Determining the strength of meat-building drugs

A meat-building medicine is a medicine that thickens healthy blood and turns it into meat. If such a medicine dries out more, then it delays the blood going to the wound and substance for the meat is not formed, and if it tears away strongly, it rips the blood away from the place, makes it flow out and removes the already existing substance of meat. Therefore, the medicine should not dry much, but to a certain limit, and should not tear off very significantly, but a little - enough to tear off the dirt without burning; no significant binding is also required. It is also necessary that the warmth and coldness of the medicine correspond to what is needed for the wound or ulcer by its nature. If she has departed from her natural nature, then opposite medications are used, according to the degree of departure, but if the departure is insignificant, then a remedy similar to a very hot nature is used - very hot, and for a very cold nature - very cold. Consider also how the medicine acts on the wounded place, in order to counteract it if it excessively spoils the nature.

As for tightening medications, these are medications that connect the distant edges of the wound. The medicine should be applied only on the surface so that it glues the edges of the wound with the moisture contained in their substance. If there is blood in the wound, then medications are suitable that dry the blood in the wound sufficiently to glue its edges, and, moreover, dry it quickly, before the wound festers. They are not capable of this if they do not have excess drying force, but they should not be tearing, because tearing is the opposite of the purpose pursued when using them. This purpose is to transform the blood present in the wound into something adhesive and fastening, and tearing carries away and removes the blood and removes the substance from which the adhesive is expected. These medicines should not be only slightly drying, like those that build up meat, because buildup requires matter to flow to the wound, and drying prevents the flow of matter. And addictive drugs do not need an influx of matter, they need stronger drying and light binding.

Healing and closing medicines must bind more strongly than the two previous ones, for they have to dry something drier in their composition, that is, the skin, and strongly dry out both extraneous and inherent moisture, whereas the above-mentioned medicines must dry up extraneous moisture more strongly, and the main - only to such an extent that it becomes sticky and thickens and its substance does not decrease. As for drugs that eat and reduce meat, they must have a very strong tearing property.