Pathological Pedantry

Pathological behavior, which manifests itself in an excessive and uncontrollable adherence to order and rules, is pathological pedantry. This is a condition that can affect both adults and children. It can lead to serious consequences such as social isolation, decreased self-esteem and low self-esteem. In this article we will look at pathological pedantry and its causes, as well as ways to combat it.

Pathological pedantry is a disorder characterized by an obsessive and excessive commitment to precision and cleanliness, and is manifested in an obsessive desire to systematically organize activities, in concern for all details. This feature arises both when the individual is highly impressionable, prone to suspicion and anxiety, and becomes an involuntary reaction to the presence, behavior or presence of people from whom the subject is trying to separate. More often, pathological is a sign of borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, Asperger's syndrome, mental retardation. It is also diagnosed in neurotic conditions after infectious diseases or