Symptom of Esophageal Tortuosity

Esophageal Tortuosity Symptom: Understanding and Relationship to Esophagospasm

Esophageal tortuosity is an irregularity and tortuosity that can be seen on an x-ray of the esophagus. This symptom is a sign of esophagospasm, a condition in which the muscles of the esophagus contract in an unusual way, causing difficulty in passing food and liquid.

Esophagospasm is a dysmotility disorder of the esophagus that can lead to symptoms such as chest pain or discomfort, difficulty swallowing, a lump in the throat, and heartburn. Esophageal tortuosity is one of the signs that can be observed when diagnosing esophagospasm.

The causes of esophagospasm can be varied. One of the main reasons is disruption of the normal coordination of the muscles of the esophagus, which usually contract following

**Symptom of tortuous line of esophagus (Ines)**

Ines's sign (*Ines*) is a radiological symptom that is used to diagnose pyloroduodenal stenosis. A tortuous line in the esophagus may be associated with the presence of a hiatal hernia or esophageal reflux.

***How ​​does Inez’s symptom manifest itself?***

When performing an X-ray examination of the esophagus, the esophagus looks like a gyrus (an uneven, whorled profile). This indicates the presence of an esophageal diverticulum hernia. A hernia with this symptom will have a diameter of less than 2 centimeters. Symptoms associated with this symptom include heartburn, a feeling of heaviness, and a gurgling sound when swallowing.

Sometimes additional symptoms from the stomach and intestines are possible. A hernia can cause diffuse pain, especially if the hernia is filled with fluid or inflamed.

Diagnosis is made by performing an X-ray evaluation, which will help determine the exact cause of the symptoms. At this stage, procedures may include some biopsy of the esophagus or a gastrointestinal examination. As a result of such tests, a hiatal hernia is usually detected during the diagnostic process, which