Reticulohistiocytosis Nonlipoid

Reticulohnistosis Non-lipid - a tumor-like process of multiple localization, caused by the appearance and spread of non-lipid cells in the skin, mucous membranes, serous membranes.

A characteristic feature is mononuclear infiltration of the organ stroma and collagen imbalance. Massive infiltration of the affected tissues occurs resulting in fibrosis. It appears predominantly in the middle and older age groups, but can also be diagnosed in early childhood (5–12 years).

Non-lipoid reticulogenistic processes are characterized by a slowly developing course and a gradual increase in clinical manifestations: erythema, desquamation, ulceration, edema or the formation of lichenification. A chronic, indolent skin disease usually does not lead to disability and requires only systematic observation by specialists. The lack of necessary treatment sharply aggravates the course of the disease, creating