
Taxis (in surgery) - realignment of displaced bones, organs or any other parts of the body only through manipulation (without the help of mechanical devices).

Taxis is a method of non-invasive realignment of bones, organs and other parts of the body, in which the doctor manipulates the hands without resorting to surgery. This method is used in cases of simple dislocations or displacements of bones, when it is necessary to return them to the correct anatomical position.

During taxis, the doctor carefully and smoothly acts on the injured area, performing traction, rotation and other movements. Thanks to such manipulations, displaced bones or organs are returned to their normal position without surgical intervention. Taxis is used for dislocations of the shoulder or elbow joint, collarbone, rib dislocations, etc.

The main advantage of taxis is its non-invasiveness. It allows you to correct the displacement quickly and painlessly. However, this method is not always applicable - in case of complex fractures or serious displacements of organs, surgical intervention may be required. But in many cases, taxis is an effective and gentle way to restore the anatomical position of injured body parts.

Taxis are surgical operations that are performed to restore the normal position of displaced bones or organs in the human body. They can be caused by various reasons such as injury, surgery or illness.

Taxis can be performed using a variety of methods, depending on the type of displacement and its location. For example, special tools such as hooks and knitting needles may be used to move bones in joints. Special techniques such as laparotomy or laparoscopy may be used to displace organs (such as the intestines).

One of the most common taxis is osteoclasia. It involves removing a piece of bone that is interfering with the normal functioning of an organ or joint. After the bone is removed, surgery may be performed to restore the normal position of the organ or joint.

Another common taxis is arthroclasia. This surgery involves restoring the normal position of the joint by removing part of the bone or cartilage that is causing the misalignment.

In general, taxis are complex operations that require highly skilled surgeons and specialized equipment. However, they may be necessary to restore normal functioning of the body and prevent further complications.

TaxiS is a surgical procedure used to realign displaced or damaged organs and body parts. This procedure is carried out without the use of mechanical devices and takes much less time than other correction methods.

Taxis techniques The Taxis procedure is performed using a variety of techniques and techniques. The main conditions of the operation are the minimum amount of time to perform and minimal trauma. The operation can be performed both on open areas of the skin and on closed ones (abscess, wound).

When performing the Taxis procedure, the doctor must take into account a number of aspects to avoid possible complications. Among them: it is necessary to determine the area where organs and bones need to be set; determine the nature of the displacement that occurred; calculate all possible risks during surgery; provide access to a separate organ from several sides; find a painless method of collecting tissue for research (biopsy).

All of the above will make Taxis the safest procedure. However, even if the procedure is carried out correctly, there is a risk of complicated aftereffects.

Complications after Taxis can appear immediately after the patient is discharged or months (and sometimes years) later. These complications are divided into three types. 1. Inflammatory: the formation of bruises, purulent wounds, fever and