Non-acne-causing foundation


We invest a lot of time, effort and money into beautiful skin. Americans spend almost $9 billion annually on creams, scrubs, foundations and skincare products that also promise to make our skin look clearer, more attractive and more youthful.

Ironically, the very products you rely on to make our skin look its best can make your pores more clogged and cause more breakouts. Using the wrong foundation can actually cause the breakouts you're trying so hard to hide.

Caring for skin with acne requires carefully selected cosmetic products. Carefully read the composition of creams before choosing a foundation that is suitable for you, which will not clog your pores or lead to large breakouts on your face. In this article, we will teach you how to choose the necessary ingredients of the cream and from what components should be avoided to prevent clogging of skin pores and the appearance of new acne.

Can foundation cause acne?

If you ask this question to your dermatologist, you will get an ambiguous, but positive answer - yes. In a recent study, 45% of women had skin diseases, including acne, which were associated or aggravated by the cosmetics they used.

14% had active acne lesions due to cosmetics, including excessive use of foundation Cosmetic induced acne can be so common that it even has a name: acne cosmetics Patients are more likely to experience cosmetic induced acne from foundation on chin and cheeks, less often on the forehead.

These pimples appear as small whitish bumps, sometimes called "pimples", that are more noticeable when the skin is stretched. They can also appear as red, pimples on the face. Cosmetic induced acne tends to stay on the face for a long time, sometimes with a long healing time of months and even years, as the wearer enters into a vicious cycle of pore-clogging, which leads to further acne breakouts. Applying too much foundation on the face can most likely lead to irritation and breakouts, which can also make acne worse.

Applying foundation when you have acne: consequences

People have been hiding their blemishes and pimples from prying eyes for centuries. In the 1600s, women wore star and moon silk patches to hide smallpox scars. Today we use makeup, foundation, and products to disguise our pimples. Makeup can be very good at to hide pimples, but it can also trigger new breakouts if you use the wrong kind of cream for your skin or apply it too thickly Redness and peeling after covering up acne with a thick layer of foundation can essentially lead to clogged facial pores and the formation of new or more severe forms of acne.

What to look for: All makeup products, from blush to eye shadow, should be non-greasy creams, labeled nocomedics (or non-acnegenic). Foundations should be oil-free, hypoallergenic, and non-irritating.

Read the ingredients - the first one on the list should be water Mineral makeup contains added ingredients such as silica, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, which absorb oil and hide redness without irritating the skin or causing breakouts Another ingredient to look for is dimethicone, which also hides redness while smoothing uneven skin.

Dermatologists often tell patients that they should not wear makeup, much less foundation, as this can worsen skin problems and cause new acne outbreaks. However, not all products and creams cause acne side effects and new pimples.

Some cosmetics claim to not only be safe for acne-prone skin, but also to treat acne. Is there any truth to these claims?

In principle, yes. I don't see any reason why you couldn't use makeup as a treatment for acne. However, I'm not a cosmetic chemist and can't say if there's anything in makeup that prevents it. use as cosmetics in the treatment of acne It is important that, at least, foundations and cosmetics that contain salicylic acid and do not contain alcohol can, in one form or another, help get rid of acne, and not provoke their appearance.

Additionally, in 2013, Korean researchers published a study showing that cosmetics containing bee venom can treat acne.

So basically you can use makeup as a treatment for acne. However, the real question is whether it is better to use specific acne therapy and then apply normal acne on it - safe makeup I would suggest that using specific products to treat acne you have a much wider choice of active ingredients.

The presence of comedogenic ingredients in a foundation does NOT mean that the product causes acne.

For more than 50 years, scientists have been determining whether the presence of comedogenic ingredients in cosmetics and products causes acne.

Some websites collect the results of such studies, where cosmetic ingredients are rated based on their comedogenicity.

They encourage you to become and most importantly be an acne detective by running around the store with this 3 page list and checking every product against that list. If a product has an ingredient found on the list then it may cause acne in the near future.

However, modern research shows that products with known comedogenic ingredients do not cause acne.

In 2005, Dr. Zoe Diana Draelos and his colleagues published a paper entitled "Re-evaluating the concept of comedogenicity." In the study, they tested whether products containing comedogenic ingredients actually cause acne. They examined 6 acne-prone people and used products containing known comedogenic ingredients, to the test subject's face They tested a total of 10 different products The products were applied 3 times a week and left in place until the next application The experiment lasted 4 weeks The results were compared on both the positive and negative side A positive control is a substance that is known to , causes acne and a negative control known as non-comed.

In all cases, there was no difference between the negative control and any products used on the face. In comparison, the positive control caused 3 to 5 times more acne than either product. In other words, a product with known comedogenic ingredients did not cause more acne than only one sided ingredient.

They also made some interesting points in the discussion section of the article:

  1. Comedogenicity tests often use very high doses of the test substance, while finished products often contain only small amounts of the substance. Think about it, saying that any product containing endemic ingredients will cause acne is like saying that any food containing salt will kill you , because salt is lethal in high doses. Comedogenicity, like everything else, is a matter of dosage.
  2. There are different ways to measure comedogenicity. Some tests label substances that irritate the skin but do not cause acne as comedogenic. Additionally, substances that dilate skin pores, such as salicylic acid, may be labeled as comedogenic. However, salicylic acid is used as a treatment acne.
  3. Human comedogenicity tests often use exaggerated conditions. Substances are usually applied under occlusion (meaning the area is covered) and left for several weeks, all of which increase the effect that the substances have.

This study shows that, as expected, more than 90% of supposedly dangerous products identified as non-comedogenic will not actually cause acne or pimples on the face!


I would not go so far as to say that makeup or foundation can be the main cause of acne on the face. Rather, this problem is secondary and occurs quite rarely, definitely more often when using very greasy creams or a thick layer of cream on the face.

It is true that some chemicals in cosmetics and personal care products can cause hormonal disruption. However, in the vast majority of cases they are thousands of times weaker than the phytoestrogens found in soy and other plants, which are orders of magnitude smaller than human hormones. There is no obvious evidence that these chemicals cause harm to people, but we cannot be sure that they are completely safe. By following the precautionary principle, you will ensure that your exposure to chemicals, cosmetics and foundations that are suspected of causing acne.

Actually, the question is on topic.
I work at the reception for at least 12 hours + morning preparations and travel. As a result, upon returning home, the skin is all oily, unpleasant, it’s disgusting to touch it, and during the working day there is no desire to sprinkle powder on top of this joy.

I use Clinique. Antibacterial foundation for 2000, their powder and three-stage cleaning system.
Cheaper decorative products generally kill the skin, I tried Vishy and La Roshe Posay from the pharmacy, also a toner + cleanser and foundation on top. The skin was terrible, every day the nose and the area around the mouth are getting drier, and the forehead and cheeks are getting fatter + all in closed comedones from large painful ones to dozens of small ones all over the face.

Maybe for such harsh use of the skin you need something besides the three-step from clinics? Some kind of cream base. But it seems to me that the more I apply, the worse I make it. Girls with a 12-hour work day, how do you cope?)) experts

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Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

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Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Pukemova Olga

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Kostenich Lyudmila Stanislavovna

Psychologist, Art therapist. Specialist from the site

Marina Aleksandrovna Baydyuk

Psychologist, Analytical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Valeria Bertnik-Yuryeva

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Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Alina Sysoeva

Psychologist, Coach and Trainer. Specialist from the site

Why use foundation at all? a little powder is good


I buy a good foundation cream from a cosmetologist and there are no problems

I also don’t understand the need for foundation at work. Is this required of you? If not, then do not use foundation, believe me, any foundation is harmful to the skin.

It’s been 5 years since I gave up foundation, I have the same problem as you. Switched to minerals. I really like the effect.

The foundation does not cause acne. look for another reason

clinics are marketing, switch to Korean cosmetics, no acne, no greasy pancake on your face

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I have how to cleanse clinics of 3 stupas, this is gonope.
you need hydrophilic oil and 100% hyaluronic acid serum, toni moly. look. Throw up the clinics

My makeup base was good, mattifying. On top was foundation, and then powder on top. I was an admin and I had to look my best. Luckily my salary allowed)

By the way, it seems to me that it’s because of the cream that your foundation floats. It’s better to use the cream at night. And wash your face during the day, and then a base with silicones.

Isn’t it easier to buy a bb cream, I used it and my skin began to look noticeably better, the main thing is to buy a quality one, since last century you still need to be able to apply it correctly..

Don’t you use mattifying wipes at all during the day? Or thermal water? After all, we are alive, and to expect that after 15 hours the face will remain the same matte is a little naive.

By the way, it seems to me that it’s because of the cream that your foundation floats. It’s better to use the cream at night. And wash your face during the day, and then a base with silicones.

all your foundations, no matter how much they cost and no matter what famous companies they are, are all visible on your face. as you see the girl in foundation. it becomes so reflexively disgusting) really! do you think that it is not visible?

With a 12-hour working day, the only way out is to take cosmetics with you, including foundation, preferably compact mattifying make-up Shiseido Sheer Matifying Long Lasting Oil Free Foundation and cleansing wipes. So, during a work break, I quickly went to the toilet, completely removed my morning foundation and the remains of lipstick with a napkin, then took a compact make-up and quickly applied it to my face with a sponge, then blush, and lipstick. It's a matter of minutes. All. This is what I do, this is what my colleague with porous, oily skin does. We just remove the morning m/ap and apply it again at work. pause, with this we are already going home. There is no other way out.

Actually, the question is on topic. I work at the reception for at least 12 hours + morning preparations and travel. As a result, upon returning home, the skin is all oily, unpleasant, it’s disgusting to touch it, and during the working day there is no desire to sprinkle powder on top of this joy. I use Clinique. Antibacterial foundation for 2000, their powder and three-stage cleaning system. Cheaper decorative products generally kill the skin, I tried Vishy and La Roshe Posay from the pharmacy, also a toner + cleanser and foundation on top. The skin was terrible, every day the nose and the area around the mouth are getting drier, and the forehead and cheeks are getting fatter + all in closed comedones from large painful ones to dozens of small ones all over the face. Maybe for such harsh use of the skin you need something besides three - steps from the clinics? Some kind of cream base. But it seems to me that the more I apply, the worse I make it. Girls with a 12-hour work day, how do you cope?))

Tonak is evil, any cosmetologist will tell you this. I can assume that your skin looks unkempt without it. But it’s still worth making a choice in favor of mineral powder.

“Tonak is evil, any cosmetologist will tell you that.”
It is not true. I have been using foundations since puberty. No harm: moisturize, care, protect the skin. Those who went without foundation have long been covered with a network of wrinkles, but I have skin like a peach. All foundations had spf. A good foundation is your skin’s friend and guardian of its beauty.

Tonak is evil, any cosmetologist will tell you this. I can assume that your skin looks unkempt without it. But it’s still worth making a choice in favor of mineral powder.

I don't think foundation and acne are related. In the morning, use acne care products, after 10 minutes, smear yourself with foundation and walk like that, and when you wash it off before going to bed, use acne products again. In general, acne is most likely caused by hormones or infection. And cosmetics have nothing to do with it. and accordingly, the only thing here is to drink OK or treat this infection, and once you are cured - even if you plaster yourself with theatrical makeup, you won’t have any acne! I know from myself that it happened when I was young, and it wasn’t a matter of cosmetics at all, but a skin mite, I was cured - and paint with whatever you want. But if you have oily skin, it’s much more likely that your hormones are going crazy. Usually in this case they prescribe Yarina/Midiana (analogues) or Jess/Dimia, but it is better to consult a doctor rather than buy at random. I myself now drink Dimia, although I started drinking for contraception, and not for cosmetic purposes, but I noticed that when I started taking it, my skin and hair began to become much less oily. If I used to wash my hair every day, now I wash my hair twice a week! And not a pimple.

Tonak is evil, any cosmetologist will tell you this. I can assume that your skin looks unkempt without it. But it’s still worth making a choice in favor of mineral powder.

Actually, the question is on topic. I work at the reception for at least 12 hours + morning preparations and travel. As a result, upon returning home, the skin is all oily, unpleasant, it’s disgusting to touch it, and during the working day there is no desire to sprinkle powder on top of this joy. I use Clinique. Antibacterial foundation for 2000, their powder and three-stage cleaning system. Cheaper decorative products generally kill the skin, I tried Vishy and La Roshe Posay from the pharmacy, also a toner + cleanser and foundation on top. The skin was terrible, every day the nose and the area around the mouth are getting drier, and the forehead and cheeks are getting fatter + all in closed comedones from large painful ones to dozens of small ones all over the face. Maybe for such harsh use of the skin you need something besides three - steps from the clinics? Some kind of cream base. But it seems to me that the more I apply, the worse I make it. Girls with a 12-hour work day, how do you cope?))

In the morning, wash your face with soap, apply the cream... let it saturate the skin, then take a napkin and remove all the cream that the skin did not take, then the skin will not be so oily. during the day, if you want a fresh look, remove the tone with wet makeup remover wipes and quickly reapply, it will take about 5 minutes, but your face will be in excellent condition

Author, I had the same problem before. Option: mattifying powder + wet wipes throughout the day, masking effect like foundation. Another option is BB cream for oily skin, but again wet wipes. Now my skin has normalized, it has even become a little dry, I use Garinera BB cream for normal skin and I am very pleased.

Of course, it’s not visible if you have a high-quality foundation and apply it correctly

Try proper skin care first, i.e. choose the right cream for the base, then light foundation and powder, I like Korean cosmetics in this regard, I really like mineral powder and for the evening with a radiant effect

By the way, Korean cosmetics are generally a good option. They have a company called Holika, so the BB and CC creams from this company are generally natural (like most other products) and not only do they not cause harm, they also take care of the skin (they have a tightening effect, and for problem skin, etc. .d.). I used them myself for a very long time. The only downside is that you can’t find it in stores, and on Korean websites the delivery is exorbitant. I found a website for myself, it’s cheaper there, if anyone is interested
By the way, I also found mineral powder there, which I actually now use instead of foundation and bb cream. Both benefit and beauty))


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Six of the best products, according to the portal’s editors, that not only mask skin imperfections, but also improve its appearance

takes 6 minutes to read

Text: editors June 3, 2019


  1. Features of choosing a foundation for oily skin
  2. Composition of foundations for problem skin
  3. Foundation for summer and winter. Is there a difference?
  4. How to choose the perfect shade?
  5. How to apply foundation?
  6. Review of the best foundations for problem skin

Features of choosing a foundation for oily skin

Remember that a high-quality foundation must have a uniform and delicate texture. It should not be too liquid or too thick.


For problem skin, you should not choose a cream with a thick consistency. It will clog your pores and create discomfort. Thick foundation should be used for evening events and photo shoots. For daily daytime makeup, it is best to use light tonal fluids and emulsions.


When purchasing foundation, be sure to read the ingredients on the label. The foundation should contain no essential oils or be present, but in a minimal amount.


The foundation must contain components that will protect your skin from ultraviolet rays, as well as hyaluronic acid (this, by the way, also applies to a regular moisturizer for problem skin).


Choose foundations that visually reduce pores. Usually in people with problem skin they are quite wide.


Use foundations that contain bactericidal substances. For example, tea tree extract. It prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes and allergic reactions.


Be sure to read what is written on the packaging: manufacturers always separately indicate whether the foundation is intended for problem skin. Opt for mattifying cosmetics.


Pay attention to the coverage ability of the foundation. It should cope well with its direct functions without harming the skin.

A post shared by Maybelline New York (@maybelline) on Nov 2, 2018 at 7:14am PDT

Composition of foundations for problem skin

Toners for problem skin are usually based on mineral compounds of zinc dioxide and amethyst powder; they remove oily shine and make the skin matte. Also important ingredients are plant extracts of licorice and quince root, as they normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

A post shared by Maybelline New York (@maybelline) on Jul 19, 2018 at 4:33am PDT

Foundation for summer and winter. Is there a difference?

In summer and winter, the skin needs different types of foundation. For winter, you should choose oil- or silicone-based foundations. In winter, your sebaceous glands are not as active and even problematic skin can become combination or normal.


Dry skin is another factor that should be taken into account when choosing foundation for the winter. The product must have moisturizing properties.


For summer, you should choose light foundations that do not clog pores. The foundation must contain SPF filters that will protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

More information on the topic:

how to choose the perfect shade?

Choosing a foundation is an extremely important undertaking. Therefore, it is best to select a foundation together with an experienced makeup artist. If you don’t have such friends, then ask a sales assistant at a cosmetic store for help. They should help you choose not only the right structure for the season, but also the right color of the cream.


Ideally, it would be nice to get a sample of the desired foundation, apply it to the skin and observe its behavior throughout the day. If it does not cause you any inconvenience or discomfort, feel free to buy the full-size version of the cream.

How to choose the best foundation shade without outside help?

Do you think you've found the perfect foundation? Give him a small but important test: apply a small amount of product to the lower part of the jaw, closer to the neck, and compare the shade of the product and the skin on the neck. If the transition between them is almost imperceptible, then you can make a purchase.

A post shared by Maybelline New York (@maybelline) on Jan 28, 2019 at 6:35am PST

To finally make sure that you have chosen the shade you really need (even if a sales assistant helped you with this), check how the product looks on the skin in daylight. To do this, just go to the window with a mirror and take a good look at your reflection.


How to apply foundation?

The ideal tone is the key to beautiful makeup, so it is important to learn how to apply foundation correctly.

Distribute the foundation from the center of the face to the periphery: apply the brush to the wings of the nose and move it diagonally down.


Carefully blend the product along the hairline.

Don't forget to apply foundation to your ears if you plan to wear your hair up.

Our video tutorials will help you master this process perfectly.

It is best to apply foundation over the skin using a synthetic brush. But if you don't have it on hand, watch our next video tutorial, which talks about other application methods.

Review of the best foundations for problem skin

We have collected tonal products that do not create additional inconvenience for problem skin. And they take on the most difficult tasks: hide imperfections, even out skin texture, and moisturize.

High coverage foundation Dermablend 3D SPF 25, Vichy

Vichy developed Dermablend foundation especially for oily, acne-prone skin. Despite its light texture, it effectively masks acne and post-acne, evens out skin texture and gives it a matte finish - the effect lasts up to 16 hours. Use it for a month, and, as the manufacturer promises, skin imperfections will be reduced by 49% - salicylic acid, which fights inflammation, and eperulin, which soothes the skin, are responsible for this.


Corrective cream-gel Effaclar Duo (+), La Roche-Posay

This cream not only corrects visible skin imperfections, but also improves its overall condition. According to the results of studies conducted by specialists from La Roche-Posay laboratories, after a month of use, the pores are cleaned, the skin surface is evened out, and the oily sheen becomes less noticeable. This cream perfectly masks acne and post-acne without causing new inflammation, and evens out skin tone (by the way, you can read about the rules of makeup for acne in this material).


Foundation Affinitone, Maybelline New York

This foundation perfectly masks acne, redness and other skin imperfections, while caring for it - thanks to vitamin E and argan oil in the composition. The texture is quite liquid, but does not spread on the skin - apply with your fingers or a beauty sponge (we wrote more about how to apply foundation here). The result is an even tone, matte finish and skin moisturized throughout the day.


Infaillible foundation, L’Oréal Paris

The main advantage of this foundation is that it provides coverage dense enough to mask imperfections, while being practically invisible on the skin and not creating a mask effect. Other advantages: it does not clog pores, does not emphasize flaking, mattifies the skin for five to six hours, and prevents the appearance of oily shine.


Foundation Teint Idole Ultra Wear SPF 15, Lancôme

An updated version of Teint Idole Ultra 24h foundation is the best option for problem skin. Firstly, it provides the longest lasting coverage (up to 24 hours!), which means you don't have to touch up your makeup throughout the day or apply an additional layer of makeup to your skin.


Secondly, the cream masks imperfections well, while providing the skin with a long-lasting feeling of comfort - all thanks to the complex of moisturizing components in the composition.

By the way, on the official website of the brand you can take a quick test that will determine the most suitable shade of foundation for you.

You can learn how to apply foundation correctly from our video tutorial.

Foundation All Nighter, Urban Decay

The name of this product speaks for itself - the coating will last not only day, but also night. To cover visible imperfections, just apply the product in one layer - the liquid waterproof texture spreads easily and evenly over the skin, providing a matte finish. You can forget about the greasy shine - it won’t remind you of itself for a long time.


In order to achieve the desired result, it is not enough to choose a good foundation. Watch our video to learn how to mask skin imperfections like the professionals:

Which cream is number one in your personal rating of products for problem skin? Leave a review.

What foundation do you use? Leave your comment.





  1. soso January 20, 18:39 Affinitone is not for flaky skin, and it’s true, it will be lumpy. In my opinion, it is quite liquid and not very long-lasting, suitable for the summer, especially since the palest of them even turns yellow. L'Oreal is normal for oily people, denser, suitable if there are defects. It seems to last quite a long time, for me it lasts almost all day. The skin is oily in general, but it flakes and there is acne. Lancome is good, long lasting and matte, but noticeably more expensive. So far, L'Oreal is satisfied with the most affordable ones.
  2. Julia April 29, 19:55 I constantly feel Effaclar on my skin, I just want to wash my face after it. There is always a feeling of tired skin. I tried to come to terms with this shortcoming, but every time I regretted what I did. After it, the skin seems to become even more oily. I have been using Clinique anti blemish solutions for a long time. Very suitable for quickly oily acne-prone skin. But so far, none of the foundations have prevented oiliness 100% throughout the day. Everyone lasts for 3 hours maximum.
  3. Ksenia March 13, 23:56 L'Oreal and Maybelline do not hide redness at all.

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