Seminal Analysis, Sperm Count

Semen analysis is a laboratory test that allows you to evaluate a man's reproductive function. It is carried out to identify possible disorders of spermatogenesis and determine a man’s ability to fertilize.

For analysis, sperm obtained after 3-5 days of sexual abstinence is used. It is recommended to take the test at least 2-3 times with an interval of 2-3 weeks to obtain reliable results.

Normally, semen analysis should correspond to the following indicators:

  1. Ejaculate volume - at least 1.5 ml
  2. pH - 7.2-8.0
  3. Viscosity is normal, complete liquefaction occurs within 60 minutes
  4. Sperm concentration - at least 15 million/ml
  5. The total number of sperm is at least 39 million in the ejaculate
  6. Motility - at least 25% of sperm with rectilinear translational movement
  7. Morphology - at least 4% of sperm are of normal shape

Deviations from normal values ​​may indicate disorders of spermatogenesis, genital tract infections, endocrine diseases and other pathologies.

To confirm the diagnosis and identify the causes of disorders, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination, including analysis of the hormonal profile, ultrasound of the scrotum, and analysis for infections. Timely diagnosis and treatment make it possible in many cases to restore a man’s fertility.

Semen analysis or spermogram is a test that is performed to assess the ability of a man's sperm to fertilize a woman. This analysis allows you to determine the quantity and quality of sperm, as well as their motility and ability to survive.

Semen testing requires collecting a semen sample obtained after five days of abstinence from sexual intercourse. The sample is then sent to a laboratory for analysis.

Semen analysis includes the following parameters:

– Ejaculate volume (sperm volume). Normally, the volume of ejaculate is 2–6.5 milliliters.
– Complete liquefaction (time required for complete liquefaction of sperm). Normally, complete liquefaction should occur within 30 minutes.
– Sperm concentration (number of sperm per milliliter of seminal fluid). Normal sperm concentration is 20–200 million sperm per milliliter.
– Sperm motility (ability of sperm to move). Normally, sperm motility should be 60% after 30 minutes and more than 20% after three hours.

If the results of the analysis show deviations from the norm, then this may indicate the presence of various diseases, such as prostatitis, varicocele, infections of the genitourinary system, etc. To resolve the issue of the presence of deviations from the norm, it is necessary to have the results of the analysis of three samples of the man’s sperm.

Dear readers, before you I did a semen analysis.

Seminal Liquid Analysis is an analysis of a sample of the ejaculum-vein, which is obtained after five days of abstinence from sexual intercourse, to assess the ability of a man to impregnate a woman. Male seminal liquid analysis is a method for assessing sperm product and seminal flask.

How can I use this analysis? I would like to help solve problems: low sperm levels, deteriorating health. To do this, it is necessary to undergo three or more repeated seminal fluid tests, each of them must be carried out after 14-30 days.

What samples are used to evaluate them? World Medical Research Projects believe that the best seminal fluid samples consist of more than 95% sperm. But if there was not enough sperm to evaluate, then sometimes material obtained from the penis, which is not removed from the body, can be used. Results:

**Ejaculate Volume**: The normal level is from two to six and a half milliliters. Higher levels usually occur when a man is excited or has high sexual continence. **Full Burn**: The test begins measuring the time it takes for the sperm to begin spreading across the surface of the epithelium. Normal time is at least 26 minutes. **Spermocyte Concentration**: The number of sperm per milliliter of uterine fluid. Sperm concentration reaches a lower limit at concentration <18 миллионов, upper limit - >680 million. **Sperm motility**: The percentage of sperm motility when assessing for the presence of immobility, asthenics, atrophy, kinesemia and others. The range of normal mobility is 33.4% [227:0%] mobility. Although these parameters may be normal immediately after abstinence, normalization of ejaculations takes several days to a week. Prolonged abstinence, as observed before semen analysis, can cause changes in sperm fertility and quality.