Newborn (Peonate)

A newborn is an infant who has recently been born or is in the first month of life. This term is used mainly when talking about newborns or babies in the first week after birth. In domestic pediatrics, a newborn is a child in the first month of life, that is, up to 10 days.

Newborns have many characteristics that make their life and development challenging. For example, they cannot control their muscles, their breathing and digestion are not yet fully developed, and they can be very vulnerable to disease and infection.

However, every day babies become more independent and capable of a variety of activities. They begin to smile, suck, cry and respond to sounds. Newborns also have their own needs for nutrition, sleep and warmth, and their parents must provide everything they need for healthy growth and development.

Overall, newborns are very interesting and unique creatures that require special attention and care from their parents and medical personnel.

A newborn is an infant who was born during the last 28-32 days of pregnancy. Newborns are the most vulnerable to diseases and require special care and attention. They also have their own developmental characteristics, such as the inability to control their movements, weak immunity and the inability to digest food. Newborns need to be breastfed or formula fed and undergo regular checkups and examinations. In addition, newborns may need special equipment, such as breathing machines, to keep them healthy and alive.

A newborn is a baby born alive on the first day after birth. In relation to premature babies, the term full-term newborn is used. The female version of the term is delivery, and is not used often. The term newborn is also widely used, especially in the abbreviated version newborn newborn. A newborn baby is a child from birth to fourteen days old who is provided with the necessary medical care and care during his stay in the maternity hospital. The child already has a formed immune system due to intrauterine adaptation to the conditions of the mother’s body and nutritional characteristics. In particular, this explains the high efficiency of early active immunization. Newborns are just beginning to master neuropsychic functions, control their body, including vocal function, often cry, even scream. They have complete trust in their mother, so it is very important for the child’s good development and adaptation to provide the necessary care (massage, gymnastics) and nutrition