Schedule of magnetic storms for December 2012

Schedule of magnetic storms for December 2012: how to prepare for waves of geomagnetic activity

Magnetic storms are expected in December 2012, which may affect human health. The main manifestations of such storms are surges in blood pressure and mood, headaches and sleep problems. Many people do not know how to prepare for magnetic storms and protect their health. In this article we will look at the schedule of magnetic storms for December 2012 and give recommendations on how to prepare for them.

According to the source I WANT, in December 2012 magnetic storms are expected on the following days:

  1. December 10 from 12:00 to 14:00
  2. December 11 from 15:00 to 17:00
  3. December 12 from 03:00 to 05:00
  4. December 13 from 10:00 to 12:00
  5. December 14 from 13:00 to 15:00
  6. December 15 from 10:00 to 12:00
  7. December 18 from 05:00 to 07:00
  8. December 20 from 07:00 to 09:00
  9. December 26 from 02:00 to 04:00
  10. December 28 from 12:00 to 15:00

How to prepare for magnetic storms and reduce the impact on health? First, you should avoid stressful situations and physical fatigue. Secondly, you need to eat right, eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, and drinking enough water. Thirdly, you should pay attention to your sleep patterns and try to get enough sleep before magnetic storms.

You can also use special means to protect against magnetic fields, for example, magnetic pads, bracelets and pendants. These products can reduce the impact of magnetic fields on the human body and reduce symptoms.

In addition, it is recommended to carry out relaxation procedures such as yoga, meditation or aromatherapy to relieve tension and improve psychological well-being.

In conclusion, it should be noted that magnetic storms can have an impact on human health, but with proper preparation and protection, symptoms can be reduced and the risk of negative effects on the body can be reduced. Be attentive to the schedule of magnetic storms for December 2012 and take all necessary measures to maintain your health.