Mole with facial hair removal

Hair removal from moles is a common request. The safest method is cutting your hair, the most unsafe is laser hair removal. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

So, it is believed that trauma to moles increases the risk of developing malignant degeneration of a mole into melanoma. Therefore, it is not advisable to pluck hair from a mole (including waxing/sugaring), use chemical depilation methods, etc. Not all moles can become malignant. For example, it is believed that Becker's moles do not develop into melanoma at all.

Laser hair removal is not done on moles: they contain a lot of melanin, so moles effectively absorb laser radiation and a burn occurs. For the development of cancer, the most dangerous radiation is the ultraviolet region of the spectrum, which is not used in hair removal, but a burn is an injury and risks. Small risks, but not zero. Of all types of moles, optical types of hair removal are used only for Becker’s moles with reservations, and they try to bypass or cover all other moles.

Electrolysis is used for moles, but permission from an oncologist is sought. Moles are different. Sometimes the hair root is located below the mole tissue, sometimes it is a fluff that densely covers the mole. Sometimes the mole is large, sometimes only one hair grows from it. Masters who have used electrolysis on moles report that as a result of exposure to current, the mole not only loses hair, but also becomes slightly lighter and flattened due to the effect of the current on melanocytes (cells that produce melanin) and the capillaries that feed the hair and the mole. This also happens when laser hair removal is accidentally used on small moles; Usually the mole subsequently recovers, which can give the false impression that melanoma has developed. Three full strippings are usually enough to remove hair from a mole.

Another way to get rid of hair on a mole is to get rid of it along with the mole. To do this, the mole is burned out with a laser, cut off using a radio wave method or with a traditional knife. The last two methods allow you to send the mole for histological examination. After laser removal of a mole, scars often appear in this place.

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"Hairy Question" will not replace your doctor, so take my advice and my experience with a grain of salt: your body is your genetic make-up and combination of acquired diseases.

Moles are benign formations consisting of special cells - melanocytes. Melanocytes accumulate the pigment melanin, which determines the color of the mole from brown to purple.

In the medical community, moles are called nevi.

Nevi can be acquired or congenital, borderline or complex, located both on the body and on the face of a person.

As a rule, a person is born without moles; they begin to appear after 4-5 years and are most often found in people with fair skin. By the way, the number of moles increases with age.

Is a spot on the face a fashion statement or a cause for concern?

Medical statistics indicate that nevi on the face most often form in women. For many centuries, moles were considered an adornment for the fair sex.

The location of the spot could tell a lot about its owner, for example, a spot near the eye characterized the lady as a femme fatale, and a mole near the mouth hinted at the sensitivity and goodwill of its owner.

A mole on the right cheek was used to indicate that a woman was happily married, while an artificial mole on the left cheek indicated the woman's constant struggle and self-will.

In addition to genetic factors, when a child develops a mole in the same place as one of the parents, The reasons for the appearance of nevi with hair can be:

  1. injuries and cuts that can cause inflammation.
  2. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation from prolonged exposure to the sun.
  3. Hormonal disruption in the body, as well as pregnancy, menopause, and taking contraceptive medications.

Why does hair grow on moles?

The vessels on the face are located close to the skin, so the nevi are well supplied with blood and, as a result, the growth of hairs in the mole area is accelerated. First, a fluff forms on the surface of the mole, which then turns into thin hair.

Often moles with hair are considered a cosmetic defect or are associated with a high risk of melanoma - skin cancer. This is a common misconception: hair growth of nevi does not pose any dangerOn the contrary, you should carefully monitor moles that are devoid of hairs, as well as those with a convex, uneven shape - such birthmarks are most predisposed to the development of melanoma.

Is it necessary to remove such tumors?

The most obvious option to solve the problem of hair on the surface of a mole, as well as to reduce the risk of developing skin cancer, is to remove the birthmark. Do I need to remove a mole from which hair grows?

Since in the place where the hairs grow there is a large number of living cells, then there is no need to remove such a nevus, with careful care, the likelihood of its degeneration into a malignant tumor is completely absent.

Is it possible to pull out such vegetation yourself?

Dermatologists and oncologists are categorically against hair pulling. Independent removal of hair from a birthmark can lead to injury to the nevus and, as a result, to the degeneration of a benign tumor into melanoma.

The surface of the birthmark is covered with a huge number of capillaries, susceptible to any external mechanical influences, so there is a high probability of bleeding and inflammation.

Doctors highlight several methods the use of which is prohibited for hair removal:

  1. Hair removal with wax. It is dangerous due to the possibility of causing a severe burn to the mole, which can provoke a change in the structure of the birthmark.
  2. Using a razor. A sharp blade can injure the surface of the nevus and cause bleeding.
  3. Chemical hair removal. Causes irritation and inflammation.
  4. Eyebrow plucking with tweezers. At first glance, this is a simple way to get rid of hair, but there is a danger of touching and injuring the surface of the nevus. The procedure of plucking with tweezers is very painful, and the result lasts only a few days, then the hair grows back.

Such methods are not suitable for delicate facial skin, as there is a possibility of injury to the skin, the formation of wounds and scars.

Recommended methods of disposal

What to do with unwanted vegetation? Exists several methods for removing unwanted hair, approved by doctors, almost all of them involve complete removal of the nevus along with unwanted vegetation:

Laser correction. This method can be used only after a face-to-face consultation with a doctor and in cases where there is a change in the shape or boundaries of the nevus.

This radical method involves not only removing hairs, but also the entire birthmark.

Trimming a mole with nail scissors. The safest option for getting rid of hairs is provided that you use scissors carefully.

The disadvantage of this method is that the hairs can grow back in a fairly short period of time, in addition, they become stiffer.

Over time, scissors will have to be used more and more often, and in place of the cut hairs, unpleasant to the touch and unsightly stubble will remain.

Applications of Electrolysis. During the electrolysis process, the doctor cauterizes the surface of the nevus by applying metal electrodes to it.

At the positive pole, which is called the anode, acid is formed, at the negative pole, called the cathode, alkali is formed.

The electrolysis process destroys the hair follicle; the constant supply of galvanic current triggers chemical processes in the tissues. After some time, tissue necrosis begins. In this way, not only the hairs are completely removed, but also the mole itself.

Cryotherapy. Using liquid nitrogen, the doctor instantly freezes the nevus, its cells are destroyed and removed.

When using this method, the birthmark is completely removed along with the vegetation. After a few days, not a trace remains of the mole.

Doctors insist on minimal exposure to moles with hairs. Any microtrauma can cause the development of a malignant neoplasm and the degeneration of a mole into melanoma. If damage occurs during hair removal from a mole, you must urgently contact a specialist to examine and prescribe treatment for the nevus. Symptoms that should alert you:

  1. redness;
  2. soreness;
  3. change in color of the nevus.

Based on the examination, the doctor will outline a treatment plan, which may include a course of antibiotics.

How to care for a nevus?

There are several recommendationsrules that should be observed when removing hair from a mole on your own:

  1. Before removal, carefully examine the nevus. Removing vegetation using nail scissors is possible from small moles with smooth edges. Such birthmarks are considered the most harmless for carrying out such manipulations without consequences; it is almost impossible to injure a small mole.
  2. If the mole is large in diameter with unclear boundaries, It is necessary to obtain consultation and permission from a doctor about the possibility of making your own hair with scissors at home.
  3. Try do not trim hairs at the root. Due to the sharpness of nail scissors, you can injure the surface of the birthmark.
  4. Scissors must be clean, as well as the area of ​​the face on which the mole is located.

Moles on the face can not only decorate a person’s appearance, but also carry a hidden threat. The number of skin cancer patients increases every year. Increasingly, in medical practice, there are cases where melanoma is provoked by improper care of a mole, attempts to remove it independently using folk remedies, as a result of injury after an unsuccessful attempt to remove hairs growing on its surface.

The main and radical method of combating hair growing in a nevus is complete removal of the mole. Hair on the surface of a birthmark does not pose any danger; on the contrary, growing hairs from a mole is a reliable sign that the formation is benign and the mole is healthy.

The basic rule for caring for a nevus with facial hair is careful control of its shape and boundaries. For preventive purposes, you should visit a dermatologist at least once a year.

Many people, especially women, are concerned when a mole appears with facial hair. And some even believe that this is a mystical sign. In addition, most of us do not know why such formations appear and how to get rid of them. Previously, it was generally believed that people with such marks were messengers from hell. Therefore they were executed at the stake. But after some time, women began to believe that such formations could be considered jewelry, and they even painted them on their faces. But it’s one thing for a mole to be beautiful and neat, and another thing for it to be when vegetation begins to appear on it. Then the question arises: is it possible to pull out hair from a mole? Let's figure it out now.


Should you worry if hair starts to grow on a mole? As it has become known recently, moles are neoplasms that, under the influence of certain factors, can develop into a malignant tumor.


And if you really touch this formation often, you can get an infection and only harm yourself. There are many cases where an ordinary mole developed into a tumor. Mostly people are concerned that such moles may be large, convex, hurt, or hair will grow on them.

Not dangerous

What to do if hair grows from a mole? What does it mean? This is actually not a problem and there is no need to worry. You need to know that moles that develop into tumors do not grow hairs.


And, according to scientists, such formations on the body are not dangerous. Their only drawback is their lack of aesthetics. The reason why hair grows on a mole is that there are more hair follicles in this area.


So is it possible to pull hair out of a mole? People who have hair growing on a mole try not to touch or remove it. After all, they are afraid of harming themselves in this way. But no need to worry. There are ways in which such hairs can be removed. If you do this at home, it is best not to pull it out with tweezers, but to carefully cut it off so that it is not visible. And this will not harm, but will help get rid of annoying vegetation for a while. However, one should not assume that the presence of hairs is a sign of serious pathologies in the body or on the skin. But according to the latest data, it is possible to have surgery to remove hair from a mole.

Exploratory survey

Before you begin to remove hairs from a mole, you need to undergo an examination, with which you can tell whether it is possible to influence the bulbs of unwanted vegetation.


If, when removing hairs, a mole begins to change, hurt, or ooze, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Therefore, as mentioned above, you need to consult a doctor before you begin hair removal. This way you can avoid unpleasant consequences.

Reasons for appearance

How does it appear? And why does hair grow from a mole?

  1. A mole may appear due to hereditary predisposition.
  2. When a woman's hormonal levels change. This usually goes away during pregnancy. But in addition to the fact that moles appear during pregnancy, this tendency has also been noticed in adolescents. And all because rapid puberty occurs during this period. In addition, even during menopause, hairs on the mole may grow.
  3. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, moles - nevi - also develop on the skin. With prolonged exposure to sunlight on the human body, the skin begins to experience stress. This leads to intensive production of melanin, and as a result, the growth of moles.

Examine the stain before removing hair

If a person discovers a new spot on his body on which vegetation appears, the thought immediately arises: is it possible to pull out hair from a mole?


Before you begin removal, you need to pay attention to the newly formed stain.

  1. hairs can be removed from moles that are flat and small in size, and also if the edges are smooth. These formations are the safest.
  2. If the mole is large in size and has uneven edges, protruding, then hair pulling can be resorted to only after the doctor looks at the formation and conducts a full examination.

When a person with a problem turns to a doctor and asks whether it is possible to pull out hair from a mole, he answers that you can only resort to cutting or special removal methods.

Prohibited Methods

What not to do to get rid of unwanted hair on a mole?

  1. Some people get rid of hair by shaving it, which is strictly forbidden, because the blade can damage the surface of the mole. As a result, an infection will get there, blood poisoning may occur, and a tumor may develop.
  2. Another method used to get rid of hair is waxing. But if hair grows on a mole, it cannot be removed in this way. This can damage this area of ​​the body.
  3. Removing hairs using chemical hair removal is also prohibited due to the fact that the integrity of the problem area of ​​the skin is again compromised.


  1. You should not pluck with tweezers (especially if facial hair grows from a mole) without a doctor’s permission. This procedure is very dangerous if done carelessly. Then a malignant tumor may develop. Vegetation can be removed only after the stain has been fully examined and the doctor has confirmed that it is benign.

What to do if a birthmark appears on your head?

When a mole appears on the head, its development is determined by where it is located and what color it is. In this case, you need to be very careful with this formation on your head, especially when combing and going to the hairdresser. If you are careful, such a mole will not pose a danger.

But such formations are not always small and do not interfere with their owner. If a cosmetic problem arises, it is best to remove the formation immediately so as not to provoke the development of cancer cells.


Adults can cope with difficulties on their own. But special attention should be paid to the problem when a mole appears on a child’s head. Again, you need to look at what shape the baby has. If the mole is flat, this is not a cause for concern. But at the same time, it is best to teach your baby how to properly handle this stain - do not comb or scratch. And if the mole has a convex shape, it is best to remove it immediately.

A little conclusion

Now you know why hair grows from a mole. We also talked about removing vegetation on it. We looked at both permitted and prohibited methods. In any case, it is worth consulting with a qualified specialist before any procedures.