Pockmarked face from acne

Types of skin irregularities and causes of their appearance


You need to know the enemy by sight. Therefore, first learn about various skin diseases that are accompanied by structural disturbances, deformation of the surface layer of the dermis and the formation of bumpy facial skin.

  1. Enlarged pores - ducts of sweat and sebaceous glands emerge through small points on the skin (pores). When there is excess production, the pores stretch, become inflamed at the edges, and rolls of dense tissue form.
  2. Acne and its consequences - It has been proven that the main cause of acne is hormonal imbalance. The body has an increased sensitivity to the sex hormone testosterone and responds by increasing the production of fat by the sebaceous glands. As a result, the ducts of the glands become clogged, and a dense, enlarging formation appears in this place. If an infection gets into the ducts, rapid infection occurs and an inflammatory process develops with ulcers and dense bumps on the surface. Demodicosis leads to such consequences. This disease is caused by tiny mites that penetrate enlarged pores or sebaceous glands.
  3. Scars and cicatrices - occur as a result of cuts, injuries, burns of the face, and prolonged inflammatory processes. In places of scars, the skin loses its collagen, elastic tissues are replaced by dense fibrous inserts. They deform the surface and disrupt all functions of the epidermis.
  4. Hyperpigmentation - ultraviolet rays in high doses cause sunburn of tissue. As a result, not only rough spots appear, but also the production of your own hyaluronic acid, and, consequently, collagen synthesis stops. All skin restoration processes are disrupted.
  5. Inflammation - any inflammatory processes require gentle treatment. “It will go away on its own” means that the process may result in the appearance of scars and unwanted deformities.

These are the main reasons. You can calculate them yourself, but you still cannot do without additional diagnostics, so do not neglect the capabilities of modern laboratories in cosmetology.

How to deal with uneven facial skin: home remedies

First, you need to adhere to a strict diet: foods that promote sebum formation are excluded from food. Fatty, sweet and flour dishes, all kinds of pickles and marinades, hot seasonings, and alcoholic drinks are limited. It is allowed to eat dairy products and eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Vitamins A (contains red and orange vegetables and fruits) and E (all nuts except peanuts, the best are almonds) are shown.

Masks and lotions made from folk remedies are convenient to use at home for lumpy skin. They are aimed at softening the bumps, moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis, and normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Here are the most popular and tested recipes.

  1. Aloe leaf lotion - first leave the leaves in the refrigerator for two hours, then pour a tablespoon of crushed leaves into a glass of hot water and leave for two hours. You need to wipe your face several times a day every day.
  2. A tincture of white lily petals is prepared as follows: place a full jar of petals tightly, pour in vodka, and put in a dark place for two weeks. Use the lotion daily at night to treat your face.
  3. To eliminate demodicosis, it is recommended to use an aqueous infusion of juniper berries or wormwood herb (infuse one tablespoon per glass of boiling water for four hours). After degreasing the skin with any alcohol-containing product, apply lotions to the bumpy areas.

Professional treatments

  1. Laser peeling or facial resurfacing uses the property of a laser beam to stimulate the skin's production of its own collagen. This allows you to remove shallow wrinkles and scars. The procedure lasts twenty minutes and is painless. After finishing, the skin turns red. Recovery takes seven to ten days. The method can only be performed in a trusted clinic by an experienced doctor. To eliminate deep bumps, the penetration of the rays must be sufficient. Doctors know the capabilities of their device and will recommend the mode and frequency of procedures.
  2. Ultrasonic cleaning - with the help of hardware ultrasound, impaired functions of the skin are restored (inflammation is relieved, allergic reactions are eliminated, collagen and elastin synthesis is enhanced). Cleaning removes dead skin cells of the epidermis, smoothes it, and promotes the penetration of active ingredients from masks and creams. It is recommended as a cleansing procedure for relatively unpronounced skin unevenness.
  3. The method of disincrustation using galvanic current allows for cleansing at a deeper level and gets rid of old seals. First, an alkaline solution is applied and the treatment is first carried out with a negative current; after seven to ten minutes the charge changes to positive. This relaxes the ducts of the sebaceous glands, allows the accumulated secretions to escape, and relieves inflammation.
  4. Mesotherapy - the active ingredient is one of the preparations based on hyaluronic acid. It is administered by injection with a thin needle into the tissue according to the scheme. In this case, under visual control, the missing agent responsible for tissue reconstruction, hydration, and elasticity is returned to the skin. There is a fight against inflammatory changes. A course of treatment requires six to eight procedures. It needs to be repeated twice a year.
  5. Chemical peeling. Deep resurfacing is a procedure at the surgical level, performed in a hospital setting once in a lifetime. Requires a fairly long recovery period. In cosmetic hospitals, superficial chemical peeling using acids (lactic, mandelic, glycolic, salicylic) is widely used. Allows you to remove unnecessary dead cells. Rejuvenate tissues and straighten tubercles, activates its own regeneration processes. Before the procedure, preparation is necessary using products with weak fruit acids. This improves the effect of chemical peeling. It is recommended in the autumn, as thin skin becomes extremely susceptible to sunlight.

How to deal with uneven skin and achieve significant results? Take your time. This will be a major mistake. If you decide to undergo serious treatment, use the advice of professionals. You can’t apply everything at once or overload the skin: this will only weaken its protective properties. Start with home care and be patient; with the right approach, improvement will definitely come.

Acne is a rather insidious disease that does not go down without a fight. But if you still managed to completely defeat acne, a new problem appears - acne scars. Such marks and irregularities on the face poison our lives no less than the previous inflammation. But not everything is so bad: there are many products and methods that can get rid of scars and significantly improve the overall condition of the skin.


Folk remedies

In folk medicine there are remedies for any misfortune, including scars on the face. All the methods presented below are simple and at the same time highly effective. Although, it should be immediately noted that no matter which method you ultimately choose, in any case it is better to be patient, because scars do not disappear in 1-2 weeks. The process of removing scars is labor-intensive and time-consuming, so only the most dedicated will be able to wait for a noticeable result.

You can improve local blood circulation and moisturize your facial skin with a daily massage with nourishing olive, avocado, and almond oils. Ice rubdowns increase tone. It is recommended to freeze not just water, but decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, string).

Lemon juice will help remove dark pigment spots that often accompany scars. You need to treat your skin with fresh pieces of citrus 2 times daily. If you want to get a moisturizing effect in addition to whitening, then pay attention to cucumber masks.

It is also suggested to remove acne scars using lotions made from aloe vera juice, masks with fresh tomatoes and honey. If you manage to find sandalwood powder in your city, then prepare a paste from it. The powder is brought to the desired consistency with boiled water and left overnight. The finished product is applied specifically to the affected areas and wait until it dries completely. Then you need to rinse everything off with warm water.

Exfoliation plays a very important role in the fight for clear and smooth facial skin. Damaged areas should be scrubbed regularly, but not more than 2-3 times a week, so as not to injure delicate areas. For home peeling, you can use sea salt, sugar, and ground coffee. For greater effect, you can add essential oils to these ingredients. Acid peeling, which is based on salicylic or fruit acid, also gives good results. It can be carried out only when there is no inflammatory process on the face.

Pharmacy drugs

If you trust traditional medicine more, but still want to treat at home, we bring to your attention the best pharmaceutical products that will help remove acne scars.


Kontraktubeks cream is considered one of the most popular and sought after products for removing acne marks. It combines components that have a comprehensive effect on the skin and accelerate the process of smoothing the surface of the face. "Contractubex" contains heparin. This substance accelerates the regeneration process and softens hardened scar tissue.

Conractubex cream contains allantoin, which has a smoothing effect on the skin. It helps get rid of redness and itching. As a result, the skin becomes more toned and elastic. Allantoin penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis.

Onion extract prevents the growth of scar tissue. It also removes inflammation.

The Contractubex cream itself is a very effective remedy, but by following some recommendations, you can improve the results even further. Before applying Contractubex to the scarred area, treat it with formic alcohol. It is also important to degrease your face before the procedure, cleansing it with simple bar soap and warm water.

Contractubex is applied only to the surface of the scars. The cream should be rubbed into the skin of the face with massaging movements. After treatment, a barely noticeable layer of the product remains on the surface, which provides additional protection against microbes. To understand how Contractubex works and what results you should expect, you can look at photos online before and after using it.


Kelofibrase is a German-made cream that helps remove scars and other acne marks. The active substances of the drug tone the skin and make it more elastic.

One of the main active ingredients is urea. It moisturizes, softens and stabilizes water balance. The cream must be rubbed into the skin for 5 minutes. It is recommended to use it 2-3 times a day, depending on the degree of facial damage. The duration of treatment directly depends on the age and type of scars.

Red spots disappear after 3 weeks of constant use of the product. Fresh scars begin to smooth out after 6 weeks. It may take 3 to 6 months to remove old scars. In particularly advanced cases, you can make periodic night compresses with Kelofibrase cream.


Clearvin cream is a natural multi-component Ayurvedic preparation that has a comprehensive effect on problem skin. It penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and improves elasticity and firmness. This product dissolves pigment spots that often accompany acne scars from the inside, stimulating cell renewal.

Clearvin contains a number of medicinal herbs that have a beneficial effect on complexion, improve blood circulation and prevent the formation of stretch marks. Clearvin also contains a number of nourishing oils. They provide softness and velvety skin.

Below we will take a closer look at the active components of Clearvin cream:

  1. Turmeric - has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect.
  2. Tankanbhasma and Yashadabhasma - tighten pores and have an astringent effect, and also have protective properties against exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  3. Aloe - helps get rid of dry skin.
  4. Sesame oil - heals wounds and microcracks.
  5. Manjishta and Tulsi - remove harmful toxins and improve blood circulation.
  6. Vachcha and Lodhra - help get rid of acne and reduce the level of sebum production.
  7. Beeswax - fights age spots and has a healing effect.

Clearvin is used on average for 4–6 weeks, 2 times a day. For mild scars, you can apply the cream only once a day. Clearvin should be thoroughly rubbed into problem areas until completely absorbed.

Clearvin cream has virtually no contraindications, since it consists of 100% natural ingredients. The only contraindication is the presence of an allergy to any of the components of the drug. Clearvin is produced in India.

Hardware treatment methods

The fastest way to get rid of the consequences of acne is to use professional hardware procedures, which are carried out in cosmetology centers. Each method is used in accordance with individual indicators. In most cases, to achieve maximum results, experts recommend combining different methods.

Chemical and ultrasonic peeling

These types of peeling help get rid of relatively shallow and fresh scars. The essence of the procedure is to remove the top layer of skin. Scars are smoothed out in the same way. Often one peeling session is enough. But if the result is not sufficiently pronounced, the procedure can be repeated after 2-3 weeks again.

Ultrasonic peeling is beneficial because it leaves virtually no traces behind. Plus, micro-tissue massage occurs during the procedure.

It is advisable to plan a chemical peel in advance as it will leave your face red for 2-3 days.

Vacuum cleaning

Vacuum cleaning is used to remove even the most minor acne scars. Under the influence of the device, unevenness is literally drawn to the surface and the skin becomes even and smooth. In addition, vacuum cleaning cleanses the pores.


Mesotherapy is a type of intradermal injection. Collagen-containing preparations, vitamins and hyaluronic acid are injected into problem areas. For a visible effect, several procedures are required at intervals of 1 to 4 weeks. To permanently get rid of scars, mesotherapy is often combined with other treatment methods.

Laser microdermabrasion

Using a laser, the skin is polished and receives stimulating impulses for regeneration. Laser microdermabrasion can be considered one of the most accurate methods of combating scars, since the specialist accurately calculates the required depth of penetration and force of impact. The laser helps to get rid of the convex parts of the scar and the upper layer of the epidermis, due to which the skin surface is smoothed.



There are a huge number of methods for removing scars. The most important thing is to understand that this problem is quite serious, and if one of the remedies does not help you, do not despair: try different ways to deal with scars. And remember that before starting any treatment, it is better to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

The external data of any person, especially his “calling card” - his face, can often be a kind of reflection of the state of the body as a whole. Uneven, bumpy facial skin can be a particular problem. Such a defect, such a problem, is difficult to hide with a simple foundation.


In order to improve the condition of problem skin, you will have to make some efforts. It is worth noting that problematic formations such as acne, blackheads, “orange peel”, etc. accompany a person throughout the entire path of his life from youth to old age.

Reasons for the appearance of formations and their types

The causes of bumpy facial skin can be very different depending on the nature of the disorder. For example, enlarged pores are a problem that is often hereditary or associated with disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The most common problem identified is for skin types characterized by increased oiliness.

In addition, increased sweating rates can expand the pores, contributing to their contamination. In the future, this will result in acne formations, and it becomes especially common for teenagers, because changes in hormonal levels often result in changes in the balance of the structure of the skin.

Lumpy skin can also result from the formation of ulcers, which are often the result of a special type of mite penetrating through enlarged pores. They can cause irritation and stimulate some infectious processes. In this case, pimples can be white or look like black dots. White lesions are most susceptible to inflammation, while blackheads rarely become inflamed. However, the degree of inflammation or its absence at any stage will be a prerequisite for the formation of uneven skin.

Often, people who play sports and put stress on themselves notice the appearance of porous areas on their facial skin. In other words, the skin has become lumpy. This is due to the fact that active loads and training activate the enhanced function of the sebaceous glands, provoking the expansion of pores.

Some people try to hide inflamed areas of facial skin with cosmetics and do it in vain, since some of them not only do not hide defects well enough, but also have an inflammatory effect and can lead to the formation of purulent accumulations in the form of acne. Oily compositions can generally contribute to the occurrence of allergies and rashes on the face.


Other causes of bumpy formations include scars and cuts. They will definitely begin to scar, disrupting elasticity and contributing to the occurrence of deformities. The cause of lumpy skin can also be a consequence of sunburn. With prolonged exposure to the sun and its effect on the skin, the area that is especially exposed to the sun stops producing collagen. And since it is responsible for restoration processes, due to its deficiency, pigmented areas and scars are formed, which, again, will require the use of some cosmetic preparations that are unfavorable to the skin.

How to restore skin

Many people who are faced with uneven and bumpy facial skin are wondering how to get rid of this disease. It is worth immediately noting that it is better not to touch such defective skin with your hands, at least not often. Bacteria, which are in excess on the hands, can easily be transmitted to susceptible surfaces; the use of foundation creams is also not recommended, because some types of bacteriological organisms find the environment of such products attractive for their life activity.

It will not be enough to get by with simple hygiene products. Problems may be more serious than simple bumps and bumps, which means treatment and prevention may become problematic and require the right approach. To begin with, experts recommend taking a look at your usual food intake. Attention should be paid to the following products:

  1. Coffee;
  2. Cigarettes;
  3. Alcohol;
  4. Sweet;
  5. Fatty and floury.

This list refers to the most harmful products from the point of view of skin health. Products that contain vitamins A and E belong to the so-called corrective nutrition group and can have a beneficial effect on problem skin. When existing nutritional deficiencies are taken into account and normalized, you can think about in-depth methods of treatment and correction of the skin, for example on the back and shoulders.

Professional fighting methods

When it comes to acne, manual action is common. However, total cleansing is only possible if all inflammation is visible. In addition, a number of negative consequences make you think - this is the likelihood of scars and the risk of bacteriological organisms getting into problem areas. In addition, removing acne manually is characterized by intense pain.


A mechanical method of purification, called vaporization, is also possible. The procedure consists of thoroughly steaming and removing dirt residues using a vacuum unit. Ideal for removing acne and rashes. Cosmetology centers usually resort to a combination of manual and mechanical types of cleaning.


For people with small lesions or rare occurrence of acne and the appearance of purulent pimples and other problems leading to lumpy facial skin, chemical peeling using fruit acids is suitable. This peeling is characterized by a minimal level of trauma, and the skin after the procedure has a fresh and renewed appearance. The essence of the procedure is to dissolve fat accumulations with fruit acids.

For problems with the skin and its roughness when deep cleansing is required, it is recommended to use the ionization method. It is characterized by the fact that through a special mask under the influence of electric current, purulent formations are dissolved and removed. However, it is worth noting that such a procedure costs money and one session will not help achieve the required or desired results.

Laser peeling is well suited for combating folds and bumps in the upper layers of the epidermis. The essence of the procedure itself is to remove or correct the upper layers of epithelial tissue. However, immediately after this kind of “polishing” work, the facial skin will take a long time to recover and will require careful care in the form of special creams and compositions. However, the result will be obvious and noticeable after completing the rehabilitation period.


In cases where it is necessary to narrow the pores and remove scars, laser treatment for post-acne would also be an ideal option; it can smooth out the unevenness of bumpy skin and restore normal blood circulation.


If your skin has previously been subjected to any of the methods of influence in order to correct unevenness or solve the problems of acne, pimples and other unpleasant formations, then it will require special attention. The use of high-quality nutritional formulations and moisturizing creams will become almost mandatory, because the skin can sometimes take quite a long time to recover and will require additional care and attention in the future.

Ideal compositions would be grape bone oils. Although, cosmetologists or treating specialists can prescribe individual products, taking into account the characteristics of the skin defect and existing damage. As noted earlier, it may be necessary to avoid the use of cosmetics during recovery periods and post-procedure periods, as well as limit contact of renewed facial skin with hands and other irritants that may carry at least a small part of microbial organisms.

Some types of homemade masks, fruit “overlays” or those made from vegetables can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, but, as always, it is better to first seek the advice of a specialist or cosmetologist, since they, due to their knowledge and experience, can even prescribe home methods for dealing with facial skin problems.