Prevention of phenomena following coloring

Most paints cool the brain, upset it and make it prone to catarrh, sakta and similar diseases; this is treated, simultaneously with or after coloring, with hot incense such as musk, cloves and the like. It sometimes happens that after coloring the hair becomes stretched, its curliness disappears and it lies badly, this is prevented by adding something thinning and curly to the dye, especially if the hair is coarse and something similar happens to it. Sometimes the hair becomes tangled due to coloring, the beard thins and the hair splits; this can be prevented by lubricating the hair after coloring with violet oil or wallflower oil.

Sometimes the paint turns the skin of your face black. People then wash their faces with horse bean flour or chickpea flour or something like that, but there is nothing better than washing with hot oil.

Often, after coloring, the hair fades, and the best thing that can be done is to take the paint about one javza, dry it - especially if it is a paint that has the ability to penetrate deep - and whenever fading appears or almost appears, take a wooden stick, like a toothpick, moisten it, grab a little thickened paint with the tip of the stick and run it through the faded hair. Some people take the soot of some fragrant oil, for example, bath oil, or incense or wax, and smear it on their faded hair; if you lubricate it with this, the fading disappears.