Acne on the face by zone causes photo


The appearance of various rashes on the skin can spoil not only your appearance and mood, but also lower your self-esteem. The appearance of acne on the face, the reasons for the zones can mean a lot and tell about the condition of the whole organism. It is important to know how to deal with rashes.

Localization of rashes

Pimples, blackheads or acne are pinpoint inflamed areas of the skin that appear in the form of small painful bumps. The location of acne on the face and diseases of the internal organs are directly related.

Acne can be not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body. It is necessary to distinguish between the nature of the rashes: they can be inflammatory or non-inflammatory in nature. Inflamed pimples are distinguished by the content of purulent discharge and are accompanied by redness of the skin.

Reasons for appearance

A rash appears on the face if there are the following problems:

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    Increased sebum production, oily skin.
  2. Hormonal imbalance (increased levels of the androgen hormone are observed most often in adolescence).
  3. Hyperkeratosis is a pathological condition of the skin, accompanied by a high rate of cell division and disruption of the desquamation process.
  4. Rashes as an allergic skin reaction.
  5. Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Avitaminosis.
  7. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  8. Poor environmental situation.
  9. Incorrectly selected skin care complex.
  10. Poor quality cosmetics.

Rashes on the face have causes according to zones. The human face is visually divided into certain areas, each of which is an area of ​​projection of the human internal organs. The appearance of acne in a particular area may indicate possible disturbances in the functioning of the internal organs responsible for this area. Cosmetic procedures can only temporarily reduce the manifestation of irritation. However, over time the problem will return.

A dermatologist, based on the area where acne is localized, can easily determine its cause. In such cases, consulting a specialist may not be enough. Other specialists - a urologist, endocrinologist, therapist or gastroenterologist - will help solve the problem.

Types of acne

By their nature, acne is divided into the following types:

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    comedones - black or white dots;
  2. papules or nodules - formations that rise slightly above the surface of the skin and have no internal contents;
  3. pustules - blistering formations with purulent contents;
  4. red inflammation;
  5. spider veins;
  6. ulcers.

Most people try to get rid of acne by squeezing. This method is dangerous. Possible complications:

  1. infection, which can cause severe inflammation;
  2. formation of pigmentation on the face;
  3. the appearance of cicatricial formations and scars.


Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the causes of dermatological defects. Pimples are located in certain areas. An incorrect diagnosis can not only delay treatment for a long time, but also lead to worsening.

Rashes occur when there is a malfunction of the lungs, heart, urinary organs, digestive system and intestines. Skin inflammatory processes with the formation of a rash can be triggered by the presence of helminthiasis or demodicosis. If parasites are detected, it is necessary to approach treatment comprehensively.

Taking antiparasitic drugs can be accompanied by severe intoxication of the body, which occurs when helminths die. When getting rid of toxic damage use various sorbent preparations. They effectively cleanse the body of waste products of worms in a short time.

T-zone - localization of acne

By analyzing a map of facial acne, you can determine what they mean. The frontal part is part of the T-zone, which covers the forehead, entire nose and chin. Rashes localized in this area are often associated with hormones. This area has a large number of sebaceous canals, which become clogged very quickly, so acne often occurs there. Hormonal imbalance provokes increased activity of the sebaceous glands. When there is a lot of sebum and the sebaceous canal becomes clogged, acne occurs.

Rash on forehead

Forehead area has many points that project the work of different body systems. Localization of rashes on this area of ​​the face indicates the following problems:

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    pimples between the eyebrows indicate a malfunction of the liver;
  2. heart failure is manifested by a rash in the eyebrow area;
  3. rectum and sigmoid colon - rashes on the left forehead;
  4. the condition of the small intestine is reflected in the central part of the forehead;
  5. the gallbladder is projected in the temporal region;
  6. appendicitis is associated with the right frontal lobe;
  7. Problems of the genitourinary system can be identified by the presence of rashes along the hairline.

Chin area

The first signal of a weakened immune system may be acne on the chin. They can serve as a signal about problems in the functioning of the body’s endocrine and digestive systems. The appearance of a pimple on the chin in women is especially important. This may indicate disorders or inflammatory processes in the genital organs. Inflammation is often caused byI have developed polycystic ovary syndrome or menstrual irregularities. In men, rashes in the chin area may indicate prostate disease.

Abuse of strong drinks, as well as strong tea and coffee with constant nervous tension is characterized by the appearance of a rash in the chin area.

Acne on nose


Malfunction of the endocrine system may manifest itself as inflamed pimples on the nose. This may be due to weakness of the heart muscle or general immune exhaustion. An active lifestyle and blood pressure control will help. The bridge of the nose projects the condition of the liver. To prevent the appearance of rashes, due attention should be paid to daily hygiene procedures.

Area around the lips

Patients with digestive tract disorders often experience rashes around the lips. Improvements come with changing your diet. Dishes should be made from foods containing large amounts of fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits. Frequent overload of the nervous system is also accompanied by a rash in the mouth area.

Projection of inflammation on the cheeks

What do pimples on the face mean? The pattern of location in the cheek area can also indicate the presence of intestinal dysbiosis. Localization zone: cheekbones. The rashes in such cases are large and quite painful. They arise for the following reasons:

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    The appearance of inflamed pimples in the central part of the cheeks indicates problems with the respiratory system. Lung diseases often occur in smokers. Pimples on the cheeks can appear after prolonged exposure to the cold and hypothermia.
  2. Acne on the cheeks can be associated with the use of low-quality cosmetics.
  3. Breast diseases in women can also be provoked in the cheek area. The rashes will be large, painful, with purulent contents. They do not heal for a long time and can leave behind cosmetic defects in the form of scars or spots.
  4. Rashes on the cheeks may be a consequence of the activity of subcutaneous mites (demodex). Accompanied by the appearance of red spots and constant itching. The rash may spread to other areas of the body. In such cases, complex treatment is necessary.

Pimples on temples

The temporal region rarely suffers from acne. If the problem does arise, it is recommended to pay special attention to the functioning of the gallbladder. This area may suffer from inflammation during periods of hormonal stress in the body (childbirth, adolescence, hormonal therapy). Treatment consists of taking multivitamin complexes and following a certain diet that normalizes the process of bile production.

Eye area

Dermatological defects in the eye area can be of various types - swelling, rash, dark circles, redness. All of them indicate the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the urinary system - the kidneys and adrenal glands. The appearance of such symptoms may indicate dehydration. As therapeutic and preventive measures, it is necessary to adhere to a sleep and rest schedule and drink plenty of water.

Cosmetics have a drying effect on the skin around the eyes. This can cause the early appearance of fine wrinkles (“crow’s feet”).

Regardless of the location of acne, treatment should be approached comprehensively. Problems of internal organs should be dealt with by specialists. A dermatologist deals with the condition of the skin. Cosmetic procedures bring only a temporary effect, but do not solve the problem.

Mandatory products for the care of inflamed skin should be antiseptic drugs. These can be herbal tinctures with alcohol or salicylic alcohol solution.

Care instructions


Boltushka has proven itself well in the treatment of purulent rashes - this is a solution of salicylic alcohol mixed with other medications. The product is prepared in specialized departments of pharmacies according to a prescription.

A properly selected set of care products for a specific skin type can relieve and prevent unpleasant consequences associated with the appearance of cosmetic defects. A cosmetologist or dermatologist will help you determine your skin type. The list of daily care products includes:

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    shower gel;
  2. tonic lotion;
  3. day cream;
  4. night cream;
  5. moisturizing, nourishing masks;
  6. gentle peeling agent;
  7. UV blocker cream;
  8. scrub for gentle exfoliation of the stratum corneum.

As preventive procedures, you can use tonics from a decoction of medicinal plants or steam procedures with them.

The condition of facial skin depends not only on cosmetic factors.

Problematic skin occurs due to various problems of internal organs.

If you know why acne appeared on the face, what organs are responsible for skin pathologies, you can choose effective treatment or an appropriate diet.

Changes in facial skin

Pimples are small inflamed bumps, they are divided into several types, and are called “rashes” in medical terminology:

  1. Acne or acne is the appearance of inflammation as a result of disruption of the sebaceous glands and inflammatory processes in their excretory ducts. Appears in the form of black dots, which due to inflammation turn into red inflamed tubercles.
  2. Furunculosis is the appearance of bumps on the face as a result of inflammation of the glands responsible for sweating. They are of impressive size, have a rod inside, and when pressed, purulent discharge appears. Typically such rashes occur on the forehead, temples and ears.
  3. Comedones are inflammations resulting from blockage of the sebaceous glands. Can be open or closed. They mainly arise due to diseases of the pancreas and metabolic disorders in the body.
  4. Rosacea (rosacea) is a skin disease associated with disruption of the endocrine system. A disease of the central nervous system can also be suspected. This pathology is not related to acne, although its name suggests otherwise. This is a disease of the blood vessels. Often appears during menopause in women.

Determining the type of inflamed bumps on the body plays an important role for further diagnosis and treatment. In some people, they may be present in several facial areas or be of different types.

Causes by zone


Let's look at acne on the face, the causes by zone. Inflamed bumps appear on the face and neck in different places. They do not occur by chance, but rashes occur in certain places on the face.

Doctors noted this and divided the face into certain zones that are associated with one or another organ:

  1. Forehead – indigestion and urinary tract problems.
  2. Nose – disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and vascular disease (myocardial infarction, vascular atherosclerosis, atrial fibrillation).
  3. Cheeks – stomach diseases and liver disorders (UC, flatulence).
  4. Cheekbones – problems with the respiratory system (COPD, pulmonary tuberculosis).
  5. The brow area is a heart problem.
  6. Whiskey – kidney and gall bladder diseases (nephroptosis, renal colic).
  7. Nasolabial triangle – hormonal changes, oral cavity problems, dental problems.
  8. Chin – diseases of the genitourinary system and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  9. Neck – poisoning of the body with various toxins.

The entire state of the internal organs is reflected on the skin of a person’s face and neck.

Internal diseases seem to be projected onto certain parts of the body. In modern medicine, a doctor can easily predict the development of a disease based on the appearance of the patient’s body.

If acne appears on the temples

The appearance of inflamed tubercles on the temples indicates a developing gallbladder disease; it could be cholecystitis or cholelithiasis. You should also pay attention to the condition of the lymph nodes.

Not the last reason for such rashes is hypovitaminosis. It is necessary to add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. Limit consumption of fatty and spicy foods.

Face masks made from a paste of fresh berries, fruits and vegetables are very useful. Several times a day, wipe your face with herbal decoctions: chamomile, calendula. An infusion of linden flowers is very useful.

You can drink it and use it as a lotion.

What do pimples on the forehead mean?

The reason lies in inflammatory processes of the intestines - ulcerative colitis, enterocolitis. Also, acne can appear on the forehead due to dysfunction and infectious diseases of the liver.

A decrease in the tone of the heart muscle and impaired blood circulation in the tissues can also affect the condition of the skin in this area.

Periodically take absorbents to remove toxins from the body. Limit consumption of meat, spicy and salty foods. Control the balance of vitamins such as: A, C, E, B vitamins.

Maintain hygiene of the head and hair, as well as hats. Use hypoallergenic detergents (shampoo, conditioner, soap).

Causes of acne on the cheeks

The cheek area is responsible for many organs. Inflammation of the stomach will be reflected in the form of rashes on the cheeks. Allergic reaction to foods or drinks. Pathology of the respiratory system, especially the lungs.

Disruption of the small intestine and mucosal glands.

If the rash appears for a short time, the cause may be a cold or respiratory illness. Failure to maintain facial skin hygiene also causes inflammation on the body. With diabetes or excessive consumption of sweets, inflamed tubercles may also appear.

Proper nutrition is recommended: give up foods that cause allergies, give up sweets and starchy foods. Maintain facial hygiene, change bedding more often and periodically wipe the phone with an alcohol solution for disinfection. Avoid stressful situations, follow a rest and sleep schedule.

Acne on the chin

Usually appear due to hormonal changes. In boys and girls during puberty. In women - before menstruation or when taking hormonal contraceptives. Such rashes are usually temporary, they go away fairly quickly or appear periodically.

The cause may also be inflammation of the pelvic organs, as well as diseases of the genitourinary system.

The endocrine system can signal in this way. Pimples appear under the chin or on the neck mainly due to poisoning of the body with toxins (alcohol, nicotine, drugs) and poor diet.

It is necessary to visit an endocrinologist, and, if necessary, a gynecologist. It is recommended to eat red fish, as they have the highest content of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Drink green tea with mint, it also regulates hormonal metabolism.

Under the eyes

Indicate a disruption of the adrenal glands, as well as kidney problems. Kidney failure and pyelonephritis are also accompanied by edema. You should pay attention to the blood vessels, oxygen starvation is obvious.

What can be done


First of all, you need to contact a cosmetologist; after examination, depending on the affected area, the doctor will recommend a specialist.

You can change your diet and lifestyle on your own. You need to prohibit yourself from eating:

  1. carbonated drinks, especially cola;
  2. various smoked products (sausage, meat, poultry, fish, cheese);
  3. canned food, mayonnaise, sauces;
  4. coffee, cocoa;
  5. bread and baked goods;
  6. sweets and chocolate.

Add to the daily menu: fresh herbs, porridge from various cereals, grain bread and fruits. It is advisable to limit protein intake; not all people break it down and benefit the body.

Stop smoking and drinking alcohol; these bad habits impair blood circulation, overload the liver, pancreas and kidneys, which contributes to the appearance of inflamed tubercles.

Try to lead a healthy lifestyle, be sure to take many hours of walks in the fresh air. Forbid yourself from long gatherings, this has a bad effect on the functioning of the intestines, causes constipation and affects the condition of the skin.

It is impossible to get rid of acne only by changing your diet; all measures must be comprehensive. It is necessary to maintain hygiene, use cosmetics correctly for the face and neck, periodically visit a cosmetologist and, if necessary, a dermatologist.

Cosmetologists recommend using anti-inflammatory and antibacterial facial products (lotions, gels). If necessary, hormonal agents are used to control steroid levels. Vitamin preparations are also added to improve skin balance and strengthen the immune system.

Acne treatment

In modern cosmetology and medicine, there are many ways to treat acne.

Cosmetics, medications, hormonal preparations, as well as medications aimed at treating the underlying disease that caused acne are used in complex therapy.

It is recommended to use salicylic ointment; it has an anti-inflammatory, antiviral effect, and also dries out pimples, which helps them disappear. The ointment is applied carefully, only to acne, so as not to affect healthy areas of the skin.

If boils appear, you can use Vishnevsky ointment to clean the ducts of the sebaceous glands from pus. The ointment is applied for several hours, covered with a sterile gauze pad. Then it is removed along with the pus that has come out of the duct.

But there are times when no methods help, then doctors resort to blood transfusions (autohemotherapy). The effect is achieved by influencing the immune system.

Almost always this procedure gives a positive result. Renewing the blood strengthens the immune system, fights various infections, removes toxins and bacteria. The most important thing is that when a blood transfusion occurs, the body begins to fight microbes anew, and all metabolic processes are activated.

Videos on the topic

There are many known reasons why acne appears on the face and body, but determining the exact one is often not easy. Sometimes people spend many years trying to identify the factor causing the rash and finally get rid of their problem. Not everyone knows that if you look at acne on the face by zone, the time to make a diagnosis can be significantly reduced. After all, inflammatory elements on the skin are often a consequence of deeper causes hidden in the work of internal systems. One has only to determine the source of the process and select the appropriate treatment, a positive result will not be long in coming.

Why do acne occur?

Any kind of acne always has one common cause - blockage of the sebaceous ducts. Behind this process there is a factor that provokes it. It could be:

  1. problems with hormones;
  2. poor metabolism;
  3. poor nutrition;
  4. comedogenic cosmetics;
  5. allergy;
  6. intoxication of the body;
  7. helminthiasis;
  8. demodicosis;
  9. environmental influence;
  10. heredity;
  11. stress component;
  12. immunodeficiency;
  13. vitamin deficiency;
  14. diseases of internal organs.

You can learn more about the last factor if you pay attention to the location of the rash (see photo).


Acne on the face by zone

Pimples in the frontal area

The forehead is the most prone place on the face to breakouts. A large number of sweat and sebaceous glands are concentrated in this area. Because of this feature, the forehead quickly becomes oily, especially in hot weather. What else could be causing the problem to worsen?

  1. Touching with unwashed hands. We do this subconsciously, without thinking about the fact that there are bacteria on our hands, which cause a constant inflammatory process on the forehead.
  2. Bad eating habits. Perhaps your digestive system cannot cope with the absorption of tasty but harmful foods. Healthy foods can also cause rashes if a person has an individual intolerance. This applies to dairy products and cereals containing gluten, chicken eggs and meat.
  3. Dysbacteriosis. A decrease in beneficial microflora in the intestines immediately affects the skin.
  4. Medicines. The frontal zone is sensitive to medications, especially hormonal ones.
  5. Cosmetic errors. Skin prone to rashes requires special care. Insufficiently carefully selected cosmetics provoke skin problems such as acne.
  6. Diseases of internal organs. If you have problems with the gallbladder, pimples appear along the hairline, a diseased heart or bladder causes a rash in the eyebrow area, and the stomach reflects its condition with pimples located in the middle of the forehead.

To get rid of rashes on the forehead, it is recommended to take the following measures:

  1. review your diet;
  2. choose special care products for oily forehead skin;
  3. take tests for hormones and allergens, undergo therapy;
  4. check the stomach, gall bladder, heart and intestines, undergo the prescribed treatment;
  5. Get into the habit of wiping your forehead not with your hands, but with wet wipes.

By applying these tips, you will see positive results very soon.

Acne in the temporal area

The temple area has relatively thin skin, on which rashes rarely appear. But if they are, then pay attention to the following possible reasons:

  1. Gallbladder diseases. Cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia are often the cause of acne in the temple area.
  2. Lymph flow disturbances. If for some reason the lymphatic system ceases to cope with its function, various harmful substances accumulate in the lymph, which lead to skin rashes.
  3. Vitamin deficiencies. Lack of vitamins A, C, E, B manifests itself throughout the skin of the body, including the temples.
  4. Hormone surges. Most often, hormonal acne affects teenagers and women.

Some recommendations that will help you forget about acne on your temples forever:

  1. check your gallbladder, cure existing problems;
  2. undergo diagnostics of the lymphatic system;
  3. make your diet more varied, consisting mainly of vitamin-rich foods;
  4. adjust hormonal levels.

These recommendations can only be implemented with the help of a competent doctor. An endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, and lymphologist will help.

Acne in the periorbital area

Any rash around the eyes brings a lot of trouble. The skin here is thin and acne rarely appears. Causes of acne in this area:

  1. Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system. Due to disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, fluid begins to stagnate in the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids, and swelling appears. Swelling skin is unhealthy; it creates suitable conditions for inflammation.

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    Xanthelasma around the eyes

Hypercholesterolemia. Excess cholesterol can accumulate on your eyelids. True, in this case, the rashes do not look exactly like pimples, but an uninformed person may confuse them. Such elements are called xanthelasma and look like pimples with an uneven contour and white contents visible through the skin.

Allergic reaction. Rash under the eyes and on the eyelids can appear due to allergens contained in cosmetics. Dehydration. Due to a lack of fluid in the body, the appearance of acne is a common occurrence.

How to deal with rashes around the eyes? This special zone will benefit from:

  1. going to a nephrologist or therapist to check your kidneys and prescribe therapy;
  2. proper nutrition in combination with cholesterol-lowering medications;
  3. refusal of allergenic cosmetics, replacement of products containing chemicals with natural care products;
  4. selection of special acne products for the skin around the eyes;
  5. drinking regime - enough water at the rate of 30-40 ml per kg of body weight.

Pimples on the nose and wings of the nose

The skin on the nose is especially prone to oiliness, as well as on the forehead. What could be the cause of active inflammation in this area and what do pimples on the nose indicate:

  1. Features of the skin in this area. The skin of the nose has many pores, which become clogged more often than other areas.
  2. Heart diseases. Hypertension, atherosclerosis - these diseases are worth thinking about when you see a pimple on your nose.
  3. Pathologies of the stomach and pancreas. Poor functioning of these organs leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the body and acne as their reflection.
  4. Hormonal imbalances. Acne on the nose most often affects adolescents during puberty, as well as people with problems with the endocrine system.

How to help the skin on your nose? Here are some tips:

  1. more thorough skin care - exfoliation, wiping with tonic, washing with special products daily;
  2. consultation with a gastroenterologist and nutritionist;
  3. consultation with a cardiologist, ECG and ultrasound of the heart if necessary, treatment of hypertension;
  4. checking hormonal problems with an endocrinologist.

Pimples on your nose will stop bothering you as soon as you figure out what’s wrong and how to fix the problem.

Pimples on cheeks and cheekbones

The cheeks have a peculiarity - more enlarged skin pores compared to other parts of the face. In addition to this factor that causes acne, there are others:

  1. Diseases of the bronchi and lungs. The cheeks are the place where so-called cold pimples most often occur. This can occur both due to internal inflammation and due to hypothermia of the body.
  2. Dysbacteriosis. When the cleansing function of the intestines is impaired, toxins come out in the form of acne.
  3. Demodecosis. The subcutaneous demodex mite in the process of its life activity leads to the appearance of rosacea (vulgar acne) on the cheeks.
  4. Poor quality or allergenic cosmetics. The cheeks are more susceptible to reactions to irritants than other areas.
  5. Working with aggressive chemicals and detergents. Inhalation of toxic fumes causes a subcutaneous rash in the form of small internal pimples.

Necessary measures to protect the skin on the cheeks from unsightly rashes:

  1. going to a therapist or pulmonologist to check the health of the bronchopulmonary system;
  2. consultation with a dermatologist, demodex test, diligent adherence to treatment recommendations;
  3. correction of intestinal microflora, taking probiotics;
  4. changing cosmetics to ones that suit your skin type;
  5. refusal to work with chemical irritants.

Cheeks should be healthy and rosy. This is possible if you follow the recommendations.

Pimples around the mouth and lips

Quite rarely, the perioral area is attacked by acne. But if they appear, then the reason is as follows:

  1. Errors in nutrition. Sour, salty, spicy foods can cause a rash around the lips or in their corners.

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    Herpes on the lips

Avitaminosis. If acne around the mouth does not go away, you should think about a lack of vitamin A or E.

Hair removal for women or shaving for men. Incorrectly performed hair removal can lead to folliculitis - inflammation of the hair follicles. Herpes on the lips - a cold that causes painful, fluid-filled blisters to appear on the lips.

How can you help yourself if you have acne in your mouth? A little patience and these measures:

  1. reviewing the menu, avoiding skin irritating products;
  2. fortification of the body - inclusion in the diet of foods containing vitamins A, C, E and B;
  3. selection of a suitable method for removing unwanted hair;
  4. strengthening the immune system.

Acne on the chin and neck

More often, acne in this area occurs in women and adolescents during puberty. The reasons are as follows:

  1. Hormonal disorders. Excess testosterone leads to increased activity of the sebaceous glands on the chin and neck. In women, this happens during the period of hormonal changes during pregnancy, after childbirth and during menopause, with polycystic ovary syndrome.
  2. The habit of resting your chin on your hands. Unwashed hands transfer bacteria to the skin of the chin, leading to inflammation.
  3. Abuse of coffee, tea, chocolate. These products contain caffeine, which is harmful to the skin in large quantities.

Treatment of acne on the chin is possible by doing the following:

  1. visiting a gynecologist or endocrinologist to determine the possible hormonal causes of the rash;
  2. careful care of the skin of the chin and neck;
  3. avoidance of caffeine-containing products.


The recommendations given in this article are confirmed by the experience of doctors and patients themselves. Among them there are rules that are common to successfully combat all types of rashes:

  1. Hygiene.
  2. Drinking regime.
  3. Proper nutrition.
  4. Refusal of self-medication.

You just have to want it and you can say goodbye to acne forever. It is important to have diligence and patience here. This is the only way to achieve a long-term effect from treatment.