Smas lifting procedure reviews forum

SMAS lifting is gaining more and more popularity and reviews of hardware facelift will definitely convince you of this! Customer comments and “before and after” photographs are amazing: the effect of ultrasonic lifting is comparable to plastic surgery, despite its low invasiveness and relatively low price.

Non-surgical SMAS lifting is used for sagging skin and soft tissues of the face. The method helps remove excess fat from the cheeks, eliminates jowls and double chins, hides wrinkles, scars, and pronounced nasolabial folds.

This procedure can also be used to prevent prolapse of soft tissues and early wrinkles. In general, it has no age restrictions, and will be useful even up to 25 years old to delay the appearance of facial wrinkles.

What is SMAS lifting? And does this procedure really give such impressive results?

What is SMAS lifting and what are its features?

Ultrasonic lifting SMAS is an innovative hardware procedure that affects the deep subcutaneous layers. It tightens the skin and muscles of the face due to its effect on the SMAS layer, which connects the muscles and skin: due to the influence of ultrasonic waves, it is stretched, and the rest of the face is tightened after it.

The peculiarity of this procedure is that it is completely atraumatic and safe. If you choose a good specialist and the right device, it can be performed even with a very low pain threshold. Ultrasound lifting is performed very quickly, does not require long recovery and is not accompanied by negative side effects.

At the same time, the effect of this procedure is comparable to plastic surgery. It doesn’t just hide fine wrinkles: it is a full-fledged lifting, tightening not only the skin, but also the facial muscles. After the procedure, jowls and double chin are eliminated, nasolabial folds are hidden, and the skin becomes firmer and more elastic.

Ultrasound has the only drawback - the long period of time required for a complete face lift. The effect of a facelift is cumulative, and it reaches its peak 3-4 months or even six months after the procedure. Unlike this procedure, plastic surgery shows immediate results.

You can learn how SMAS lifting is performed from the video:


The procedure also has contraindications. These include:

  1. bearing a child;
  2. breast-feeding;
  3. metal implants, with the exception of dental ones;
  4. presence of pacemakers;
  5. inflammatory elements on the skin;
  6. infectious diseases of various origins;
  7. diseases of the endocrine system;
  8. mental and psychosomatic diseases;
  9. Oncology – benign and malignant.

It is also not recommended to carry out the procedure after 50 years: it can tighten the face and skin, but will not give such a pronounced effect as plastic surgery.

Find out also: reviews of ultraformer lifting.

We recommend that you learn more about SMAS lifting.

You will also be interested in reviews of RF lifting at the link.

Real customer reviews with photos

Olga, 34 years old, Irkutsk – «Transformation into a beauty took longer than we expected»

“I’ve been doing face lifting using hardware procedures for four years now, but I only tried ultrasonic SMAS lifting just now. Frankly, this was the first time I heard about this method: before, only laser and radiofrequency tightening were heard. My cosmetologist recommended the procedure to me - I completely trust this woman, so I agreed.

The lift was done on Altera - this device is criticized on the Internet, but my cosmetologist says that the effect is much better. Yes, it’s unpleasant and painful, but everyone knows that beauty requires sacrifice! I was ready to endure for half an hour so that I could become a beauty later.

The transformation into a beauty took longer than we expected: usually people need three months for a full facelift, it took me seven. But now the result is stunning: I don’t look more than 25, there’s no end to men! I maintain the results with other procedures and am very pleased.”

Victoria, 44 years old, Rostov-on-Don - “After a week I noticed the first result!”

“Forums inspired me to use hardware SMAS lifting with ultrasound. There you can find a lot of negativity about this procedure, but positive reviews are much more revealing: they are more detailed, more informative, often with personal photographs. So, after looking at such photos with a wonderfully toned face, I decided to try it.

At this point, a week has passed since the procedure. I can already see the result: the skin has regained its former elasticity, it has become softer and more hydrated than before. Small wrinkles are gone. The face has not yet tightened, but it feels like the skin and muscles are becoming toned. I look forward to further results!”

Lydia, 52 years old, Ufa - “It would be better to spend the money on something useful!”

“I am an elderly woman, so wrinkles and the floating oval of my face did not bypass me. My daughter gave me a hardware lift for my birthday: I would never have spent that kind of money on my face. At first I wanted to return the certificate, but then I decided - why not try? It won't get any worse anyway.

I didn’t like the procedure: it was painful, uncomfortable, I had to lie silently and endure for a long time. It was especially painful and unpleasant in the area of ​​the mouth and eyelids. I even wanted to ask to bypass the area, but I have the worst wrinkles there, so I had to endure it.

They promised results after a few months, but now a year has passed and nothing has really changed. Wrinkles tightened a little, the oval of the face did not change at all. I don’t recommend this procedure - it would be better to exchange the certificate for money and spend it on something useful.”

Maria, 45 years old, Yekaterinburg - “Not perfect, but I liked it...”

“The swollen oval of my face was my huge problem. I tried to tighten it up with exercises, massages, a special diet - nothing worked for me. Despite having few wrinkles and a good figure, he made me look old and unattractive.

To be honest, I didn’t believe in hardware cosmetology. I am one of the old-school people who believe that you can correct your face only with a knife and under anesthesia. I tried it because of the persuasion of a colleague: she herself suffered from the same problem, and recently got rid of it.

Surprisingly, the procedure bore fruit: the oval tightened, all my fine wrinkles. The only thing I didn't like was that you had to wait a long time. Of course, the effect was not perfect - the double chin is still there, the skin is not very elastic. But if you don’t believe in fairy tales like “at 45 I look 18,” the effect is really good.”

Daria, 31 years old, Novosibirsk - “Suddenly I noticed that my chin became smaller”

“I did a lift using the machine Double a month ago. I decided very spontaneously: I came to the salon for another procedure, started talking to the cosmetologist, and word for word they persuaded me to get a facelift. I have something to improve - genetics did not spare me, the oval of my face began to float at the age of 27.

The device is Korean, modern, I really liked it. The process did not hurt at all, although many people complained of discomfort. There was an unpleasant tingling next to my teeth, but I endured everything else without difficulty.

The first results appeared after 2 weeks: I washed my face in the morning and suddenly noticed that my unfortunate double chin had become smaller. Next is better! The skin became soft and elastic, constant dryness and flaking disappeared. The face was tightened, and small wrinkles also disappeared. I’m happy – I can finally look my age!”

Zhanna, 41 years old, Voronezh - “A year has passed, but the result is with me!”

“I’m now at an age when it’s time to think about plastic surgery. The skin sags, the cheeks slide down, a double chin has long become the norm. It’s not joyful to look at such a reflection, and I’m afraid of operations - so I decided to try hardware methods. Initially, I planned to sign up for another procedure, but the consultant girl convinced me that SMAS lifting was exactly what I needed.

In the salon I chose they worked on the Altera machine. I haven't heard anything about him, which is good! All the reviews on the network say that this is an outdated, ineffective and painful device - I didn’t notice anything like that. The procedure was easy and without discomfort, even despite my low pain threshold. The procedure took about half an hour; in the middle of the procedure they took a photo of me and showed me a photo after. The “before and after” effect struck me already at that moment.

I am an impatient person, so it was hard to wait for the effect. Fortunately, it didn't take long. The nasal lips and wrinkles on the forehead disappeared almost immediately, and after a week the oval of the face began to tighten. A month later I already looked very rejuvenated. Now a year has passed, and I am very pleased with the result: I no longer look my age, my colleagues and friends shower me with compliments. Definitely recommend!”

Raisa, 47 years old, Moscow - “It would be better to decide on surgical SMAS. »

“I decided to undergo ultrasound lifting because of my sister: she had a surgical SMAS lift and began to look ten years younger than me. I’m scared to death of operations, but I wanted the same effect, so I started looking for alternatives. I found it in a nearby beauty salon: also a lift, also SMAS, but it doesn’t hurt and without anesthesia.

In reality, everything turned out to be completely different. The procedure is still painful, the tightening of the SMAS layers is questionable, the lifting effect is weak... I was warned that I would have to wait a long time for the result - but, unfortunately, I never got it. The skin has become more elastic, wrinkles under the eyes have disappeared, but where is the promised facelift?

In general, I do not recommend ultrasonic lifting. This method is not a panacea or a replacement for plastic surgery, and it is simply unrealistic to achieve the same result from it as from a surgical SMAS lift. I was convinced of this from my own experience, and I advise you not to repeat my mistakes.”

Galina, 54 years old, Tomsk - “It hasn’t happened for 10 years!”

“Deep wrinkles, pronounced nasolabial folds, jowls, a double or triple chin - the full set of an aging woman was on my face. When the surgeon saw me, he very much doubted that the method would suit me: it is recommended for younger ladies and not in such advanced condition. But I still insisted on my own.

The procedure was easily tolerated, I don’t understand the constant complaints about pain and discomfort - I simply didn’t notice them. The only thing I didn’t like was the treatment around the eyelids: the skin is very delicate and sensitive, and there were plenty of wrinkles there.

About two months have passed, there is definitely an effect. The face is not so flabby, the skin looks less like a dried apple, the chin and cheeks are almost back to their proper place. Of course, this is not total rejuvenation - but at 54 I look 44, and I think this is an excellent result at my age.”

Natalya, 38 years old, Yakutsk – “The skin changed on the same day”

«I decided to have a hardware lift because of my husband. Age makes itself felt: wrinkles began to appear, the face crawled down under the weight of gravity, and a double chin appeared. Naturally, my husband didn’t like it - constant reproaches and criticism began. I decided that it was time to change something, and immediately signed up for the procedure.

After recording, I decided to read the reviews, and regretted that I had not done it earlier. The negative reviews were very scary: the girls told how painful and unpleasant it was, how the skin turned red after the procedure, but the effect never appeared. At some point I even thought about canceling everything, but the craving for adventure and a beautiful face won out. And I didn’t regret it!

The discomfort turned out to be mild, there was no redness, and I noticed the result immediately. The skin became more elastic the same day! It was especially felt in the area of ​​the cheeks and chin - these places were previously flabby, but after the procedure they tightened up. Now three months have passed, and for the first time in several years I am happy with my reflection. My husband is finally happy too.”

Svetlana, 38 years old, Yaroslavl – “I hope for a cumulative effect”

“Three months ago I had a hardware SMAS lift using the Korean U-one device. The idea to do the procedure came to my mind spontaneously: I looked at myself in the mirror, sighed and thought - why not?

The procedure turned out to be far from the descriptions on the Internet: they did not apply anesthetic ointment to me, they gave me the opportunity to choose the appropriate intensity, and marked my face as before plastic surgery. There was no pain as promised either: the sensations were not pleasant, but they were not difficult to endure.

Now a very good result is noticeable: the skin has smoothed out, become softer, the oval has noticeably corrected and tightened. I hope that this is not the final result, and that the cumulative effect will continue to manifest itself for some time.”

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SMAS lifting is an effective hardware procedure that helps tighten the shape of the face without pain and recovery period. If you are willing to wait to achieve the effect, this is the best method for correcting facial contours and eliminating wrinkles.

Years go by, and over time we notice the first signs of aging - hated wrinkles appear, bags under the eyes, the skin becomes flabby and begins to sag, the outlines of a double chin also appear, and you can’t put your neck on public display anymore, the folds don’t allow it. However, research does not stand still, and in the presence of age-related external changes, you can stop aging and restore youth to your faceusing a new facelift technology - SMAS lifting. I propose to consider together the types of SMAS lifting, and also discuss reviews with before and after photos.


  1. eliminates sagging and sagging skin of the face, neck and chin;
  2. allows you to achieve significant rejuvenation;
  3. fully smoothes out hated wrinkles in the neck and face area;
  4. forms a clear oval of the face, which will make you look young and attractive again;
  5. in combination with contour plastic surgery copes even with deep creases skin;
  6. gives possibility of a facelift individual parts of the face (forehead, temples, middle zone, neck);
  7. in combination with liposuction, it allows you to completely get rid of the double chin;
  8. fights sagging soft tissues of the face.

Classic lifting


  1. it will take one and a half to two months for complete recovery;
  2. You must wear a support bandage for four days;
  3. sutures are removed after two weeks.


  1. long duration of effect (about 10-15 years);
  2. the contours of the face take on their previous appearance;
  3. even the deepest folds and wrinkles are smoothed out;
  4. It is possible to combine it with other plastic procedures.


  1. the operation is permissible for people over forty years old;
  2. long recovery process;
  3. very high cost of the operation;
  4. slow healing of sutures;
  5. a hematoma may appear;
  6. in rare cases, changes in facial features are possible.

Endoscopic lifting


  1. full recovery will occur in a month and a half;
  2. sutures are removed on the fifth day;
  3. on the third day, a massage course is prescribed for a quick recovery;
  4. hematomas and bruises completely resolve within two weeks.


  1. small punctures are perfectly camouflaged;
  2. there is no risk of baldness or tissue numbness;
  3. complete absence of edema;
  4. long-term results (about 3-5 years);
  5. makes it possible to perform a repeat operation in the future.


  1. unacceptable at the age of 30-40 years with the first or second stage of aging;
  2. high cost of the operation;
  3. long recovery.

Ultrasonic lifting


  1. there is no rehabilitation period;
  2. the first positive results are noticeable within a week;
  3. repeat surgery is allowed;
  4. no scars or scars.


  1. only available for ages 35-45;
  2. short-term effect – one and a half to two years;
  3. high price.

Where can I get a SMAS lift?

Where can you get a SMAS lifting in Moscow?

  1. Center for Aesthetic and Laser Medicine: Osenny Boulevard, 12, building 3. M. "Krylatskoe". Tel. +7 (495) 532-95-77, +7 (965) 138-50-52.

Where can you get a SMAS lifting in St. Petersburg?

  1. Center for Aesthetic Medicine "Amoria": st. Serpukhovskaya, house 22. M. "Technological Institute". Tel. (812) 385-76-96.

Where can you get a SMAS lifting in Kyiv?

  1. Clinic of laser cosmetology and surgery “Diamond Laser”: st. Bolshaya Vasilkovskaya, 89. M. “Palace of Ukraine”. Tel. +38 (044) 221-59-73.

Possible consequences

  1. Facial redness. It is observed when the skin is too thin - it goes away within a day.
  2. Painful sensations. They appear when touched or pressed on the surface of the bloodstream - the effect lasts about a month.
  3. Decreased sensitivity or partial numbness of the skin. Rarely appears and goes away within a week.

Reviews about SMAS lifting

Olga, 40 years old

Does it matter which device is used during lifting? According to people's reviews after surgery, non-surgical SMAS lifting using the Hifu SMAS Lifting device causes severe pain, and when using the ultrasonic Doublo system, it causes only a slight tingling sensation.

Natalya, 55 years old

I can only leave a negative review about hardware SMAS lifting - after the facelift, the result did not last even three months. Later on the Internet I found many women who had the same problems. In the end, I just wasted my money.

Alexandra, 47 years old

What rules must be followed after ultrasonic lifting?


25 reviews “Ultrasonic facelift (SMAS-lifting) - reviews”

The procedure gives zero effect, and is more than painful and expensive.
I absolutely do not recommend it. Wasted money is at a minimum, or at a maximum, quite a serious burden on the body with possible problems. For example, my blood pressure jumped sharply

I am 41 years old. she looked 30. The oval swam a little. I made smas on a Korean device. as a result there is no result. a month has passed. The pores on my face became just huge, the oval completely shifted. approaching old age using the express method, and even for a lot of money. I don't recommend it.

I can only leave a negative review about hardware SMAS lifting - after the facelift, the result did not last even three months. Later on the Internet I found many women who had the same problems. In the end, I just wasted my money.

Girls, I did this procedure a week ago. I did the whole face, paid 93 thousand, the procedure lasted 1.5 hours. 10 minutes before the end I became hysterical, apparently from pain shock, it was very painful, especially in the eye area. The pain is somehow unnatural and unusual, it is better to divide the face into 3 zones and do it separately. I’m 35 years old, I don’t have any problems, they actually give me 30, why did I go there?

I have conflicting opinions. The result seems to be noticeable, but I won’t repeat it. For that price, you can go for other procedures that work almost the same way, but you need to repeat them every six months. It hurts too much. Perhaps I was unlucky or it was done by an inexperienced doctor, but I say it is what it is. I had it done at the realclinic.”

Today I went for a consultation about SMAS lifting..

there is one minus)) this is the price of 50 thousand rubles.

Private cosmetologists do not perform this procedure, the equipment is only in a large clinic.

a little more information))

It is not recommended to do the procedure on the area of ​​the face where Botox is present (the effect of Botox will wear off faster)

and if the nasolabial area is filled with gel, it is also not recommended (from high temperatures the gel can “walk” across the face)

and for those who have “threads” inserted, this is also not done.

I decided for myself what I would do))

I just came back after the procedure. It is painful in the teeth and eyes, but everything is tolerable. Although I am very sensitive to pain. My face hurts a little because I got hit a couple of times. I'll look at the result.

2.5 months have passed. The oval of the face has tightened up well, the jowls have gone away, and the eyelids have lifted. I would like more nasolabials, but here I understand that only fillers will help, and I’m afraid of them :-). In short, SMAS works well, noticeably, tolerably, although, of course, it won’t turn a 40-year-old into an 18-year-old.

“I don’t know who considers this procedure painless, but for me it’s not very pleasant. I don’t recommend doing smas-lifting before the age of 35, because it’s a pretty strong technique. At this age, mesotherapy will do an excellent job, but after 40 it is better to do one ultrasound lifting and enjoy the effect for several more years.”

There seems to be an effect, but it seems there isn’t.

A little painful and expensive

Hello, dear readers and subscribers.
I think that my review will be of particular interest to those who want to remain always young and beautiful. I am also no exception, so I have been visiting a cosmetologist for a long time and regularly.
Today I will tell you my impressions of the SMAS lifting procedure using the Korean U ONE device.
Here it is, the hero of my review, the U-ONE device.
To be honest, I don’t really trust hardware cosmetology. Yes, simply because the effect of such hardware procedures does not occur immediately.
Usually cosmetologists offer to do about a dozen expensive procedures that may or may not improve something. Everything is very individual.
Whether it’s various fillers, mesothreads or botulinum toxin injections. Here the effect is visible, if not instantly, then certainly after four days.
I’ll tell you a little about what hardware SMAS lifting is.
This procedure is advertised as a non-surgical facelift. The technology is as follows: directed ultrasound beams act on the muscle layer under the skin. Long and short ultrasonic beams are focused at one point. It is there that the area of ​​the muscle layer is heated and, as it were, pinched. Due to this microtuck, the muscle tissue contracts and at the same time tightens the skin layers located above. It is on this principle that the lifting effect occurs.
Of course, you need to make more than one or two such microtucks. I understand that the more and more frequently there are on a muscle, the better the skin tightening.
The procedure is performed once and its effect should last for a couple of years. Then you can repeat it again. Again, everything is very individual.
SMAS lifting is absolutely safe, does not damage muscles and skin, does not leave marks or scars.
The ultrasonic SMAS lifting procedure is indicated for people over 35 years of age.
Why did I decide to do it?
As I got older, I began to notice slight swelling under my eyes, especially noticeable in the morning. Having tried many creams, medical ointments and various masks, I was finally convinced that nothing was helping me. And even injections of fat-burning drugs did not give me anything. Of course, I thought about blepharoplasty, but I’m afraid to do this operation.
And then one day, at the next appointment, the cosmetologist suggested that I do a hardware procedure. One of the indications is the presence of swelling under the eyes.
Of course, the device can also tighten jowls on the cheeks, remove sagging upper eyelids, and remove double chins. This procedure can be done not only on the face, but also on the body. For example, you can tighten your stomach and even the skin on your knees.
It all depends on the amount of your finances. But SMAS lifting is not that cheap. But its advantage is that the procedure can be done in parts. That is, for example, first tighten the cheeks, then the eyes, then the chin, and so on.
So, I decided to start with the eyes. Check if everything is really as wonderful as they say in the reviews.
Now a little about the procedure.
The cosmetologist put me on the couch, removed the makeup from my face and smeared the area under my eyes with a special gel. I turned on the U ONE device.
The device shows that the procedure can be done with four attachments. The attachments depend on the application. There is a separate attachment for the face and one for the stomach.
So, the device is configured and the nozzle is ready for use.
Photo before the procedure
Having placed the device under my right eye, the cosmetologist made ten clicks at a distance of several millimeters from the inner corner to the outer. Each click lasted approximately 3 seconds.
Very little pleasant. It hurts. But we can bear it. The sensation is similar to a small hot electric shock. Tears rolled from my eyes. But this was not the end.
The cosmetologist set the device to a different depth of ultrasound penetration, less, and again ten clicks for each eye. It was less painful, but still unpleasant.
The lifting procedure was completed. They gave me a mirror.
Photo one minute after the procedure.
There was no terrible redness under the eyes. Nothing was swollen or swollen. No one even noticed that I had some kind of procedure done, not even my husband.
But I must say that immediately after the procedure it seemed to me that my bags under my eyes were a little flattened, especially at the outer corner of my eyes. This is the effect I was looking for.
For two weeks I looked at myself in the mirror and took photographs. The result was very twofold. In the photo I don’t see any difference at all before the procedure and after. But at the same time, the mirror seems to show that the swelling has decreased a little. In addition, when I touch the skin with my hands, I feel that it has tightened up a little, become firmer and smoother.
I will not announce the cost of the procedure, since it can vary dramatically in each city and each salon.
Will I do ultrasonic SMAS lifting on other areas of my face? Probably not.
True, I still don’t quite understand the effect under the eyes. What is this, lifting or the power of self-hypnosis?
For clarity, I will post another before and after photo in two weeks.
Also, after the procedure I had slight soreness under my eyes. It felt like a bone was hurting, especially if you touched it with your hands. But after three weeks, all the unpleasant sensations went away, apparently along with the lifting.
Thank you for your attention, I really hope that my review will be useful to someone.

The procedure is expensive, but effective. I had previously only heard about haifu, but didn’t really delve into the essence. I had hyaluronic acid fillers done twice, but the last time I had an incomprehensible reaction on the skin. It seems like an allergy, but why is unclear. I decided that I needed to try the Haifa lifting, because this lift often gets good reviews on independent forums. At first I was disappointed; on the fifth day there was no visible effect. But after 2 weeks the difference in the before and after photos was dramatic. Wrinkles were noticeably smoothed out, the oval of the face was tightened, and she began to look much younger. I don’t know how to compare this procedure with plastic surgery, I haven’t done it, but at 46 you can easily look 35-40 after just one visit to the clinic.”

I am 37 years old and naturally the first age-related changes have already affected my face. I regularly go to the cosmetologist, more precisely once a week. All kinds of massages, mesoscooter, biorevitalization, mesothreads, Dysport, fillers - I do all this regularly and I generally really like the effect.
But one day my cosmetologist offered me a new procedure - SMAS lifting using the U one device. Of course, I am not a supporter of hardware cosmetology, but she was so convincing that I decided to try this SMAS lifting. But I decided to do the procedure not on the entire face, but only on a small area of ​​it - under the eyes. Firstly, doing the whole face at once is expensive. Secondly, I decided to first see the effect on a small area of ​​my face, and then decide whether I needed it. Moreover, reviews about Smas are very contradictory.
This is what the U-one device looks like. It was on him that I performed the procedure - a non-surgical facelift.

So, first I will talk about how the procedure went and my feelings. Let me remind you that I decided to have a lift under my eyes because I am worried about small swelling and crow’s feet. Namely, these problems, and others too, of course, are indications for Smas-lifting.
No preparation for the procedure was required. The cosmetologist turned on the device and picked up the nozzle. Placing the nozzle under one eye, she made ten clicks, spaced a few millimeters apart. It was painful and scary. I always thought that this ultrasound would blind me. Tears flowed from my eyes. It felt like an electric current was being pumped through my bones. Of course I endured it. The same thing awaited my second eye.
Then the cosmetologist took another attachment and again ten clicks on the bones under each eye. But it was no longer so painful, rather very scary.
That's basically it. The procedure was over. I am going home.
There was no redness on my face, nothing that would indicate that I had a Smas lifting done. Only for the first three weeks the bones under the eyes hurt, especially if you touched them with your hands.
As for the effect, I didn’t really see it. Ten months have passed since the procedure, so I can say with confidence that SMAS lifting under the eyes is absolutely ineffective. My lumps and crow's feet are in their place and are not going to leave me.
I don’t know, maybe the effect of smas lifting will be better on other areas of the face, but for now I have no desire to do it. Perhaps someday I will do this procedure on the forehead and in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, but definitely not under the eyes.
I won’t post before and after photos because I don’t see any difference at all.
Thank you.

The method is expensive, but there is an effect. A procedure in an average salon costs about a thousand dollars, in good clinics it costs two or more. The advantage is that it is done once and the effect lasts for a long time. The downside is that it is very painful, I don’t know who is saying that this is a simple procedure, but it was terribly painful for me. I did it for rejuvenation and tightening, but after losing weight, the skin on my cheekbones and chin did not tone up. Until 35, I will recommend other procedures, for example a course of mesotherapy. After 35, it’s better to go for an ultrasound once than to spend money on procedures that are unlikely to give a visible effect.”

I haven’t done it yet, I just signed up, but a friend went and I can evaluate hifu based on her. She is naturally chubby, although she has almost no excess fat. After visiting the clinic, the shape of my face changed noticeably, I thought that she had done a cheekbone and chin lift, but everything turned out to be more interesting. If I hadn’t seen the results, I would never have signed up myself, because the price is very expensive. And there is a real example that the method works.”

The procedure was done 3 months ago. Before that, I didn’t even know what it was or how hifu worked. To say that the procedure is pleasant is to say nothing. The pain is not sharp, but very unpleasant, unlike anything else. I endured the entire 50 minutes, although I almost cried at the end. My cosmetologist warned that the effect would appear in 1-2 weeks, so I didn’t panic when I didn’t see any changes in the mirror. In general, the jowls were almost completely removed, the skin became more natural and younger. It’s true that there’s a contrast, so this year I’m going to do a lift of the entire face and neck.”

They did a lift for me, it cost about 89 thousand for everything. The good thing is that subcutaneous fat has disappeared, the skin has noticeably tightened and become healthier. The effect from one procedure is excellent. The downside is that the wrinkles did not disappear completely, they became less noticeable. Well, the high price. And many craftsmen beat themselves in the chest that they are the only ones who know how to work, that only they have the real Altera. So add to the disadvantages the difficulty of choosing a master.”

I did Altera 2 months ago. They didn’t make me a different person, but I started to look younger) I don’t regret the money spent. It’s just a shame when I see that prices for procedures are falling as popularity grows, but I paid one and a half times more than what the same Altera clinic costs now. The doctor made an appointment for a consultation 3 months later and said it was for consolidation. The correction will be done from six months to a year, depending on how the effect lasts. But here you need to understand that this is not a course therapy, but you did it 1-2 times and then you can forget about it for at least two years. Most of all, I felt the effect of smoothing the nasolabial wrinkles and wrinkles around the eyes, which completely disappeared (only in this area it was very painful).”

I did it and I’m very pleased with the result. I did, though in another city. The nasolabial area immediately smoothed out. It tightened around the eyes. I didn't feel any pain, just a little discomfort.

“The ultrasound helped get rid of facial wrinkles on the forehead and in the corners of the eyes. Just one procedure is enough! It doesn’t hurt at all, there are no unpleasant sensations and the effect lasts a long time. I recommend it to everyone!”

“I regularly used hyaluronic acid fillers for rejuvenation, but the last time I felt some irritation on my face. I was very scared and decided to stop the executions, but a year later I came across an article about Hifu-lifting and decided to try it on myself. The cosmetologist did everything carefully and correctly, did not find any deviations, but the skin seemed to have found a second wind: the face became smooth, and it felt very soft and pleasant to the touch.”

“I know from my friend’s example that it works. When I saw her after the session, I thought that I had plastic surgery - the effect was so enchanting! The cheekbones became very expressive, the eyebrows rose upward, making the look more open, and the skin became very clean and silky.”

Good day to everyone who wants to stay forever young!

Today I am talking about the so-called non-surgical facelift - the SMAS lifting procedure.

In short, SMAS (English: Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System - superficial muscular-aponeurotic system) is a structure of two layers: a layer of elastin and collagen fibers and a layer of facial muscles.

SMAS lifting is a procedure for applying a focused ultrasound wave not to the skin, but to the underlying muscular aponeurotic layer.

Short and long ultrasound beams are focused in parallel on one point at which the area of ​​the muscular aponeurotic layer is heated. In this area of ​​the tissue, a kind of microscopic “tuck” is obtained. When there are a lot of “tucks”, the fabric, twisting, contracts and tightens the layers of skin that lie above. This provides an instant tightening of the facial frame. In addition, exposure to ultrasound activates the synthesis of elastin and collagen, which ensures an increase in the effect over three to four months.

The effect of the procedure lasts for at least three years.

I had saved up a certain amount that I was going to spend on myself, namely on rejuvenation before leaving maternity leave. I consider my main problem to be nasolabial folds - it seems to me that because of them, at 32, I look like I’m 40.

I made an appointment at the salon for a biorevitalization procedure, but when I got there, they told me that they had a 50% discount on SMAS lifting. I thought and thought and decided.

Now about the procedure itself.

They laid me on the couch, the doctor carefully removed my makeup, drew something on my face, applied gel to the sensor and it began...

The procedure is quite painful. Of course, they offered me anesthesia in the form of a cream, but they warned me that since the effect is on deep layers (about 5 mm), it would be of little use. Since many nurses and doctors say that I am quite patient (I don’t moan or cry from painful injections), I decided to refuse anesthesia.

So, what can I say... it’s not very pleasant.

I don’t even know how to describe the sensations. It seemed as if the bones of my skull were being scraped and shot through by something. It was especially unpleasant in the area of ​​the dental implant.

As expected, first they treated only the right side of my face and brought me to the mirror. It seemed to me that the treated half of my face was swollen, however, when I looked more closely, I actually noticed that it was the muscles that had lifted.

Then the left side of the face and neck were treated.

Looking in the mirror, I was a little disappointed... For that kind of money (after all, 200,000 tenge (about 40,000 rubles)) I wanted to become a girl of about 18. However, this did not happen.

The face just became less tired and more open, or something.

In general, I decided to wait for the effect to increase within 3 months, and then judge the result.

After three months, it became clear that the facial muscles had indeed noticeably tightened. Previously, there were nasolabial “folds”, that is, the muscle hung straight down, but now there are wrinkles. The double chin noticeably tightened, the corners of the eyes and lips lifted.

However, I still wasn’t happy with the nasolabials and I didn’t leave everything as it was and, after another couple of months, I did

injections of hyaluronic acid into the nasolabial folds.

And now I am more or less satisfied with the result. Recently, more and more often, friends and colleagues have noticed the good condition of my skin and face in general.

I recommend this procedure to everyone. Experts say that it is absolutely safe.

But I think that SMAS lifting should cost 10 times less, since I haven’t noticed any unimaginable miracles.

Judge for yourself from the photo.

Thank you all for your attention to the review.

If you're interested, I suggest reading how I did it, how I did it

injections of hyaluronic acid into the nasolabial folds and

And also, for those who are interested - an easy and quick way to lose a couple of extra kilos

Six petals diet

It hurts a lot, ZERO, if not worse. I did it on an oval, which, six months after this procedure, floated even more than it was, very quickly, within 4 months, jowls appeared, which now do not take either meso threads or kogi, I don’t even know what to do after this SMAS lifting. Clinic of Nadezhda Roslyakova

I had a smash-lifting procedure a week ago, I’m 53 years old, I had problems - bags under my eyes in the morning, wrinkles around the eyes, general sagging and tired skin. I am very pleased with the result, the skin has become elastic to the touch, and the general condition of the skin has improved, the bags are almost gone, the wrinkles are greatly reduced, I am glad what will happen in three months. The procedure itself lasted about 1.5 hours, including preparation, I first took two painkiller tablets, read reviews, prepared for severe pain, but everything was quite tolerable, in a couple of areas it was quite painful - near the eyes and on the cheekbones, in places where there is a slight fat layer. On the day after the procedure, there was noticeable redness and my face hurt a little, but there was no swelling. Now when washing, some areas are painful. I don’t recommend doing it before 40, this procedure is clearly for sagging skin.

Today I had a smas lifting
I saw the effect immediately
The lower part of the face is tightened and does not hang
I don’t regret having this procedure
I won’t say that at 54 I became 20 years old, but at 37 I’m calm
Confidence appeared, it felt comfortable on the face, the eyes even somehow opened
But it hurts.
Endured it
I recommend