Scientists have discovered a cure for fear

Belarusian physiologists have developed a drug that affects human behavior and helps him become fearless. The new drug is applied to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and is based on endotoxins - E. coli enzymes involved in strengthening the immune system. Laboratory experiments on rodents have shown that endotoxins, when entering the animal's body, can relieve it of fear.

Having received the drug, the rodents stopped hiding in holes and began to move around open space, which is uncharacteristic of their usual behavior. This confirms the effectiveness of the new drug in the fight against fear.

The development of this drug is intended for the treatment of mental illnesses, phobias, and nervous disorders that are caused by groundless fears. This means that the new drug could be a real breakthrough in the treatment of people suffering from various forms of fear.

Despite the fact that the drug has not yet passed all the necessary clinical trials in humans, the results of experiments in rodents are encouraging. This drug could be a real breakthrough in the treatment of anxiety and other mental illnesses associated with groundless fears.

In addition, the new drug provides a safe alternative to traditional anxiety treatments, which can cause side effects and lead to drug dependence.

Thus, the development of a new drug for fear is an important step in the field of psychological treatment and can help many people suffering from various forms of fear and anxiety. However, more research is needed to determine the effectiveness and safety of this drug in humans.