There is a permanently pregnant girl living in Britain

23-year-old British woman Gemma Potter accused doctors of unprofessionalism: according to her, they cannot find the optimal method of contraception, which is why she constantly gets pregnant.

According to Potter, she finds herself in a position from almost every intimacy with her husband, despite all methods of contraception. Since 2006, when the woman met her future husband, she has been living in a constant nightmare. At that time, Gemma was already taking birth control pills, but they turned out to be ineffective in her case, and after three months of the relationship, the girl became pregnant and gave birth to a son.

After this incident, she began taking pills again, but in November 2008 she became pregnant again and gave birth to a daughter. Later she put in an ectopic device, which, according to doctors, is the most effective method of birth control. A few months later, the woman discovered that she was pregnant again, but suffered a miscarriage in the seventh week.

Potter then decided to try injectable contraceptives, but became pregnant for the fourth time and gave birth to another baby. After this incident, doctors advised her to use a hormonal implant, the effectiveness of which can be 99% certain. But the girl found herself pregnant again, and at the eleventh week she had a miscarriage.

Then the girl decided to take oral contraceptives again and is now ten weeks pregnant. According to her, she constantly lives in fear of seeing two lines on a pregnancy test and absolutely does not want to make love with her husband because of this. The doctors just shrug their shoulders and call Dzhema’s case unique in their practice.

Based on materials from prepared by Liana Voinarovskaya