Ravich-Sterbo Symptom

Ravich-Shcherbo symptom is one of the symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis, first described by the Soviet phthisiatrician Vasily Adolfovich Ravich-Shcherba in 1945. Ravich Shcherbo identified the following signs of this symptom:

- severe pain appears along the spine in the kidney area when swallowing, smoking or coughing; - pain may radiate to the area of ​​the lower ribs; - a feeling of tightness between the shoulder blades may appear; - with intense coughing, pain appears in the chest area;

This symptom is considered quite rare and difficult to determine. Diagnosis may require a number of tests. However, the appearance of this symptom should be a reason to contact a TB doctor to prescribe comprehensive treatment and determine the further course of the disease depending on its stage. Seeing a doctor in a timely manner will help avoid serious health consequences.

Ravich - Shcherbo symptom (Rashch): Ravich - Shcherbo symptom basis: Unchanged constant increase in the size of the lymph nodes is a consequence of infection or inflammation caused by damage to its lymphatic system.\nThe first sign of any lymphadenitis - peripheral lymph nodes - swell at an early stage of the disease, but after a week they gradually decrease in size, becoming tubercles of regular shape. Symptoms of general intoxication, which becomes brighter over time. They may show signs of malaise, anemia, inflammation and infection of the respiratory system, but this is always accompanied by rapid pulse, shortness of breath and pathological changes in the blood.\nIn general, the symptoms of acute lymphadenitis appear clearly and are characteristic of the early diagnosis of infectious diseases.

Ravich - Shcherbo symptom. Syn.: Jugular symptom, a symptom of frequent bronchial allergies, frequent reflux symptom (reflux is a pathological backflow of the contents of a hollow organ into the overlying sections or the environment).

Characteristic. It is characterized by a constant tickling sensation in the larynx, lacrimation, and a feeling of some liquid draining into the nasopharynx. The person makes swallowing movements and tries to cough. Some patients may indicate a feeling of panic; against the background of psychoemotional stress, attacks of stomach pain may occur; in severe cases, disorders of the gastrointestinal sphincters and their spasms are observed.

Etiology and pathogenesis. A characteristic of the disorder is the pathological functioning of the bronchial system during inflammation (bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiolitis). As a result, there may be a reflux of bronchial secretions (tracheobronchial secretions) into the esophagus, stomach, provoking the disease, and against this background, an inflammatory process may occur in the gastric mucosa, accompanied by an inflammatory reaction of a spasmodic nature. In other words, this disorder represents the expansion and development of a diffuse spasmodic reaction of the gastric endothelium to any violation of the mucous layer of its walls. According to ICD sim