Cause of death

Death is a natural process that can happen to any of us. However, the causes of death can be different and depend on many factors. In this article we will look at the main causes of death and their impact on human health.

Cause of death is an event or set of events (such as illness, injury, poisoning, or vitamin deficiency) that directly determines the cause of death. The cause of death is the primary factor determining the cause of a particular event.

One of the most common causes of death in the world is cardiovascular disease. They are caused by high blood pressure, overweight or obesity, smoking, alcohol and heredity. Other causes include cancer, infections, injuries, autoimmune diseases and many other diseases. It is important to note that each of these causes may have its own specific role in causing organ and tissue damage, as well as increasing the risk of death.

Causes of cardiovascular diseases Cardiology considers two ways of developing cardiovascular failure: ischemic (hypoxy