Dark circles under the eyes after blepharoplasty

In 2014, I gave birth to a daughter, and two years later I didn’t recognize myself in the mirror. All this time I had a strict schedule: during the day I took care of the baby, at night I wrote and edited articles. And I don’t know what played the fatal role - eternal lack of sleep, fatigue, stress or hormone fluctuations (I suspect all at once) - but one fine day my appearance horrified me.

Due to sitting in front of the computer for a long time in the “straighten your back and take your hand away from your face” position, the oval of this very face sagged on both sides of the chin. Dark circles and hollows appeared under the eyes; not a single concealer hid them. On the upper eyelids there were overhanging folds, which gave the face a tired expression and made it difficult to apply makeup: eyeliner and shadows were instantly smeared. Moreover, nasolabial folds and creases were revealed.

I don’t want to look older than my 36 years, I don’t consider plastic surgery to be evil and I can’t stand reasoning in the spirit of “my wrinkles are my wealth.” Thank you, leave the wrinkles to yourself. And I’m going to the Beauty Time clinic for a consultation with a cosmetologist.

There it turns out that drooping eyelids cannot be removed either with Botox or sculptural massage - only blepharoplasty. Dips under the eyes are successfully corrected by lipofilling. Self-massage and hardware lifting will help tighten the skin of the lower part of the face, and fillers with hyaluronic acid will smooth out nasolabial folds. All these procedures took me almost six months, but the time was not wasted.

July. Blepharoplasty for drooping eyelid creases

Everything happened quickly. On Monday I talked with a plastic surgeon - the chief physician of the clinic, Otari Gogiberidze. On Tuesday I took tests for local anesthesia: a general blood and urine test, a blood test for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis (if I had chosen general anesthesia, the list would have been longer, including an ECG and fluorography). And on Thursday I showed up for the operation.

I signed a bunch of documents, the anesthesiologist selected a drug for local anesthesia (I am allergic to lidocaine), the surgeon marked the incision lines on the upper eyelids with a marker, the contours for lipofilling on the lower eyelids, and explained how the operation would go. He also said that drooping eyelids are a genetic feature. And then it started - and... it ended very quickly. Excess skin was excised on the upper eyelids, after which sutures were placed that were invisible in the natural crease of the eyelid.

According to my feelings, the blepharoplasty lasted no more than half an hour (in fact, no). What happened on the operating table can be seen in the photo. I still can’t understand how our photographer Nastya managed to remain calm in the face of such manipulations - I myself was ready to faint while I was choosing frames for publication from this photo shoot.

Lipofilling against hollows under the eyes

The lipofilling procedure was performed immediately after blepharoplasty. They took fat tissue from my inner thighs using a blunt cannula, processed it, and then injected it into the area under my eyes. After finishing, strips were glued to the skin of the eyelids - thin sterile waterproof patches that secure the sutures. When the anesthesia wore off, surprisingly, I didn’t have any pain at all, I never even took a painkiller. And just 4 hours after the operation, I was riding the subway home wearing dark glasses.

The next day the temperature rose slightly to 37.2 degrees, the eyelids were very swollen, so that only slits remained from the eyes. On the second day after the operation, the stitches were removed, the swelling decreased, but persisted for about a week. And for about a month there were cute little “pads” under the eyes, like Asian girls. I really liked them.

I wore the strip patches for nine days, and went to work in this form - those around me did not seem to notice anything, at least they reacted normally. I did not use cosmetics; instead of washing my face, I wiped the skin of the upper part of my face with chlorhexidine. I am incredibly pleased with the result: the upper eyelids are smooth and even, the skin around the eyes is light and dense, wrinkles have decreased. And eyeliner and shadows last from morning to evening. The scars on the crease of the eyelid still remain, but now, five months after the operation, they look twice as pale and thinner.

August. Thermolifting against sagging skin

About two weeks after blepharoplasty, I came to cosmetologist Tatyana Al Sabunchi to tidy up the sagging skin in the lower jaw area using infrared thermolifting using a Joule Sciton device with a Skin Tyte ll attachment. Here everything turned out to be simple: the eyes were protected with dark glasses, a conductor gel was applied to the skin of the lower part of the face, and a nozzle that shone like a Jedi sword was moved over the top. The whole process took about 20 minutes. During this time, infrared radiation warmed the skin so that the synthesis of collagen fibers in the dermis was activated.

During the procedure, a rather intense heat was felt, although the skin did not burn. Immediately after the session, the face turned slightly red, but after about an hour it returned to normal. I saw the lifting effect after about a month and a half: the skin was not much, but noticeably tightened and no longer hung like a bulldog. The oval of the face has become softer, the outline of the chin has become smoother.

December. Plasma injections for correction of nasolabial folds

All autumn I was attacked by seasonal dermatitis, and this condition is one of the contraindications for injections, so I had to wait with the correction of the nasolabial folds. The second contraindication turned out to be. the fillers themselves. At first, Tatyana Al Sabunchi planned to introduce a drug based on hyaluronic acid, but it contains lidocaine, so she decided not to risk it and proposed autologous cellular rejuvenation using the Swiss technology of Regen Lab. OK. And what is it?

The nurse takes blood from my vein. The tube of blood is placed in a centrifuge, where the plasma is separated under the influence of centrifugal force. Based on it, an autogel is made, which Tatyana injects into my nasolabial folds and fine wrinkles just below the corners of my mouth. The filling of wrinkles is noticeable immediately after the injection of the drug (this can be seen in the photo) and a couple of days after. Then the volume decreases, but the work of restoration and rejuvenation begins to boil in the skin cells. It will continue for about a year: fibrous tissue will form in the area of ​​the wrinkle, and gradually the fold will become less noticeable.

For me personally, plasma has another significant advantage. I have a strong phobia with hyaluronic acid fillers: after their injection, a complication such as irreversible blindness is possible. And although the risk is negligible, one case in several million, it still exists. But in the case of plasma, it is completely excluded.

What else can I say about my long beauty marathon? That the result is there, it is noticeable, but at the same time natural. So much so that none of my friends believe it when I start listing all the procedures done. It's still me, but from 2 years ago. I like.

Where: clinic of aesthetic medicine “Time of Beauty”, Moscow, Nikitsky lane, 2; tel.: +7 (495) 988-75-57.

Who to register with: plastic surgeon Otari Gogiberidze, dermatologist and cosmetologist Tatyana Al Sabunchi.

Blepharoplasty is plastic surgery on the eyelids. It is based on the elimination of excess skin folds and fat deposits. The procedure also eliminates bags under the eyes, hernia under the eyes, and evens out the size of the eyes. The causes of all problems are: poor nutrition, environmental situation, genetics, bad habits. This operation ideally rejuvenates the face and hides real age.


Moreover, eyelid correction is performed to improve vision. Unfortunately, sometimes dark circles remain under the eyes after lower blepharoplasty. There is no need to be afraid of this, but it is important to take care of the skin around the eyes so that it quickly returns to its healthy appearance and tone. Special care required. But we will tell you about everything in more detail.

There are two types of blepharoplasty:

  1. Upper blepharoplasty is performed for a disease of the upper eyelid - ptosis, when the eyelid droops greatly. The cause may be a dysfunction of the nerves. This operation does not last long and consists of the following stages. First, the surgeon makes an incision above the eyelids along the crease line. Excess fat and tissue is then removed through an incision. At the end he puts a suture. The most important point in this operation is the qualifications of the surgeon. If it removes too much tissue, the eye will appear too sunken. And if not enough fat is removed, inflammation of the layer may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to competently approach the choice of a professional doctor;
  2. Lower blepharoplasty can eliminate bags under the eyes and lower drooping eyelids. In this situation, the surgeon makes an incision near the lash line and also removes excess fat. An improperly performed operation leads to the formation of too dark circles under the eyes. But in this situation, you can easily improve your skin thanks to proper skin care and proper nutrition.

After the procedure, the patient needs to remain in a horizontal position for an hour. Be sure to apply a cold compress to wounds that appeared during surgery. Staying in a hospital is not necessary.

You must come for an appointment 3-4 days after the procedure. The surgeon will examine the face, prescribe medications, give recommendations, and, if necessary, remove stitches. The feeling of discomfort, swelling and dark circles under the eyes after surgery will go away in 3-4 weeks.

Recommendations from experts

If black circles appear after lower blepharoplasty, you must follow practical recommendations to alleviate the condition:

  1. wear sunglasses;
  2. do a set of exercises for the eyes, but do not overstrain your eyes;
  3. sleep only in a reclining position.

Based on the fact that the most common complications after blepharoplasty are dark circles under the eyes, you first need to choose a treatment package to eliminate swelling and blue circles around the eyes.

The reason for the formation of bruises after facial surgery can be attributed to the accumulation of blood and tissue fatty fluids in the area under the lower eyelids. There is no need to be afraid of the formation of edema. They will go away on their own a week after the procedure. But it is better to consult with the surgeon who performed the operation or the attending physician.


To reduce the size of bruises, you can apply cold compresses several times a day. At night it is better to sleep on a large and dense pillow that prevents the head from falling low. You also need to reduce the amount of fluid consumed, as it provokes swelling.

For 2 weeks after surgery, you should refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking. You should also not go to the gym and overload yourself with physical activity.

When taking a shower or washing your hair, you need to make sure that the seams do not get wet after the procedure. It is better to use dry shampoo for several weeks to eliminate any contact with water. In the first weeks it is better to forget about makeup. You should use eye shadow and other cosmetics only after the scars have completely healed.

To prevent pigmentation of the skin of the eyelids and reduce dark circles under the eyes with pale blepharoplasty, you should not go to saunas, steam baths, or solariums for 1 month. If you follow these simple rules for a month, you can get rid of dark circles after blepharoplasty and enjoy a healthy and youthful look.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes at home?

To correct bruises and dark circles under the eyes, you need products that improve blood microcirculation and promote venous edema - these are natural extracts, hyaluronic acid, collagen, amino acids. Basically, they are present in gels, creams, serums with roller applicators, collagen patches and fabric masks.

To get a positive result and get rid of dark circles under the eyes, you need to get enough sleep, rest more and walk in the fresh air. Walking before bed will also be tearful. If you have a problem with dark circles under your eyes, give up stimulating drinks such as energy drinks and caffeine for a while.

Remember that such a cosmetic defect may hide serious disorders of certain body functions. It is better to solve this problem in consultation with a therapist, who will refer you for a full examination, tests and drug treatment.

How to eliminate black circles under the eyes using pharmaceutical ointments?

To quickly get rid of bruises, you need to use formulations that are sold in pharmacies. Such ointments usually contain high-quality, balanced substances; the gels are comfortable to use and act instantly. Let's look at the most popular pharmaceutical products and their method of action:

  1. Badyaga Forte. The gel is made from spongy algae. It has a restorative, strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect. You cannot use gel over tattoo. Badyaga helps remove bruises that occur after blepharoplasty and injuries;
  2. Heparin cream. The product resolves circles and age spots in the lower eyelid area. In addition, the ointment has a lightening effect. Before use, you must obtain a doctor's approval in advance;
  3. Troxevasin. This ointment perfectly stabilizes the condition of capillaries, as it strengthens their walls. Troxevasin should be used for no more than 5 days, otherwise the ointment will become addictive;
  4. Bezornil. A popular remedy that helps lighten the skin, remove hematomas, large bags in the periorbital area. The ointment is created from succinic acid, extracts of medicinal cultures and pearls. Bezornil has an immediate and lasting effect; it must be applied 2 times a day.