
Stridor is noisy breathing through the nose that develops due to obstruction of the trachea or larynx.

This symptom is usually associated with a partial blockage of the airway caused by inflammation, swelling, muscle spasm, or swelling. Stridor can occur when you breathe in (inspiratory stridor) or when you breathe out (expiratory stridor).

Typical causes of stridor:

  1. Laryngotracheitis (inflammation of the larynx)
  2. Epiglottitis (inflammation of the epiglottis)
  3. Foreign body in the respiratory tract
  4. Tumors of the larynx or trachea
  5. Neck or larynx injury

Stridor is usually accompanied by wheezing when breathing and may indicate significant narrowing of the airways. This symptom requires urgent medical attention as it can lead to life-threatening respiratory obstruction. Treatment depends on the specific cause and may include removal of the foreign body, anti-inflammatory therapy, anti-swelling medications, or surgery.

Stridor is noisy breathing through the nose that develops due to obstruction of the trachea or larynx.

This symptom is usually caused by a tumor, foreign body, inflammation, or swelling in the larynx or trachea. The narrowing of the airway leads to turbulent air flow, which is why the characteristic noise occurs.

Stridor is most often heard during inspiration, but can sometimes be bilateral. It has a high pitched or whistling character. The volume of stridor depends on the degree of airway obstruction.

Stridor is a symptom that requires urgent intervention, as it can lead to complete obstruction of the airways and respiratory arrest. Therefore, if stridor occurs, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help. Treatment depends on the cause of the obstruction and may include removal of the foreign body, anti-inflammatory drugs, surgery, etc.