
Restriction: The Latin word restrictio comes from the word restringere - to limit, restrain, strengthen; talks about what is done to preserve something or to achieve something. In Dmitry Ushakov’s explanatory dictionary these words are interpreted as follows:

— “Restriction, prohibition under pain of punishment, punitive repression”; - “Cessation, continuation of the action of something. Restriction on something."

General designations for various restrictions introduced by various laws and regulations are used to indicate the effect of any rules that limit both a person’s right in general and his individual rights. A by no means exhaustive definition is: a set of normative and legal methods for regulating social connections with the aim of limiting them in the interests of the normal functioning of the individual and ensuring his rights.

As a rule, the concept of “restriction mechanism” (mechanism of restriction, establishment of restrictions) is considered mainly by legislators, as well as for the purpose of theoretical understanding of discussions on this topic. However, in the field of financial and legal activities, this concept is widely used by analysts. Moreover, the scope of use of the concept of “restructuring dependence,” as a number of researchers indicate, is much wider than the scope covered by the concept of “restructuring mechanism.”

What is restructuring regulation? This is a strict, emergency regime of restrictions on measures in the monetary, credit, and social fields, including the privatization of natural resources and regulated prices. It becomes a reality of financial policy, aimed against unjustifiably high inflation, manifested in the chronic rise in prices for goods and services. It is with this context that appeals to its analysis are connected in the context of the formation of the theory of economic regulation. In relation to general measures of socio-economic regulation, the relations of restoration interconnection mean the need for mutual limitation of efforts. We are talking about the implementation of measures that are aimed at correcting and stabilizing the situation not only in the sphere of this regulation, but also in connection with its impact on other spheres of society, for example, environmental and labor.

The phenomenon of the reconstruction mechanism combines two processes: the process of restructuring as a restructuring of economic and other relations, taking into account the need to revise the boundaries of public powers (including those regulated by the state) and the process of restrictions (i.e., introducing restrictions) on the implementation of market interests of individual participants in market relations as such if they “go beyond” reasonable limits. The first of these processes is aimed at achieving equilibrium states in the economic sphere, while the second is aimed at developing market infrastructure (pricing, demand for products; price ratios; proportions of the exchange of goods for money; market equilibrium, etc.) in the process of general restructuring of the economy.