Response Delay

The delay reaction is a method for detecting small concentrations of antigens and antibodies, which is based on the inhibition of binding reactions in their presence. This method can be used to determine the concentrations of monovalent or polyvalent antibodies or antigens.

The delay reaction is the process of inhibiting the reaction between an antigen and an antibody when a second antigen is added. If the first antigen blocks the second antigen, the reaction between them will be slowed down or completely stopped.

The principle of the delay reaction is based on the fact that antibodies and antigens can bind to each other to form immune complexes. When these complexes are present in a solution, they can block other antigens or antibodies that may be present in the solution.

Thus, the delay reaction can be used to detect small amounts of antigens and antibodies in samples. It is a useful tool for analyzing biological samples such as serum, saliva, urine and other body fluids.

However, it should be noted that the delay reaction is not always accurate and may produce false positive or false negative results. Therefore, before using a delay reaction, it is necessary to validate the method for a specific sample.

In the modern world, more and more methods for diagnosing and preventing various diseases are used. However, despite the latest research methods, many chronic diseases are detected only in the later stages of development, when their treatment requires great effort and time. In this article we will look at one of the early stage diagnostic methods, which can be used both to detect