Why cloth masks cannot be reused

For several years now, fabric masks have been taking first place in the cosmetology market. Girls and women loved them very much. Only those who haven’t tried them yet don’t like them. This article contains answers to the most interesting points about using fabric masks, namely: benefits, effect, whether the mask can be reused.

Let's meet - fabric face mask

Fabric masks are a means of express skin care procedures. They can transform your skin faster than any other product. A sheet mask is a thin sheet of fabric that is soaked in a liquid made from natural ingredients.

The mask looks like a napkin. The material of the mask is natural fabric made of fine fibers.

Fabric masks are a means of express skin care procedures.

There are also masks that are hydrogel. The impregnation is filled with vitamins, minerals and beneficial components.

In addition, the liquid with which the fabric mask is impregnated penetrates the skin faster due to its tight contact. The result from this is much greater than from a paste mask, for example, an alginate mask or any other cosmetic face masks.

The fabric base increases the temperature by several degrees, thereby accelerating absorption and preventing the evaporation of beneficial substances.

All this guarantees the best effect from the procedure.

The product is suitable for use at any time of the day. In the morning, the mask will even out your skin tone and moisturize it. And in the evening it will refresh your face, relieve fatigue and prepare your skin for bed.

Mode of application

It is impossible to find a better product for ease of use: open-take-out-smooth-use. After the required time, remove and do a light facial massage so that the remaining liquid is absorbed into the skin. There is no need to wash off anything.

The only thing you need to do is that before use, to get the best effect, the mask can be heated or cooled. It all depends on what is written in the instructions. The most commonly used are Korean face masks, Japanese face masks, and Chinese face masks.

There are a lot of comments online about whether the mask can be reused. Some women manage to use it several times. But not a single cosmetologist recommends this.

Benefits of using masks

Fabric-based masks, thanks to their intense hydration, will make the skin elastic, healthy and give it a glowing effect in a matter of minutes.

Cosmetological studies have shown that it is possible to see the effect from using fabric masks two times faster than from active serums and four times from conventional creamy formulations.

In addition, not every modern woman can devote precious time to preparing a cosmetic mask at home.

Fabric-based masks, thanks to their intense hydration, will make the skin elastic, healthy and give it a glowing effect in a matter of minutes.

Also, the advantage of such cosmetics is that they do not need to be washed off. They adhere perfectly to the skin, do not slip or smear.

The shelf life of the mask is about three years. This allows you to keep it in your cosmetic bag for a long time and use it at any time of the day as needed.

In the photo: stages of application and effect of a fabric mask on the skin of the face

Disadvantages of cloth masks

The disadvantage of masks is that you cannot get exfoliating results from them. A woman will still have to exfoliate her skin. The mask is not recommended for use on inflamed or hypersensitive skin.

Also, it is better to check the product for individual intolerance to the components.

To do this, you can cut off a small piece of the mask and place it behind your ear for 10-15 minutes. The skin there is very delicate and if after two hours there is no allergic reaction, then the mask is suitable for use.

How to choose a mask

Like any skin care product, the mask must be selected according to your skin type and therapeutic effect.

Like any skin care product, the mask must be selected according to your skin type and depending on the reasons you want to get rid of. If you need to choose a firming, rejuvenating and toning product, then the following elements should be present in the composition:

To improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands and remove acne, the composition should contain zinc and extracts of aloe, birch, and ginseng.

Masks containing chamomile, lavender and hazelnut will help add freshness to the skin, revitalize it visually, and even out the tone.

All of the ingredients described above are more often used in European-made masks. Korean and Japanese manufacturers prefer more exotic components.

Can the mask be reused?

Fabric masks are the best remedy that gets rid of many skin imperfections.

First of all, the fair half is concerned with the question: can a fabric mask be reused? The answer is simple: cosmetologists do not advise doing this.

The base of the mask promotes the growth of bacteria and germs.

In addition, the mask draws out toxins from the skin. And repeated use will lead to the opposite result.

Can you reuse a mask if you have lost the liquid in your sheet mask wrapper? In this case, experts advise not to use a mask, but to apply the liquid itself to the skin using cotton pads.

Fabric masks are the best way to get rid of any skin imperfections.

In a quarter of an hour, the product will relieve the skin of dryness, tightness, and smooth out fine wrinkles. It can be used anywhere, even on board an airplane or in a train carriage. The packaging is convenient.

The only thing I would like to note is that the answer to the question whether a face mask can be reused is negative.

Fabric face masks. Good morning. Fragment of the release dated 10/18/2016

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Fabric face masks are express care products. Unlike creamy masks, they do not require rinsing. In addition, the serum with which the fabric mask is soaked has a liquid consistency, so it quickly penetrates the skin. The effect is enhanced by a fabric base that works like a blanket - it increases the temperature by 1-2 degrees and speeds up absorption.

Keep in mind! If the kit includes a jar of lotion, the mask will need to be prepared for use. The composition of the lotion largely depends on the country in which the mask was produced. Japanese and Korean masks are aimed at whitening the skin and moisturizing. And masks that are produced in the USA and Europe solve the problems of skin aging more, so they contain a lot of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Interestingly, one hyaluronic acid molecule can hold several hundred water molecules. Therefore, it moisturizes the skin well and smoothes out fine wrinkles. However, keep in mind that this effect is temporary. Once you wash off the product, the skin will return to its original state.

If the fabric mask contains allergenic components, such as bee venom, test before use. Cut a piece of the mask and apply it to the sensitive skin behind the ear for 5-10 minutes. If there is an allergic reaction, it will appear within two hours.

Finally, we will answer a question that worries many ladies. Can I reuse a sheet mask if there is a lot of serum left in the package? Cosmetologists do not advise doing this. The tissue base is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. Therefore, instead of a cosmetic effect, you can get skin irritation. It is better to massage the remaining serum into the skin with your fingertips.


It will no longer be useful, the mask gave up the liquid it was soaked in to the skin, filling it with useful elements, in return absorbing fat, sweat, and the dust settled, believe me, under the influence of air it also deteriorated while it was being held.

Therefore, hiding it until next time in the remaining liquid is bad, there are already bacteria there, you can only ruin the skin.

And if you dry the mask, leave it to soak with home remedies, and then soak it back, then again, it’s just dirty, like a cotton pad with tonic that was used to wipe the skin, it’s thrown in the trash and that’s it.

It’s not for nothing that the mask is sealed if it contains liquid, but if you look for just dry masks on sale, they are disposable.


The popularity of sheet masks is growing very rapidly. Their relevance is associated with a cosmetic effect. Not only women, but also girls use them. Although, I think that girls can hold off.

Many people are interested in the question of reusing it.

Of course not. Although some ladies use the same mask as many as 3 times. It is clear that, as always, you want to save money, but there is little useful in such a mask, because it is made from fabric that is saturated with natural ingredients, natural ones. They are absorbed for the very first time.

Besides, it's not safe. Because it will already cause harm, because it becomes an excellent environment for bacteria. There will be no cosmetic effect, in extreme cases, the minimum you can get out of repeated use of such a mask, but there may well be irritation.


According to the rules, it’s definitely not possible, but personally I use it.

After the first use, I carefully remove it, roll it up with the side that was on my face inward, and then apply it with the untouched side. Then I put it back into the bag, which usually still contains quite a lot of caring liquid. I ALWAYS store it in the refrigerator until next use and use it the next day. I like it, I have never had any negative reactions from the skin, the effectiveness, it seems to me, is almost the same as when I first used it.

But in general it is extremely undesirable to do this.


I think that this is quite possible, and there is no violation of hygiene here. Masks are applied to cleansed facial skin for only 10-15 minutes. Well, what kind of bacteria, epithelial particles, secretions, and so on can get in during this time? Also, directly between the skin of the face and the fabric of the mask there is a layer of the active substance with which it is generously impregnated, that is, it does not come into contact with the skin of the face. And then you do not introduce the substance into the internal environment of the body, but onto the skin, which is designed to protect the body from the effects of external factors, bacteria, and so on. Now, if you were to inject again with a non-sterile needle that had been lying around for a day, then, yes, you definitely can’t do that. If you think like this, then you can’t use a washcloth again and you can’t wipe your face with a towel.