Swimsuit created for the perfect tan

Korean designer Joon-Hyun Kim came up with a swimsuit that can be used to sunbathe, covering all the intimate parts of the body, and not be afraid of leaving white marks on the skin. Jun-Hyun assures that after being in the sun in his Solar Tan swimsuit, the body tans evenly, becoming covered with a beautiful bronze color, all thanks to a special fabric with built-in solar panels.

The designer presented the first model in brown and gold, but soon Kim plans to show the entire line of miracle swimsuits.

Doctors have already sounded the alarm about a swimsuit that transmits light: after all, along with the sun's rays, it also transmits ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, before going to the beach, you should not miss the areas covered by a swimsuit - be sure to apply a protective agent to them, which will serve as a cancer prevention and prevent premature aging of the skin.

Source: interfax.by