pores are a problem that is often hereditary or associated with disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The most common problem identified is for skin types characterized by increased oiliness.

In addition, increased sweating rates can expand the pores, contributing to their contamination. In the future, this will result in acne formations, and it becomes especially common for teenagers, because changes in hormonal levels often result in changes in the balance of the structure of the skin.

Lumpy skin can also result from the formation of ulcers, which are often the result of a special type of mite penetrating through enlarged pores. They can cause irritation and stimulate some infectious processes. In this case, pimples can be white or look like black dots. White lesions are most susceptible to inflammation, while blackheads rarely become inflamed. However, the degree of inflammation or its absence at any stage will be a prerequisite for the formation of uneven skin.

Often, people who play sports and put stress on themselves notice the appearance of porous areas on their facial skin. In other words, the skin has become lumpy. This is due to the fact that active loads and training activate the enhanced function of the sebaceous glands, provoking the expansion of pores.

Some people try to hide inflamed areas of facial skin with cosmetics and do it in vain, since some of them not only do not hide defects well enough, but also have an inflammatory effect and can lead to the formation of purulent accumulations in the form of acne. Oily compositions can generally contribute to the occurrence of allergies and rashes on the face.


Other causes of bumpy formations include scars and cuts. They will definitely begin to scar, disrupting elasticity and contributing to the occurrence of deformities. The cause of lumpy skin can also be a consequence of sunburn. With prolonged exposure to the sun and its effect on the skin, the area that is especially exposed to the sun stops producing collagen. And since it is responsible for restoration processes, due to its deficiency, pigmented areas and scars are formed, which, again, will require the use of some cosmetic preparations that are unfavorable to the skin.

How to restore skin

Many people who are faced with uneven and bumpy facial skin are wondering how to get rid of this disease. It is worth immediately noting that it is better not to touch such defective skin with your hands, at least not often. Bacteria, which are in excess on the hands, can easily be transmitted to susceptible surfaces; the use of foundation creams is also not recommended, because some types of bacteriological organisms find the environment of such products attractive for their life activity.

It will not be enough to get by with simple hygiene products. Problems may be more serious than simple bumps and bumps, which means treatment and prevention may become problematic and require the right approach. To begin with, experts recommend taking a look at your usual food intake. Attention should be paid to the following products:

  1. Coffee;
  2. Cigarettes;
  3. Alcohol;
  4. Sweet;
  5. Fatty and floury.

This list refers to the most harmful products from the point of view of skin health. Products that contain vitamins A and E belong to the so-called corrective nutrition group and can have a beneficial effect on problem skin. When existing nutritional deficiencies are taken into account and normalized, you can think about in-depth methods of treatment and correction of the skin, for example on the back and shoulders.

Professional fighting methods

When it comes to acne, manual action is common. However, total cleansing is only possible if all inflammation is visible. In addition, a number of negative consequences make you think - this is the likelihood of scars and the risk of bacteriological organisms getting into problem areas. In addition, removing acne manually is characterized by intense pain.


A mechanical method of purification, called vaporization, is also possible. The procedure consists of thoroughly steaming and removing dirt residues using a vacuum unit. Ideal for removing acne and rashes. Cosmetology centers usually resort to a combination of manual and mechanical types of cleaning.


For people with small lesions or rare occurrence of acne and the appearance of purulent pimples and other problems leading to lumpy facial skin, chemical peeling using fruit acids is suitable. This peeling is characterized by a minimal level of trauma, and the skin after the procedure has a fresh and renewed appearance. The essence of the procedure is to dissolve fat accumulations with fruit acids.

For problems with the skin and its roughness when deep cleansing is required, it is recommended to use the ionization method. It is characterized by the fact that through a special mask under the influence of electric current, purulent formations are dissolved and removed. However, it is worth noting that such a procedure costs money and one session will not help achieve the required or desired results.

Laser peeling is well suited for combating folds and bumps in the upper layers of the epidermis. The essence of the procedure itself is to remove or correct the upper layers of epithelial tissue. However, immediately after this kind of “polishing” work, the facial skin will take a long time to recover and will require careful care in the form of special creams and compositions. However, the result will be obvious and noticeable after completing the rehabilitation period.


In cases where it is necessary to narrow the pores and remove scars, laser treatment for post-acne would also be an ideal option; it can smooth out the unevenness of bumpy skin and restore normal blood circulation.


If your skin has previously been subjected to any of the methods of influence in order to correct unevenness or solve the problems of acne, pimples and other unpleasant formations, then it will require special attention. The use of high-quality nutritional formulations and moisturizing creams will become almost mandatory, because the skin can sometimes take quite a long time to recover and will require additional care and attention in the future.

Ideal compositions would be grape bone oils. Although, cosmetologists or treating specialists can prescribe individual products, taking into account the characteristics of the skin defect and existing damage. As noted earlier, it may be necessary to avoid the use of cosmetics during recovery periods and post-procedure periods, as well as limit contact of renewed facial skin with hands and other irritants that may carry at least a small part of microbial organisms.

Some types of homemade masks, fruit “overlays” or those made from vegetables can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, but, as always, it is better to first seek the advice of a specialist or cosmetologist, since they, due to their knowledge and experience, can even prescribe home methods for dealing with facial skin problems.


With age, the skin loses its ability to self-cleanse, which often provokes the appearance of acne and, as a result, the appearance of irregularities on the surface of the skin, which creates a certain discomfort and even develops complexes. In order for the skin to maintain its beauty and remain smooth and velvety for as long as possible, you need to regularly use special cosmetics and perform caring procedures both in the salon and at home.

What can cause the appearance of irregularities on the surface of the skin?

In order to choose the right treatment method, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause that caused the deformation of the skin. The most common causes of skin bumps include:

  1. post-acne;
  2. improper treatment of acne;
  3. scars and scars on the surface of the skin;
  4. enlarged pores;
  5. tendency to allergic manifestations in the form of frequent skin rashes.

How to quickly make your face smooth?

Modern cosmetology offers many ways to eliminate the problem, and to even out the relief of the skin, you can use both professional help in a specialized salon and homemade cosmetics. To quickly obtain effective results, the main condition is the correct identification of the cause that caused the deformation and the subsequent selection of the most suitable treatment method.

Professional assistance in specialized salons

Modern cosmetology clinics and beauty salons provide professional assistance in smoothing the skin texture. Experienced specialists not only find out the causes of the problem, but also provide consultations and offer the most effective treatment methods, the cost of which depends on the type of procedure and the duration of the course. The most popular salon procedures include the following manipulations:

  1. Mesotherapy. The average course duration is from 7 to 10 procedures. The treatment method involves administering injections to restore the natural process of skin regeneration. This method is recommended not only for smoothing the skin, but also for increasing elasticity, moisturizing and saturating epidermal cells with beneficial vitamins.
  2. Chemical cleaning (peeling). The salon can offer several types of peeling – deep, medium and superficial. The decision about which type of cleansing will be most effective is made by a specialist depending on the age, type and condition of the skin. The most lasting result can be achieved by deep chemical peeling - after the procedure, the skin is evened out, and the resulting effect lasts for several years.
  3. Ultrasonic cleaning is prescribed for small bumps and irregularities. The procedure is also carried out to activate the regeneration processes of skin cells and cleanse the upper layer of the skin, thus helping to saturate the skin with vitamins and other beneficial substances.
  4. Current therapy or disincrustation is carried out to remove any scars and scars on the surface of the skin.
  5. Laser resurfacing. This is an absolutely painless and most effective method of smoothing the skin texture. Under the influence of the laser, the process of collagen production is accelerated, as a result of which the skin is smoothed, wrinkles and tubercles disappear. The only side effect after the procedure is slight redness of the skin, which disappears over the next week.

How to eliminate uneven skin on your face yourself

In addition to expensive salon procedures, there are more affordable ways to get rid of unevenness on the face using home cosmetology. However, eliminating deep scars at home is not always effective, since such methods require long-term treatment.

To smooth out lumpy skin, in addition to regular washing, you need to additionally use peeling appropriate for your specific skin type. With this procedure, the skin can be cleansed of impurities and dead epidermal cells. To even out the relief of the face, you can use products purchased in specialized stores, as well as prepared independently, from products that can be found in any housewife’s home.

  1. Oatmeal mask

Grind the flakes in a coffee grinder, add boiling water and after ten minutes apply the resulting mixture to problem areas of the skin. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse and wipe your face with a napkin. The recipe is suitable for deep cleaning of pores and removal of the dead layer of the epidermis.

  1. With olive oil and sugar

Take sugar and olive oil in equal proportions, mix well and apply to the skin as a scrub. After completing the cleansing procedure, remove the remnants of the “sweet mass” and massage with honey, gently pressing the product into the skin. Honey not only stimulates metabolic processes in cells, it also helps to expand pores and deeply cleanses them. Immediately after the procedure, the skin may redden slightly, but this is not a cause for concern - the redness completely disappears after a few days.

  1. With soda and salt

The recipe is suitable for deep cleansing of the skin; regular use of this mask will help make bumpy skin smooth and attractive. Combine salt and soda in equal proportions, dilute a little with warm water and mix. Then apply with light massaging movements to the skin, after finishing the procedure, rinse your face with warm water and dry with a towel.

  1. With salt, on water

Two tablespoons of salt, ground in a coffee grinder, are diluted in a small volume of warm water to the consistency of a thick porridge. Apply the mask to the skin with gentle massaging movements, then remove with warm water.

  1. With cosmetic clay

Regular use of a mask made from ordinary cosmetic clay helps even out the skin's texture by dissolving the top layer of the epidermis. In order to achieve the desired result, you need to apply the mask strictly twice a week, otherwise there will be no effect.

To prepare the product, take a little dry cosmetic clay, dilute it with a small amount of water until you get a thick porridge (the consistency of sour cream). To enhance the effect, you can add a couple of drops of fresh lemon juice. Apply carefully to the surface of the skin, and after the procedure, rinse thoroughly.

Along with the use of masks and scrubs against lumpy skin, cosmetologists recommend following a diet and radically changing your diet. First of all, you need to give up spicy and fatty foods, eliminate bakery products and spices. Drinking plenty of fluids prevents the appearance of uneven skin, for example, the volume of liquid consumed per day should be at least 2.5 liters, this can be water, soups, teas, compotes and juices. The diet should contain foods rich in vitamins, which are necessary to maintain beauty and youth.

Comprehensive care and regular procedures for smoothing the skin, both in the salon and at home, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and mandatory adherence to the rules for using appropriate cosmetics, will help to get rid of uneven skin on the face forever.

Often cosmetic products are not enough to solve problems with appearance. Various diseases of the epidermis require treatment of the facial skin: both medicinal, with the help of professionals, and folk, using grandmother’s recipes. Find out the rules for their use.

Like any other organ of the human body, the skin is susceptible to a variety of diseases. And it is very unpleasant if the disease affects the epidermis of the face and has visual symptoms - ulcers, inflammation, redness and all kinds of spots. I want to get rid of all this as soon as possible.

However, decorative and cosmetic products alone will no longer be enough. They can only mask this or that defect for a while, but soon the signs of the disease will appear again with even greater force. In such cases, a professional approach to the matter is required - treatment of facial skin with the help of medications and folk recipes.

First, you need to determine what kind of facial skin disease you have: treatment will depend directly on the diagnosis. Secondly, this must be done in a clinic setting, and not at home, studying information on the Internet.

The fact is that the symptoms of many facial skin diseases are very similar to each other, while the therapy they require is completely different. If you make a mistake, you can significantly worsen the condition of the epidermis and face various complications.

Demodectic mange of facial skin

Demodicosis is an inflammatory disease caused by a mite (Demodex), which lives in the layers of the epidermis and is activated under the influence of some factors. Its symptoms:

  1. rapid formation of a large number of ulcers, acne, pimples, ulcers;
  2. red spots;
  3. pores expand, which has never happened before;
  4. areas affected by demodex begin to become very shiny and shiny, even if you have dry facial skin;
  5. the relief of the epidermis becomes lumpy and very uneven;
  6. complexion leaves much to be desired: the natural blush disappears, the skin becomes crimson-red or earthy-gray;
  7. the nose swells and becomes blue-red;
  8. in the first few days of the disease, a slight itching is felt, which only intensifies over time and even interferes with sleep;
  9. eyelashes begin to fall out and stick together;
  10. a coating in the form of a crust forms along the edge of the eyelids;
  11. your eyes get tired in the evening;
  12. the eyelids become very swollen.

Home treatment for demodicosis of the facial skin is not recommended: first you need to contact a professional, confirm the diagnosis and undergo the necessary course of therapy.

The following medications are most often prescribed for the treatment of demodicosis of the facial skin:

  1. antiparasitic drugs: trichopolum, tinidazole, metronidazole;
  2. ointments - sulfur, ichthyol, yellow mercury;
  3. various pharmaceutical talkers;
  4. "Permethrin", "Aversect" (ointments);
  5. "Dexodem Phyto" (cream-gel).

In some cases, an electrophoresis procedure is prescribed that can reduce mite activity. Treatment of facial skin for demodicosis at home with folk remedies involves:

  1. washing with tar or laundry soap, chamomile decoction;
  2. alcohol-containing lotions, dimexide solution, calendula or wormwood tincture;
  3. yellow clay masks;
  4. black currant berry compress;
  5. rubbing with tea tree essential oil.

If you are sure that demodex has become active in your case, facial skin treatment should be comprehensive and professional.

Use folk remedies for help only with the permission of specialists.

Basal cell carcinoma of the face

Recently, a diagnosis has often been made that is fraught with great danger: basal cell carcinoma - cellular cancer of the skin of the face. It requires exclusively professional treatment, and the sooner the better. Symptoms of the disease:

  1. superficial basalioma: an oval or round pink bulge on the skin of the face;
  2. ulcerative basalioma: an ulcer with high, fairly hard edges;
  3. tumor: small, smooth nodules rising above the surface of the epidermis;
  4. pigmented: a convex, very bright, brownish spot on the skin of the face;
  5. scleroderma-like: white plaque.

After an external examination, the doctor will undergo several tests: histological examination, scraping, smear, biopsy.

The most common treatment for facial skin basal cell carcinoma is its surgical removal. Laser and radiation therapy are very effective in this case.

Recently, cryodestruction, a freezing method, has also proven itself well. Under the supervision of an experienced doctor, you can use the following folk remedies to treat basal cell carcinoma of the face:

  1. Ointment from celandine and burdock.
  2. Decoction or fresh juice of celandine.
  3. Golden mustache juice.

Before using any means to treat basal cell carcinoma of the face, it is advisable to first consult a specialist and trust him exclusively.

Hyperkeratosis of the facial skin

Dermatologists often diagnose hyperkeratosis of the facial skin: treatment of this disease will also require examination, additional diagnostics and the prescription of appropriate treatment. Although, of course, this disease is not as dangerous as basal cell carcinoma. Hyperkeratosis is a whole symptom complex characterized by the following manifestations:

  1. excessive cell division of the upper layer of the epidermis of the face;
  2. their desquamation;
  3. thickening of skin areas;
  4. severe dryness of the skin;
  5. surface unevenness;
  6. sometimes the affected areas become covered with a dry, tough crust.

Treatment of hyperkeratosis of the facial skin should always be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a dermatologist.

To eliminate the symptoms of this disease, the following drugs and medications are prescribed:

  1. peeling creams, scrubs followed by the application of softening ointments;
  2. mandatory inclusion in the daily diet of foods high in retinol (vitamin A) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), as well as taking them in tablet or injection form;
  3. cosmetic procedures aimed at exfoliating and softening the stratum corneum of the epidermis;
  4. aromatic retinoids containing vitamins;
  5. ointments with glucocorticosteroid hormones.

At home, treatment of facial skin hyperkeratosis involves the use of folk remedies for the care of dry, flaky skin. They include:

  1. moisturizing masks with glycerin, cream, aloe juice, egg yolk;
  2. potato compresses;
  3. onion tinctures;
  4. beetroot applications.

The main symptom of hyperkeratosis that has to be dealt with is dry facial skin: treatment in this case should be comprehensive and include both medications and salon procedures prescribed by specialists, as well as folk remedies.

Couperosis of facial skin

Another fairly common disease is rosacea of ​​the facial skin: the treatment of this disease is aimed at narrowing the blood vessels, which in this case are too dilated and are extremely close to the surface of the epidermis. This leads to severe redness of the skin of the face, which does not look aesthetically pleasing. The main symptoms of the disease include:

  1. short-term “hot flashes”;
  2. the appearance of a vascular pattern, which in medicine is called telangiectasia (the same notorious spider veins);
  3. chronic disorders of subcutaneous microcirculation;
  4. inflammatory processes.

To treat keratosis of the facial skin, the following medical and cosmetic procedures are prescribed:

  1. chemical peeling;
  2. ozone therapy;
  3. laser treatment.

Together with professional methods of treating facial skin rosacea, you can use all kinds of folk remedies at home aimed at narrowing blood vessels:

  1. compresses based on chamomile decoction;
  2. rubbing with ice cubes with frozen herbs - chamomile, green tea, horse chestnut, yarrow, horsetail, calendula;
  3. homemade berry masks (you can use lingonberries, strawberries, raspberries, sea buckthorn for this purpose);
  4. various products made from potato starch.

All these folk remedies for treating facial skin with rosacea give an excellent effect, provided that they are only auxiliary to the main course of therapy prescribed by a doctor (dermatologist, cosmetologist).

Seborrhea of ​​the face

Seborrheic dermatitis - another skin disease that is very common among adolescents during puberty. Its main cause is improper functioning of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands.

As a result, pores become clogged and inflammation begins in the form of pimples and blackheads. Very unpleasant in its external signs, seborrhea of ​​the facial skin requires treatment aimed at normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The main symptoms of the disease include:

  1. pinkish spots on the face;
  2. peeling;
  3. enlarged pores;
  4. greasy, greasy sheen;
  5. unhealthy (purple or grayish) complexion;
  6. black dots;
  7. acne;
  8. acne;
  9. itching;
  10. blood crusts in advanced forms of the disease.

Treating seborrhea of ​​the facial skin at home is quite dangerous, because it can lead to undesirable consequences and complications.

It is better to seek help from a dermatologist, who, after examination and confirmation of the diagnosis, will prescribe an appropriate course of therapy. Seborrheic dermatitis of the facial skin is usually treated:

  1. multivitamins;
  2. sodium thiosulfate, bromine, calcium chloride;
  3. steam baths and mechanical facial cleansing;
  4. paraffin masks;
  5. sea ​​bathing;
  6. salon cosmetic procedures: therapeutic massage, microcurrents, deep facial peeling, laser resurfacing.

Among the folk remedies for the treatment of seborrhea of ​​the facial skin at home, you can use:

  1. fresh juice from the pharmacy;
  2. applications with calendula decoction;
  3. treating the skin with a fresh decoction of yarrow;
  4. ingesting brewer's yeast (4 teaspoons in the morning on an empty stomach);
  5. lubricate problem areas with tomato puree.

With timely detection of the disease and completion of the full course of therapy, seborrhea of ​​the facial skin can be quickly treated.


Mycosis of the facial skin is an inflammation of the surface layer of the epidermis, resulting from the activation of fungi (Trichophyton red, Candida, Microsporium). Symptoms of this disease may resemble those of psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, and eczema:

  1. pink-red spots of irregular circle on the face;
  2. a hard, strong ridge of exfoliated skin forms along the edge of these spots;
  3. their surface is shiny, often covered with yellow crusts or small scales.

For the systemic treatment of facial skin mycosis, medications such as:

  1. griseofulvin;
  2. terbinafine (Lamisil);
  3. ketoconazole (Nizoral);
  4. itraconazole (Orungal);
  5. luconazole (Diflucan, Mikosist).

It is not recommended to use these drugs on your own, without a doctor’s permission.

Among the folk remedies for the treatment of mycosis of the facial skin, you can use a homemade ointment made from eggs and melted butter. Compresses made from decoctions of medicinal herbs, in particular celandine and oak bark, also help well. They can be taken internally.

Different facial skin diseases and treatment will require different things. It is impossible to treat keratosis or cancer, for example, with drugs for demodicosis. In such a serious matter, it is better to entrust your appearance, beauty and youth to professionals - cosmetologists or dermatologists. After a qualified diagnosis, appropriate drug therapy will be prescribed. And as auxiliary measures, you can use folk recipes, and then only with the permission of the same doctors. Timely identified and properly treated facial skin disease will allow you to avoid many unpleasant moments and the formation of unnecessary complexes.