Stalnika Root

Introduction 1 Steelwort is the root of the plant Stelina angustifolia, known as field steelhead. It is used medicinally to treat hemorrhoids and has contraindications and side effects. This article describes in detail the pharmaceutical group of the plant, its composition, indications for use, contraindications, side effects, interactions, overdose and special instructions.

What is Stalka? Steel belongs to the pharmaceutical group of plants with antihemorrhagic activity, which are used to treat various diseases associated with circulatory disorders. It has several other synonyms - for example, field steelhead or tincture of steelhead root.

**Composition of Stalka** The roots of Stalka contain isoflavions, tannic acids and other active components. The tincture is made from the same raw materials, but from the roots of Stalka in 70% ethyl alcohol in a ratio of 1:4.84 [1.

Indications for use: hemorrhoids In clinical studies, steelhead has shown effectiveness in combating symptoms caused by hemorrhoids, which is one of the most common diseases of the rectum [3]. It can also be used to prevent hemorrhoids in people exposed to stress and a sedentary lifestyle. There are no contraindications to the use of Stalka, however, the use of any medications must be agreed with a doctor. Side effects and interactions The side effects of Stalka are not fully known, but minor side effects may occur with continued use. Interactions with other drugs can be studied, but this issue requires further research. According to the literature, there may be cases of interaction with iodine, calcium and phenothiazines, which requires monitoring of medication intake. In addition, Stalka can interact with B vitamins, magnesium, iron, mercury and furagin. In some cases, this interaction may result in the Stalka being less effective. Overdose and special instructions Information about possible manifestations of overdose from Stalka is still unknown. However, if signs of overdose are detected, it is recommended to seek medical help and stop using the drug. Some special instructions are indicated in the literature: due to the alcohol content, Stalka should not be used in children and patients suffering from chronic alcoholism and other liver diseases. It is also recommended to avoid prolonged contact with alcohol or other solvents that contain alcohol. [2]