Neuropathy Hypertrophic Familial

Familial hypertrophic neuropathy

Neuropathy hypertrophy is a disease associated with changes in the nerve fiber. Translated from Latin, neuropathia is a nerve lesion, hypertypheikos is abnormally long, extra long. Thus, ** from the Greek language neuropatia is translated as a disease or pathology of the nerve when it degenerates and becomes abnormal. The nerves of the lower extremities are most often affected.**

Since the name speaks for itself, the disease is familial in nature, that is, it is inherited. About

Neuropathies and other neurodegenerative diseases are common pathologies of the nervous system that can lead to a variety of symptoms, including sensory disturbances, pain and paralysis. One such disease is hypertrophic familial neuropathy (neuropathia hypertrophic familiaris), which can lead to serious impairment of movement and function.