What causes nasolabial folds?

Visually, it is not only wrinkles on the forehead that age a woman. There is also a type of grooves located from the nostrils to the corners of the mouth. Why nasolabial folds appear and how to remove them are pressing questions for women of all ages.

Depressions aging the face

What are nasolabial folds

These deep wrinkles are especially noticeable when a person smiles. Perpendicular to the corners of the lips, 2 grooves are formed, in one woman they are outlined by a thin line, in the other they look like large creases.

Additional Information. Nasolabial wrinkles form during adolescence, but at that time they are not yet noticeable due to the elasticity of the skin. With age, turgor weakens, and the folds begin to increase, becoming more pronounced.

Their appearance is not only a sign of old age and is primarily due to anatomical features. The degree of expression depends on the character of the person, his emotionality. A science such as physiognomy says that it is a smile that most often provokes the appearance of a nasolabial triangle.

Reasons for appearance

In order for the grooves separating the cheeks and lips to become deep, several factors must influence their formation. The “culprit” may be heredity, which transmits with genes a predisposition to such a phenomenon. This is the structure of the skull with a certain location of the cheekbones, and the ability of tissues to maintain tone.

Smile is one of the provoking factors

There are other reasons for the development of wrinkles that are not related to gene memory:

  1. bite not corrected in time;
  2. constant talking while eating;
  3. increased facial activity;
  4. habit of sleeping with your face buried in the pillow;
  5. Factors affecting the condition of the skin can increase the depressions.

The last point includes the negative impact of climatic conditions, lack of vitamins (primarily A, E and group B). Lack of moisture intake weakens skin elasticity. But its excess also negatively affects the condition of the dermis and muscle tissue. The nasolabial triangle may swell significantly.

Against the background of bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs), early aging of the epidermis is observed. This also leads to the formation of deep wrinkles, as do various neurological diseases.

Classification of nasolabial folds

Folds around the mouth appear in different ways and can be on one side, so this problem has its own classification.

Types of nasolabial folds

Fold type Peculiarities
Gradient It can occur against the background of a difference in the heights of the cheek and upper lip.
Hatch This is a thin superficial line without disturbing the subcutaneous tissue.
Gap A deep wrinkle that catches the eye. Provoked by age-related changes in epidermal tissue

The more pronounced the nasolabial folds, the older the woman looks. This problem does not affect your health, but a cosmetic defect can significantly spoil your mood. An early visit to a specialist will allow you to more effectively correct your appearance.

Correction of nasolabial folds

If nasolabial folds have suddenly appeared or have been bothering you for several years, it is worth visiting a beauty salon. Having determined the degree of the defect and the cause of its occurrence, the specialist will suggest one of the available methods to eliminate it.

Salon correction of nasolabial folds

Procedure Peculiarities
Lipofilling The procedure is performed in a hospital setting and involves pumping fat tissue into the folds and wrinkles of the face. The material is taken from other areas of the body where excess has accumulated (hips, waist). This method does not provoke allergies, the result is visible immediately and is designed for a long period
Hyaluronic acid • Using a special device, the product is injected into the nasolabial folds using local anesthesia. This allows you to replenish the volume of tissue, making your face smoother;
• There are no scars left on the skin, but swelling lasts for several days. Correction with filler is harmless, the duration of the effect (6-12 months) depends on the skin turgor and the density of the filler
Botox • Radical impact on the nasolabial folds is carried out using injections of a neurotoxic drug. Thanks to it, nerve impulses transmitted along muscle fibers are blocked. This leads to relaxation of the facial muscles, smoothing out folds and wrinkles;
• How long the effect will last (4 months or a year) depends on the amount of filler used. Botox is eliminated from the body on its own, and after its effect ends, the folds may increase, which will require repeated correction;
• It is better to entrust the procedure to an experienced specialist to avoid displacement of the drug and disturbance of facial expressions
Peeling • A deep invasion of the epidermis is carried out - you will need to remove the entire top layer of skin. The procedure starts the regeneration process in tissues, which leads to facial rejuvenation and smoothing out wrinkles. Pores are narrowed, pigmentation and scars are removed;
• Side effects of the procedure are redness and swelling, which last for about a week. For the first six months after the session, you cannot visit the sauna, solarium, expose your face to the sun, or engage in physical activity.

Important! Deep peeling is not recommended for everyone - pregnant women, breastfeeding women, people suffering from somatic diseases and having problems with blood clotting are at risk. Even the slightest pimple can be a contraindication for any of the procedures.

Correction with fillers

In addition to hyaluronic acid, other filler substances are used to correct nasolabial folds: collagen, silicone, bioceramics. Each of them has a narrowly targeted effect, therefore, which filler to choose is determined by a specialist.

The dosage of administered drugs is selected individually. In this case, the woman’s age, the severity of folds, and facial structure features are taken into account.

Prevention of nasolabial folds

The problem can be prevented by taking preventive measures at a young age. Some women begin to turn to the services of mesotherapists in advance, even before the first folds and wrinkles appear. Others prefer more enjoyable activities.

Facial gymnastics

Many different exercises have been developed to maintain muscle elasticity and skin tightening. With daily exercises it is easy to avoid unsightly creases. In addition to standard gymnastics, the master can offer a woman the Carol Maggio complex, aimed at preventing aesthetic defects and rejuvenating the skin.

One of the features of this method is non-contact (only muscle-brain connection), which makes gymnastics harmless to health. The effect of exercises according to Carol Maggio is observed both with a lack of muscle tone and with its excess.


As a preventative measure, these procedures are the most effective. It is proposed to consider 2 types of effects on mimicry tissues.

Japanese massage

The Asahi method gives a special effect if age-related facial asymmetry, sagging skin, the presence of a double chin are observed, and the cheeks become swollen. Drainage technique helps to get rid of stagnation of lymphatic fluid in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold, thereby eliminating the weighting of the folds.

Massage of the nasolabial area


Manipulations in front of a mirror will prevent the formation of nasolabial depressions, which are usually caused by increased muscle tone. To avoid harm, pressure on the points is performed intensively but painlessly, trying not to displace the skin. Massage used daily will provide lasting results and eliminate the appearance of unsightly wrinkles.

Recommendations for facial care

Properly selected beauty care products will prevent wrinkles from forming and will help get rid of nasolabial folds if they suddenly begin to appear.


Home treatments are an excellent way to avoid premature aging and eliminate the bulldog sign on the face. Below are the recipes most recommended by cosmetologists.

Healing compounds

Name Recommendations for use
Gelatinous Helps maintain tissue elasticity and normalize muscle tone. The product is prepared as follows:
• gelatin (1 tbsp) is diluted in water at room temperature (1/4 cup) and left for 30 minutes;
• compressed spirulina algae (4 tablets) is moistened with water and kneaded;
• both means connect;
• add vitamin A (1 capsule) and lemon juice (2-3 drops);
• leave for another half hour and the composition is applied to gauze.
Keep the mask on the face for 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water. It is advisable to use the product twice a week for 14 days
With cosmetic clay Suitable for all ages, but for aging mature skin it is recommended to choose pink and green clay. To dilute the powder, use decoctions of herbs (St. John's wort, coltsfoot, mint, chamomile, string, sage, birch buds). Additional elements that enhance the effect will be argan, grape seed, coconut, and peach oils. It is recommended to apply the creamy mass to the face every 2 days.

Clay rejuvenating mask

A fish oil mask has an excellent effect. This product is a good source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fats and vitamin D. To create a nutritional composition, the same amount of olive oil and a little starch are added to fish oil.

Exposure to heat

Enlargement of the hollow in the lip area can be prevented by periodically applying heat compresses using medicinal infusions:

  1. prepare a collection from the herbs mentioned above; components are taken at your own discretion;
  2. pour boiling water over it and leave;
  3. moisten pieces of gauze (bandage) with warm liquid;
  4. Apply to the nasolabial area of ​​the face (on each side) and hold for 15 minutes.

Note! To increase the effect, it is advisable to apply the compress daily before bed. This stimulates the production of collagen in tissues.


Swelling of the nasolabial fold will help remove the ice. The cubes are prepared from herbal decoctions, freshly squeezed juices of vegetables, fruits and berries. It is enough to wipe the skin on your face with pieces of ice every day to speed up the restoration processes in the dermis and launch protective mechanisms.

The described methods of getting rid of an unsightly defect are recommended not only for women; men who care about their appearance can also use the advice.


The area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, bounded by the nose, mouth and nasolabial folds, is otherwise called the “triangle of death.” This zone received such a terrifying name for a reason. The fact is that the blood supply is very developed here, and the veins that are located inside the triangle do not have valves - which is why everything that enters them from the outside can sooner or later end up in the vessels of the brain. That is why you should be very careful with all manipulations in the area of ​​this triangle - remember this when you see another pimple or blackhead in the mirror.

However, now about something else: we’ll find out how to make this very triangle visually less pronounced. Woman.ru turned to three experts to understand which methods are effective in the fight for youth in the delicate area, and which are not so effective.

Causes of nasolabial folds

Why do folds form? There are several reasons for this - some are understandable and expected, others are not so obvious:
• hypertonicity of the facial muscles: when they contract, they seem to pull in the skin with them,
as a result, a fold is formed;
• decreased skin tone, the natural process of aging;
• heredity: you've probably noticed that many people have quite
at a young age there are characteristic grooves;
• structural features of the skull bones, posture, bite.

Posture and bite

Pronounced nasolabial folds at a young age may be a symptom that you have problems with your bite or posture. In addition, for the same reasons, the appearance of nasolabial lips is possible quite early, even if they were not initially noticeable.

We decided to ask the dentist how common this problem is: our questions are answered by Irina Nikitchenko, dentist, orthodontist at the Dent-El dental clinic network, Medbooking service expert.

“If the problem is an incorrect bite and jaw shape (for example, the upper jaw is too small), then, indeed, even a young person may have pronounced nasolabial folds,” says the doctor. “However, simply correcting the bite with braces or mouthguards will have little effect on appearance and will not remove deep nasolabial folds. This can be achieved by surgical intervention on both jaws to give them the correct harmonious shape and size. Such procedures are carried out for medical and aesthetic reasons.”

“All joints of the body are interconnected, and the mandibular joints are closely related to both the neck and posture,” continues the expert. - True, there is still debate in the medical community about what exactly is the root cause - poor posture or malocclusion. Ideally, in case of malocclusion and back problems, the orthodontist should work together with the osteopath to simultaneously correct dentofacial pathology and correct posture or other spinal pathologies.”
Therefore, if you suspect that the nature of your nasolabial teeth is due to the peculiarities of your bite, visit your orthodontist before you run for a dose of fillers that are so popular today.

Injection methods

If you nevertheless come to the conclusion that you cannot do without fillers, consider several important points. So, when choosing a filler, the specialist who will work with you must pay attention to the following features: your medical history, the structure of the skull, the condition of the subcutaneous fat and its location. There are quite a few features and techniques for administering drugs, and each time the choice is made individually, based on the characteristics of the patient.

She told us about the methods of introducing fillers Victoria Vikulova, cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist of the Semeynaya network of medical clinics, Medbooking service expert: “A needle or cannula may be used, and sometimes the gel is injected into the periosteum or spread out in a fan pattern with the cannula. It is important that the filler injected near the arteries located in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle does not create vascular ischemia and subsequent tissue necrosis. If a deep crease has formed in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, we introduce a denser filler, taking into account the dosage of the drug, and if the patient is young and the fold is weakly expressed, you can use light fillers with the first lines icon, or medium-density fillers. Sometimes the “layer pie” or “sandwich” technique is used to achieve the best effect. A denser preparation is placed at the bottom of the wrinkle, and a lighter one is placed on top.”

How to choose “your” doctor

Remember that a competent cosmetologist always takes into account dangerous zones, the condition of the patient’s blood vessels and general health, and finds out what medications the patient is currently taking.

Victoria Vikulova warns: “Absolute contraindications for the injection of fillers are pregnancy, lactation and cancer. Relative ones include diabetes mellitus, infectious and inflammatory diseases. A few days before the procedure, you need to stop taking anticoagulants to avoid hematomas and bruises.”

How to avoid getting a pillow face

Using the example of some celebrities, you can see how the abuse of fillers changes the situation with nasolabial folds: they become less pronounced, but the face swells and acquires a characteristic puffiness. Let's find out how to avoid this.

The specialist’s task, if such a patient comes to him, is to talk carefully with him, try to dissuade him from the procedure, and in severe cases, refer him for a consultation with a neurologist.” However, such patients do not always have psychological and mental disorders.

“You need to be extremely careful with patients who have a tendency to develop edema (with endocrinological, gastroenterological diseases, renal failure, etc.),” says Victoria Vikulova. “The fact is that the injected drugs contain high-density hyaluronic acid, which breaks down within a year. Its molecules attract water molecules, and constant tissue regeneration occurs at the injection site, since the filler holds water and forces the body’s own cells to intensively renew. If a person is prone to edema, then this effect is not at all beneficial: severe swelling and puffiness of the injection area is created. Such a patient needs to treat existing diseases, and injections are contraindicated for him.”

According to the doctor, no negative consequences will arise, and the face will look young and completely natural in the following cases:

  1. if the injections are made correctly, in the required dosage and required density, taking into account all the features of the face;
  2. if there are no contraindications, the patient is healthy;
  3. if the frequency of administration is observed (overcorrection is not done, that is, too frequent administration of the gel).


Many women face such a problem as pronounced nasolabial folds. They negatively affect a person’s appearance; their facial expression becomes gloomy and unattractive. Such wrinkles appear for various reasons, ranging from genetics to poor facial skin care.

The nasolabial lips are deep folds that run down from the nose to the corners of the mouth on the sides. They are often compared to written parentheses due to their specific shape. Such folds appear when a person smiles or laughs. And that's absolutely normal. However, if they become consistently visible, regardless of facial expression, then it is worth considering. Today there are many ways to eliminate nasolabial problems.

Nasolabial folds are classified into the following types:

  1. Gradient - formed as a result of a significant difference in the elevation of the cheek and upper lip;
  2. Gap-fold – is a pronounced groove in the skin due to age-related modifications of the tissue under the skin;
  3. A line fold is a linear, thinnest surface wrinkle that does not affect the subcutaneous tissue.

Types of wrinkles and their development features

The formation of wrinkles around the nose and lips can be caused by various factors that determine whether they belong to one type or another.

Expression wrinkles

This type of wrinkles is the result of the effects of active muscle contractions on the skin. But the speed of formation of nasolabial facial wrinkles depends to a large extent on the severity of facial expressions.

  1. The influence of wind and sunlight, in which a person constantly squints;
  2. Facial nerve paralysis;
  3. Getting used to dentures.

It is of interest that, together with the paralysis of part of the facial muscles through Botox, “parallel” facial expressions are activated. So, if a person cannot close his eyes, then the habit of wrinkling the back of the nose arises.

The formation of nasolabial folds at the tissue level occurs as follows. Wrinkling of the skin occurs due to chronic muscle tension. The body is forced to defend itself by forming scar tissue, that is, tough collagen to strengthen the folds of the skin. Thus, atrophy begins in the depths of the wrinkle due to poor blood supply.

Gravity wrinkles

The right and left nasolabial folds of the gravitational type are formed due to the lowering of the facial tissues. Often, gravity acts as its cause.

The formation of such wrinkles is accelerated by a significant amount of soft tissue mass and a weak connective skin framework. In most cases, the sudden formation of gravitational nasolabial wrinkles in the early years is associated with a sharp loss of body weight.

Age wrinkles

Such nasolabial folds are the result of skin atrophy. They are especially observed with finely wrinkled skin aging. Senile nasolabial wrinkles can form in both young and old people.

Morphologically, such nasolabial wrinkles are atrophy of the dermis. There is a decrease in hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen in the skin. Accordingly, the skin folds and a fold is formed.

Senile nasolabial folds appear most quickly in a person with dry and thin skin. Factors that dehydrate the skin multiply and speed up the foundation process:

  1. Hormonal stress;
  2. Smoking;
  3. Solarium/beach;
  4. Menopause.

Common causes of nasolabial lips

Many people are interested in what causes nasolabial rashes? It is worth noting that the level and presence of such wrinkles does not depend on the number of years. Most of all, this is due to the expression of emotions, anatomical features of the skin and face.

The reasons for the early formation of such wrinkles may be heredity, bad habits and poor skin care. Sometimes folds in the nasolabial area occur due to an incorrect bite. Also, when you lose weight, the nasolabial lips become more pronounced, and their smoothness occurs when you gain weight.

The reasons that contribute to the deepening of the nasolabial lips may be:

  1. Descent of soft tissues;
  2. The natural process of skin aging;
  3. Decreased tone of the facial muscles.

In addition, the reasons why nasolabial lips form may be:

  1. Sleeping in a prone position on your stomach - this can not only cause the appearance of wrinkles, but also bags under the eyes; this type of sleep reduces the elasticity of the skin of the face;
  2. Drinking plenty of fluids before bedtime – it helps to stretch the skin, which leads to pronounced nasolabial folds;
  3. Bad ecology - it should be noted that not everyone manages to avoid the negative effects of the environment, this especially applies to residents of industrial centers and large cities, and an unfavorable atmosphere causes great harm to the skin of the face;
  4. Improper treatment of nasolabial folds can provoke their strengthening.

Many experts believe that the final formation of nasolabial lips is observed between 30 and 35 years of age. Outwardly, a person looks older than his real age.

Formation of nasolabial lips

Many facial muscles are responsible for the development of nasolabial folds. Thus, the upper region is created due to spasm of the wings of the nasal muscle, as well as muscle hypertonicity in the area where the upper lip and nose rise. Some of the wrinkles at the bottom and in the middle are formed by hypertonicity of the cheek and zygomatic muscles.

In some cases, the pathological position of the cranial bones, which is provoked by birth or prenatal injuries, can lead to the occurrence of nasolabial folds. As a person grows older, bone inconsistency increases, the cheek bones move closer together, and the forehead bones lower.

The main task of diagnosis is a full examination of the condition:

  1. Muscles;
  2. Skin;
  3. Neurological factors;
  4. Dentofacial system.

Thanks to the study of the mechanisms of skin aging, the irrefutable role in this process of photoaging, lack of sex hormones, involutional transformations of the dental system and muscle atony is revealed.

Sometimes, to determine the full picture, they resort to consultations with such related doctors as an orthodontist, dentist and neurologist. This makes it possible to fully build a scheme of aesthetic therapy, which is focused on achieving the most effective and significant results of rejuvenation and prevention. It is popular to use botulinum toxin to get rid of it with the future introduction of fillers under the skin based on hyaluronic acid.