Pimples on a child's stomach do not itch

Many young parents are faced with the phenomenon of acne on the stomach of a child. Why this happens, whether it is normal or pathological, what diseases the rashes can be a symptom of and how to deal with them, it is recommended to consider in more detail.

Types of acne on the stomach of a child

The types of rashes vary, depending on what caused their appearance. Acne can be of the following types:

  1. Small specks that can merge with each other.
  2. Small pimples that are located in different parts of the abdomen, usually there are not many of them.
  3. Pimples, which are complemented by hyperemia of the skin.
  4. Bubbles with cloudy or light contents, around which peeling of the epidermis is usually observed.
  5. Scaly formations.
  6. Rash of various colors.

Often such symptoms occur not only on the surface of the abdomen, but also on other parts of the body.

Reasons for appearance

Such a symptom may not always indicate the development of an infectious disease. If the pimples are small and colored red or bright pink, this may be a sign of developing heat rash in a newborn or infant.

In addition, one of the common causes of acne on the stomach is an allergic reaction (including diathesis). Irritants can be: cosmetics used to care for the child, the use of low-quality synthetic diapers or baby clothes, washing powder.

Scabies is also accompanied by the appearance of pimples on the abdomen. But an additional symptom appears that characterizes this particular disease - severe itching.

Various infectious diseases can also cause rashes, which include:


If acne appears on a child’s stomach, it is recommended to visit a pediatrician, since only he can accurately determine the cause of such a symptom and prescribe competent therapy. Usually the causes of the appearance are determined by eye and one of the treatment methods indicated below is adopted. If the treatment does not help within several days, the child is sent for testing.


Treatment of pimples that appear on a child’s belly occurs according to methods depending on the cause of their appearance:

  1. If the cause is an allergic reaction, antihistamines approved for childhood are prescribed. External treatment is carried out using the drugs Fenistil, zinc ointment, Bepanten. Herbal baths using calendula and string are good helpers in the fight against allergies.
  2. If the cause is prickly heat, it is recommended to leave the baby without a diaper as often as possible so that the skin can breathe; it will be enough to follow simple hygiene rules and use baby powder, use bepanten or desitin, and bathe the baby in a decoction of string and chamomile. Miliaria usually goes away within 2-3 days. If this does not happen, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist; additional examination and treatment may be required.
  3. If scabies is present, treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. If acne on the abdomen is a sign of the development of infectious diseases, treatment is carried out depending on the severity of the disease. Measles, scarlet fever and rubella must be treated in a hospital setting. Mild chickenpox can be treated on an outpatient basis.


To prevent the appearance of rashes on the skin of a child’s abdomen, it is recommended to follow all hygiene rules, choose only things made from natural materials, and use hypoallergenic baby care products and laundry detergents.

If your child’s health worsens, the temperature rises, or other alarming symptoms occur, be sure to visit a doctor.


Regardless of the reason that caused the appearance of pimples on the baby’s stomach, it is very important to consult a doctor in time and take all necessary measures to get rid of the rashes and not get complications.

Photo 1. Pimples on the stomach of a child that appeared as a result of diathesis.


Photo 2. Skin rashes on the abdomen in children with allergies

Children and teenagers very often develop acne not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body. Newborns are especially susceptible to skin rashes, since their immunity is not yet fully strengthened, and the child is vulnerable to many infections. However, they can also be caused by simple allergies, various dermatitis and thick synthetic clothing.

The main reasons for the appearance of pimples on the stomach of a child


The causes that cause acne can be completely harmless, or vice versa - infectious diseases that require immediate treatment. If acne does not go away for more than three days, there is a general deterioration in health, you should immediately consult a dermatologist.

Diseases that cause acne:

  1. Allergy. Cosmetics for baby care, low-quality synthetic clothing and detergents for washing them can cause an allergic reaction. Some foods can also cause allergies, which can affect any part of the body. Most often, pimples with allergies are pinkish-red in color and are not accompanied by a general deterioration in well-being.
  2. Failure to comply with hygiene rules. In hot weather, babies may develop pimples where the diaper or clothing fits most tightly to the skin. Treatment for heat rash consists of following the rules of hygiene - the baby needs to be bathed, given air baths and all folds treated.
  3. Scabies. This disease can be contracted from animals and in kindergartens from tick-infected adults or children. At the same time, on the child’s body you can see darkish burrows left by the tick. Scabies rashes are itchy, which intensifies when taking water procedures. Treatment should be carried out inpatiently.
  4. Infectious diseases. In addition to skin rashes, there is a deterioration in general health, increased body temperature, diarrhea, loss of appetite, etc.


  1. Chickenpox. First, red spots appear, after which ulcers form in their place. Such pimples on the stomach itch and you need to make sure that the child does not touch them.
  2. Measles. The disease manifests itself as an acute respiratory viral infection, and only on the fifth day dark skin rashes appear, which itch and spread quickly. First, small pimples appear on the face and chest, after which they spread throughout the body. There is a deterioration in general condition and an increase in body temperature. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets.
  3. Scarlet fever. It begins with a sore throat, after which small red dots appear that are very itchy and itchy. Most red pimples are located in the lower abdomen.
  4. Rubella. With this disease, small pinkish-red pimples are observed that spread throughout the body. The disease may go away on its own after three days, but if the body temperature rises, medical attention is needed.

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    Pimples on a baby's face: why do they appear, and is it dangerous?

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How to treat red pimples on a child's stomach


Treatment of skin rashes is possible only after identifying the cause that caused them. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances, which can only cause harm. The doctor must see the true picture to determine the disease.

There are many reasons for the appearance of red pimples - they can be the result of allergies, infections or dermatitis. Sometimes, in order to determine the true cause of the rash, it is necessary to take tests and conduct an examination of the body. But these are necessary measures, since some infectious diseases can lead to irreversible consequences.

When treating allergies, antihistamines can be prescribed to eliminate contact with the allergen. If red pimples appear due to parasites, the doctor prescribes antiparasitic ointments. Treatment should be carried out by the whole family. If the itching gets worse, your doctor may recommend antihistamines.

If red pimples on a child’s abdomen are caused by infectious diseases, then treatment may be possible only after testing and identification of the causative agent. In this case, antibacterial drugs are used, the inflammation is lubricated with brilliant green.


The appearance of rashes on the body is a very unfavorable symptom that occurs in a huge variety of diseases. This article will tell you what parents should do if their child has a rash on his stomach.


The appearance of rashes on the abdomen can occur under a variety of conditions. A rash manifests itself in a sick child in different ways. It's important to note that Rash elements can appear at any age.

The reasons that lead to the development of specific rashes in newborn babies and older children differ significantly from each other. Quite often, the rashes spread throughout the body.



One of the most common causes of body rash is allergy. Rashes are caused by exposure to a variety of allergens. In babies of the first year of life, a rash is often provoked by the introduction of the first complementary foods.

The use of incorrectly selected hygiene products used for daily procedures can also cause a severe allergic reaction on the skin. Manifestations of allergic reactions are quite often detected in one-year-old babies.

Wearing clothes made from synthetic materials contributes to the development contact dermatitis. In this case, rashes appear in those places where there was direct contact with clothing.

In this case, the skin elements look like a small red rash. These rashes tend to coalesce, forming rather large areas of irregularly shaped lesions.

A common cause of rashes on the stomach and chest in babies are various childhood infectious diseases. Measles, rubella, and chickenpox are quite severe in children and are accompanied by the appearance of characteristic symptoms.

Within a few days, skin rashes rapidly spread throughout the body of the sick child. Each of these pathologies has its own incubation period, the duration of which can be from several days to a couple of weeks.

One of the most interesting forms of the disease is the appearance of a rash on the torso after high temperature. After previous viral or bacterial infections, the child develops red rose-colored rashes on the skin. They are usually located on the stomach and back. The diameter of such skin rashes usually does not exceed 4-5 mm.

These skin elements usually go away on their own within a couple of days after the body temperature normalizes.


A fairly common pathology that leads to the appearance of rashes on the skin of the abdomen is scabies. This disease is caused by scabies mites. In this case, specific skin elements are formed at the entry and exit points of the parasites, which are manifested by the appearance of a rash.

Children attending educational institutions can become infected with scabies quite easily. The disease is spreading contact-household method.

The appearance of skin rashes on the abdomen may also be a manifestation severe diseases of internal organs. Systemic blood tumors often manifest as multiple rashes. Usually these symptoms are extremely unfavorable. Such skin rashes appear due to damage to capillaries - the smallest blood vessels.

Babies in the first year of life often develop skin rashes in the abdomen and neck. The development of these unfavorable symptoms is caused by violation of thermoregulation. This condition is called miliaria and develops quite often in children.

Excessive wrapping of a child in the first months of life provokes overheating of the skin and promotes increased sweating, which leads to the development of various rashes on the baby’s skin.


Various factors influence the development of the disease in the baby fungal diseases. One of these pathologies is lichen. This pathological condition is accompanied by the appearance of bright red elements that cause severe itching in the child. Quite often, such rashes appear in children in the groin area and on the stomach.

One of the most common childhood pathologies is lichen, which is caused by microsporum and trichophyton. These microorganisms provoke the appearance of rather unfavorable rashes on the skin of a sick child. This pathology is also called versicolor or tinea versicolor. Infection can occur from a sick baby to a healthy one.

After clearing the fungal rashes, numerous pale areas remain on the skin. They are usually covered with multiple skin scales, which are severely sloughed off.

The skin of the damaged areas tans quite poorly and is very itchy. Only after several months and after complete cleansing of fungi is the structure of the skin completely restored.



What does it look like?

Skin rashes can manifest in different ways. This largely depends on the cause that led to the development of these rashes.

For allergies

Allergic skin elements look like bright red individual spots. They can be located in various parts of the body. Typically, these elements are very itchy and bring severe discomfort to the sick baby.

The duration of allergic rashes remaining on the skin may vary. Adverse symptoms usually persist during the persistence of the allergen in the child’s body.

If a child receives specific treatment, but the substance that provokes the allergic reaction continues to enter, then a rash may remain on the skin for quite a long time. New bulk elements that have appeared recently will generally have a more intense color.

You can distinguish allergic rashes from other skin manifestations at home. In this case when you press on a separate element of the rash, it turns pale and usually disappears.



The presence of various types of allergies in close relatives also greatly facilitates differential diagnosis. In this case, the appearance of a rash on the baby's skin may be caused by genetic allergic sensitivity to a specific allergen.

Dermatitis, which is allergic in nature, usually appears in areas with thin areas of skin. The appearance of such rashes on the abdomen is a fairly common location. The spread of bright red elements over all skin also confirms that the child has a possible allergy.

To eliminate unfavorable symptoms in this case, doctors prescribe antihistamines that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antisensitizing effect.


For prickly heat

Miliaria on the skin of a child is manifested by the appearance of multiple red and white spots. In some cases, they can also be located on the stomach. This is especially common when using excessively warm clothes in the hot summer.

Wrapping a child in an insulated jacket in the summer leads to increased sweating, which contributes to the appearance of specific manifestations of prickly heat on the skin of the abdomen, back or neck.



For chicken pox

Chickenpox manifests itself as initially bright red spots on the skin, which quickly turn into blisters. Inside, these skin rashes are filled with serous discharge mixed with ichor. If such a bubble breaks, then all the liquid flows out, and an abscess remains in the place of the former skin element.

Skin blisters usually remain on the skin for several days and then disappear completely. Characteristic of chickenpox rapid spread of the rash throughout the body.

Chickenpox manifests itself as initially bright red spots on the skin, which quickly turn into blisters. Inside, these skin rashes are filled with serous discharge mixed with ichor. If such a bubble breaks, then all the liquid flows out, and an abscess remains in the place of the former skin element.

Skin blisters usually remain on the skin for several days and then disappear completely. Chickenpox is characterized by rapid spread of the rash throughout the body.



For rubella

Rubella is another childhood pathology that can cause various rashes to appear on the baby’s tummy. This disease is usually transmitted by airborne droplets.

Children attending kindergarten can become infected with rubella within a fairly short period of time. First, the sick child develops pronounced symptoms of intoxication, and only then specific changes appear on the skin.



For measles

Infection with measles also contributes to the appearance of various rashes on the child’s tummy. This childhood infection is most common in very young children.

This pathology manifests itself by the appearance of characteristic rashes on the child’s skin, which look like numerous bright red spots. In most cases their shape is irregular.


For insect bites

Various insect bites can also cause a rash on the stomach. Household mites that live in pillows and blankets can cause various skin rashes. Such rashes can appear on various parts of the body, but are quite often found on the stomach and back.

They look like a small rash. This pathology manifests itself most severely in children with an allergic predisposition.


For parasitic diseases

They are caused by various worms and quite often lead to the appearance of numerous skin rashes in children. During their life, helminths release a huge variety of toxic substances that have a damaging effect on the skin.

Such rashes usually look like bright red areas, reaching several centimeters in size. The appearance of a rash on the skin causes unbearable itching in the child and significantly affects his general well-being.



Who should I contact?

If your baby develops skin rashes, it is very important to show the child to your doctor. For an initial consultation, you can contact your pediatrician. The doctor will conduct an initial clinical examination and clarify the preliminary diagnosis.

For differential diagnosis a whole range of laboratory tests and studies will be required. Treatment is prescribed only after the correct diagnosis has been established. Pediatricians provide therapy for specific childhood pathologies.

During the acute period of illness, a sick child must stay at home. Compliance with forced quarantine helps prevent mass cases of infection. It usually takes a few days for the rash to clear up.


All skin pathologies are treated at a pediatric dermatologist. Specific treatment is prescribed taking into account the cause that provoked the appearance of rashes on the abdomen. As a rule, doctors limit the duration of water hygiene procedures. Prolonged hot rashes during the acute period are usually excluded.

To treat rashes at home, various medicinal herbs are often prescribed. They should be added during bathing or for local treatment of damaged skin. Ideal for home treatment chamomile, string, sage or calendula. To maintain the effect, you can use this method for preventive purposes.



Evgeny Komarovsky talks about a rash on a child’s stomach in the following video.