
Ghosts are colors that are perceived by sight as if they were scattered in the air. The reason for this is the presence of some opaque object between the icy moisture and the visible object. This object either belongs to those that are not perceived by sight at all in ordinary life, and then it is perceived only by those who have unusually strong vision, or the object belongs to those that vision perceives if it is average, not extremely acute, but is ordinary.

The first type means the following: if vision is strong, then it is able to perceive those insignificant and imperceptible objects that flash in the air before the gaze, because the air is never free from haze and other things. They clearly appear to the eye, but due to their proximity or their brilliance, it cannot recognize them. The same thing happens if in the inner parts of the eye there are traces of the slightest vapor, from which, of course, nature and nature are never free. However, both of these objects remain invisible to vision, which is not at the highest level of acuity. This means that both ghosts are visible only to those whose vision is extremely acute. This type refers to what cannot be considered vision damage.

The reason for the second type is either in the membranes or in the moisture. The one that lies in the membranes means that in the cornea there are either completely invisible traces of pockmarks, or inflammation of the eye, or pustules and the like. They are not visible from the outside, but from the inside they are noticeable, because the place where the traces are located is opaque. Therefore, behind this place, visible objects and in the transparent air remain closed areas of such a size that if they actually existed outside, then those small particles in front of the visual opening of the grape shell would be the same as the closed parts of the image of objects.

The opacity that is caused by moisture has two subtypes: either the moisture substance itself gave rise to opacity, or something outside of it penetrated into the moisture substance. In the first case, when the substance of the moisture itself generates opacity, a disorder of nature occurs in one part of the moisture, which changes the color of the moisture and destroys its transparency. Thus, this part becomes opaque due to coldness, or humidity, or heat, which brings this part to a boil and arouses airiness in it. And the property of airiness is that, when mixed with liquid transparent moisture, it gives it a thick, creamy and opaque color. Or the opacity is caused by the action of strongly compacting and constricting dryness. In the second case, when something from the outside penetrates into the substance of moisture, this extraneous must certainly be something random and unstable, that is, something like vapors rising either from the whole body, or from the stomach, or from the brain, if they sparse and dissolve, as happens in crises of illness, after vomiting and anger, or it must be something stable, and then this speaks of cataracts.

Signs vary in size: there are small and large. They also differ in composition: they can be dense, or thin and invisible. They also differ in their condition: some are porous, some are heap-foggy. They also differ in their shape: they are grain-like, mosquito-like, fly-like, thread-like and hair-like, elongated.

Differences and signs. A sign that it is determined by visual acuity is that ghosts are invisible and vary in appearance and shape. They appear in a person at a time when his vision is completely healthy, without it subsequently being upset. The type of visual disorder, the cause of which lies in the cornea, is indicated by the circumstances already mentioned above and the fact that it remains for some time without worsening or causing harm to vision, and so on. The type, the cause of which is protein moisture, is distinguished by the fact that it lasts a long time, but does not cause much harm. It arises either from hot inflammation of the eye, or from some cooling or warming cause. This type is one of those that can only be recognized by inference, especially if you find the cornea transparent and shiny and without the slightest roughness. In addition, this species remains constant, does not increase in size, and does not cause much harm. And the type that is caused by vapors, whether from the stomach or from the whole body, is recognized by the fact that it is excited by the consumption of foods that form vapors, overflow, during the digestion of food, during body movements and during dizziness.

This visual disorder  does not remain in one and the same state, but on the contrary, increases and decreases, and is not limited to one eye, but affects both eyes. If there is nausea, then the conclusion is confirmed; the same with vomiting. Evacuation by iyaraja, light food and care of digestion eliminate or reduce this type of visual disturbance.

If the healthy condition of the eye and the integrity of the vision of those who suffer from the phenomenon of ghosts continues for six months, then he is generally safe.

That phenomenon of ghosts, which serves as the beginning of cataracts, gradually darkens vision all the time, until water is served, and the water descends immediately. Rarely does it last more than six months. If you observe that the phenomenon of ghosts passes and returns again, increases and decreases, then know that it is not a cataract. And if you notice that the time of the stable phenomenon of ghosts is prolonged, but your vision does not weaken, then know that this phenomenon is also not cataract.

Treatment for the appearance of ghosts and at the onset of cataracts. The most important thing when ghosts appear is to take treatment for what portends cataracts. And for the rest of the dryness, well-known moisturizers often help. What is caused by moisture or other causes other than dryness is helped by eye medicines that cleanse. As for the disorder that portends cataracts, you should start by cleansing the body, especially the stomach. Then proceed to cleanse the head with rinses, sneeze inducers, nasal medications, and chewable medications. Sneezing agents are expected to be beneficial because they relax and cleanse, but they cleanse by shaking the body, which runs the risk of exciting the cataract, especially if it gets under or near a nerve.

Know that Iyaraj fikra works wonders and so do the golden pills. Centaury and bitter kissa also help. From the paragraphs on treating the head and cleansing it, you already know everything that needs to be followed. Purification should be done with iyaraj fikra and golden pills according to the method of using sleeping pills, shabyar, that is, very often. Eye thinners and cleansers should not be used except after cleansing the body. At the onset of cataracts, it is helpful to bleed the arteries behind the ears. You should start with mild medicines, for example, an infusion of fennel with honey and olive oil. They also say that sniffing marjoram is beneficial for those who are afraid of water pouring into the eye. Drawing marjoram oil into the nose also helps. They say that leeches on the temples are useful at the onset of cataracts. Smearing with woad seeds is also praised; they say that they eliminate and resolve cataracts and that this is wonderful. Then they gradually begin to use complex medicines from sagapen and the like, such as; sagapena - three, asafoetida and white hellebore - ten each, honey - eight cutuli. Very proven remedies include burnt swallow's head with honey and istiftikan ointment and all types of bile, which are mentioned in the paragraph on weak vision. The strongest of them is hospital bile ointment, as well as umilavus powder and turtle bile ointment mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia. The medicine Oribasia with fennel juice or an ointment made from marjoram, sabarus, marhumun and balsam oil is also useful. What also helps in the onset of cataracts is the following: take the bile of a young and healthy bull, put it in a copper vessel and leave it for a period of at least ten days to two weeks. Then take two dirhams of ground myrrh and saffron, tortoise bile and balsam oil, mix it all well and apply it to the eye. They also take one part of white hellebore, one part of asafoetida, one fifth and one tenth of sagapena, that is, only three tenths of part; an ointment is prepared from this and lubricated. Or take white hellebore and pepper one part each, ushshak one third part; An ointment is prepared using squeezed turnip juice and consumed. The patient should avoid eating fish and foods that thicken and form vapors, drink large amounts of water and wine, bleed frequently and use cupping. On the contrary, this should be postponed as long as possible, unless there is a need for it and there is confidence that there is a lot of blood and it is hot.