Herbs for wrinkles under the eyes

Treatment and prevention of wrinkles

Quail egg face masks

Paraffin face masks

Wrinkles around the eyes

Honey face mask

Cucumber face mask

Folk face masks made from apricot

Watermelon face masks

Wrinkles and other skin disorders occur as a result of the influence of many factors, including psychological ones - stress, anxiety, depression.

The environmental problem is also important - the dirty atmosphere of megacities, climate change, sudden changes in air humidity and temperature.

Often the skin ages prematurely due to incorrectly selected or low-quality decorative cosmetics or too active facial expressions.

In general, there are many reasons, but the result is obvious, and such shortcomings can and should be dealt with at home.

Herbal extracts are very widely used in cosmetics. And they are even more useful in their pure form.

Herbs provide the best care for the beauty, youth and health of the skin, and we will be happy to use them.

Herbs for the face against wrinkles - benefits

There are a large number of herbs that help restore skin turgor and make them younger. But to get the desired rejuvenating effect, we recommend using the following medicinal plants:

  1. Aloe - moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin
  2. Calendula - moisturizes, disinfects, soothes and smoothes wrinkles
  3. Nettle - helps speed up metabolic processes in tissues and restores the elasticity of the skin
  4. Lavender - refreshes, soothes and restores skin color
  5. Coltsfoot - smoothes, moisturizes and makes the skin velvety to the touch
  6. Parsley - smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes, nourishes and whitens the skin, making them young and fit
  7. Mint - refreshes and tones aging skin
  8. Dandelion - helps get rid of pigmentation
  9. Rosemary - has smoothing properties, tightens and rejuvenates skin well
  10. Chamomile - restores skin, stops its withering, prevents the formation of wrinkles
  11. Rowan - cleanses the skin, smoothes wrinkles and acts as a light antioxidant
  12. Thyme - effectively moisturizes dry skin, thereby preventing the formation of wrinkles
  13. Sage - used as a natural lifting remedy
  14. Horsetail - removes sagging skin, helps with oily and problematic facial skin

Above we described a small number of herbs that can be used in home cosmetology to combat aging skin. Depending on the properties of the herb, it can be used in the form of a mask, infusion or compresses. Rubbing your face with cosmetic ice based on a herbal decoction helps to remove wrinkles perfectly.

Anti-wrinkle mask recipes

You can remove wrinkles using face masks made from medicinal herbs. Use herbs both fresh and dried.

A herbal mask made from dried plantain, mint and chamomile flowers will help remove wrinkles under the eyes. Chop and mix the herbs, taken 1 tablespoon at a time, pour a glass of boiling water over them and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then strain the water, add 1 teaspoon of potato starch to the herbal pulp and mix well. Before applying the mask to your face, first lubricate it with a nourishing cream. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse with room temperature water.

A mask made from sage leaves, St. John's wort, chamomile and linden helps to remove wrinkles from fading and aging skin. Measure dry ingredients in equal proportions - one teaspoon at a time. Grind them thoroughly into flour using a coffee grinder. Pour boiling water over it. Then add a tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Apply the mask and rinse off with water at room temperature after 20 minutes.

A mask made from dried herbs of mint, plantain, and chamomile flowers helps perfectly. They must be mixed in equal parts, crushed, and boiled for ten minutes over low heat. Then strain it all and add potato starch to the water. Before applying this mask to your face, you need to lubricate it with a nourishing cream. Leave the mask on for twenty minutes.

You can remove wrinkles on your face using calendula officinalis: pour 1 tablespoon of this herb into 1 glass of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Soak a gauze pad in the resulting infusion and apply to your face. When the napkin begins to dry, remove it and wash with warm water.

Finely chop and mix a teaspoon of medicinal chamomile flowers, a tablespoon of fresh birch leaves, a teaspoon of pine needles. Pour boiled water over the crushed mass to form a paste. Add one yolk and a tablespoon of cottage cheese. Mash all ingredients and apply to facial skin for 25 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Take 1 teaspoon each of fresh rose petals, fresh mint leaves, dried chamomile flowers, and fresh nettle leaves. Pour half a glass of boiling water over everything, boil for 5 minutes and strain.

Mix the herbal gruel with 1 teaspoon of cottage cheese, and add a little warm milk to get a mass similar in thickness to sour cream.

Apply to facial skin and after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Pour 1 tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers into 1 glass of dry white wine and let it brew for 2 weeks. Wipe aging skin with this lotion in the morning and evening, after wiping, apply nourishing cream to your face.

Herbs have long been considered an effective folk remedy against wrinkles. It is only important to use these recipes not occasionally, but constantly or in repeated courses, and then simple but very effective recipes will help you smooth out age-related changes and deep wrinkles will not appear for a very long time.

More anti-wrinkle masks

Treatment and prevention of wrinkles

Causes of wrinkles

Puffiness under the eyes in the morning

How to look younger

Cherry face masks


The benefits of herbs in the fight against wrinkles

Nature is rich in herbs that can restore the elasticity of the skin and make the face more youthful. The following herbal remedies have pronounced anti-aging properties:

  1. aloe – moisturizes, promotes cell regeneration;
  2. calendula (marigold) – has an antibacterial effect, soothes, smoothes wrinkles, provides hydration;
  3. lavender – relieves irritation, restores a healthy complexion;
  4. coltsfoot – evens out wrinkles and gives the skin a velvety feel;
  5. nettle – restores elasticity, accelerates metabolism in the layers of the skin;
  6. parsley – nourishes, moisturizes, fights wrinkles and brightens the skin;
  7. peppermint – has a tonic and refreshing effect;
  8. dandelion – lightens pigmented areas;
  9. chamomile – promotes cell regeneration, inhibits the aging process, prevents the appearance of age-related and facial wrinkles;
  10. rosemary – tightens and smoothes the skin;
  11. horsetail – prevents sagging, helps cope with oily skin problems;
  12. thyme (thyme) – moisturizes skin prone to dryness, acts against the formation of wrinkles;
  13. Salvia officinalis – has a pronounced lifting effect;
  14. Rowan berries – have weak antioxidant properties, cleanse pores and smooth the skin.

Depending on the composition, qualities and characteristics of the medicinal plant, it can be used in the form of an infusion, a solution for a compress, or a component of cosmetic masks. Cosmetic ice made from a herbal decoction effectively fights wrinkles.

For cosmetic procedures, herbal raw materials are selected taking into account the skin type and its needs:

  1. For those with oily skin, experts recommend using wormwood, St. John's wort, burdock, nettle, sage, coltsfoot, butterbur and string.
  2. Dry skin will benefit from the use of dill (plants and seeds), parsley, dandelion, yarrow, thyme, rowan berries, rosemary, lemon balm or mint, lavender, calendula (marigold), chamomile, rose petals and hop cones.
  3. Problem skin requires special care. You can provide it with the help of celandine, aloe, verbena (pigeon grass), calendula, immortelle, peppermint and horsetail.

These plants are used both singly and as part of multicomponent products. They go well with other ingredients, but require compliance with the proportions and rules of use.

There are different ways to use plant materials in home cosmetology. It can be used both fresh and dried.

  1. Rejuvenation of problem skin

A mask is prepared based on pharmaceutical chamomile. Chamomile color is one of the most popular drugs in herbal medicine. It gently cares for the skin of the face, smoothes out wrinkles, and provides necessary nutrition and hydration. The anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile will be useful for caring for problem skin.
To prepare the mask you will need: a dessert spoon of kefir or sour milk, the same amount of chamomile, one chicken egg.

Whisk all ingredients together in a blender. Apply the finished mask to the skin for twenty minutes.

This product is recommended for use not only on the face, but also on the neck.

  1. Smoothing wrinkles under the eyes and crow's feet

A mask made from a mixture of dry, crushed herbs: mint, plantain, chamomile will help smooth out wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and on the lower eyelid.

A dessert spoon of each ingredient is combined in one container and poured with a glass (200 ml) of boiling water. After this, the product is boiled for 10-15 minutes over low heat. The liquid is drained and set aside, and a teaspoon of starch is added to the herbs and stirred well.

The mask exposure time is 20 minutes. After this time, wash the face with broth or water.

  1. Restoration of aging and aging skin

It is possible to restore the elasticity of mature skin and smooth out fine wrinkles by systematically using a product made from sage leaves, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort and linden blossom. The raw materials are taken dry in equal parts, for example, a teaspoon or a dessert spoon.

Using a coffee grinder or blender, grind the herbs to flour, add boiling water and stir. After this, add a tablespoon of sour cream or heavy homemade cream, a teaspoon of any vegetable oil.

Apply the product to the face for 20 minutes.

  1. Lightening mature skin

As they age, many women suffer from the appearance of age spots. A mask made from nettle works well for this cosmetic defect.
It is prepared from a tablespoon of chopped dry nettle, half a tablespoon of lemon juice, and a tablespoon of cream.

Nettles are mixed with juice, then the juice is added. The ingredients must be mixed well and allowed to brew for 15 minutes. After this, the product is applied to the face in several layers with a cosmetic brush. The exposure time of the mask is no longer than 15 minutes.

Such procedures can be performed on irritated skin that is prone to frequent drying.

  1. Herbal caring mask

A mask made from dried mint, chamomile and plantain takes good care of the skin. The raw materials are mixed in equal parts, crushed, poured with water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. The broth is filtered and the tea leaves are thrown away. Add a little potato starch to the broth. Keep the product for 20 minutes.


  1. Anti-wrinkle remedies from calendula

Calendula flowers are often used in alternative medicine and cosmetology recipes. Pour a tablespoon of calendula flowers into a glass (200 ml) of boiling water and leave for at least half an hour.

A multi-layer gauze napkin is moistened in the broth, lightly wrung out and applied to the face. Keep the compress until the napkin is almost dry. After removing the mask, your face should be rinsed with warm water.

  1. Needles, birch leaves and chamomile

Grind a teaspoon of chamomile flowers, a teaspoon of pine needles, a tablespoon of fresh birch leaves in a blender, add a small amount of boiled water and mix to make a paste. Grind chicken yolk with a tablespoon of homemade cottage cheese and combine with herbal porridge.

Stir the mixture thoroughly and distribute on the face. Leave for 25 minutes, then rinse with water.

  1. Herbs for dry skin

Pour a teaspoon of fresh rose petals, the same amount of fresh mint leaves, chamomile flowers and fresh nettle into half a glass (100 ml) of boiling water. Boil for five minutes. When the broth has cooled a little, strain. Grind the grounds, combine with a teaspoon of homemade cottage cheese and a small amount of milk (for consistency). The result should be a creamy mass. It is applied to the face and washed off with warm water after 20 minutes.

  1. Plantain-based rejuvenator

It is better to make this mask after a bath or sauna, when the face is well steamed and the pores are open. The mask contains oatmeal, which has a positive effect on mature and tired skin.

Two tablespoons of flour, ground from oatmeal, two tablespoons of olive oil, a tablespoon of crushed plantain leaves are mixed and ground to a mushy state. Keep the mask on the skin for up to half an hour. It is used not only on the face, but also in the neck and décolleté area.

  1. Chamomile lotion

A phyto-lotion is prepared from chamomile flowers. A tablespoon of raw material is poured into a glass of good dry white wine. Infuse for two weeks in a place protected from sunlight.

Wipe the skin twice a day with a self-prepared lotion, after which you must apply a nourishing cream.

  1. Linden lotion

The infusion prepared according to this recipe does not contain alcohol. It is used when the first age-related changes appear.

Prepare the product from two tablespoons of linden blossom and 250 ml of boiling water. The linden is filled with water and left for half an hour. After this, filter. Use lotion twice a day.

Cosmetic ice is prepared by freezing a cooled herbal infusion. It serves as an excellent means of preventing the appearance of early signs of aging. When used regularly, ice helps keep your skin fresh for a long time.

  1. Steam baths

This procedure helps cleanse the face, so it is carried out before applying the mask.

The steam that rises above the herbal decoction opens and cleanses the pores, and the essential oils extracted from medicinal herbs nourish the skin and provide its protection.
In addition, steam baths serve as aromatherapy, helping to overcome stress and relieve fatigue.

Medicinal herbs are a popular folk remedy that helps cope with many problems, including cosmetic ones. With the help of herbal raw materials, you can significantly rejuvenate the skin and improve its appearance. In addition, all herbal cosmetics are affordable and easy to use.

Wrinkles primarily attack the delicate skin around the eyes, but these changes are not always associated with the onset of aging. The reasons may be improper self-care, poor hydration or stress. Folk remedies that also have preventive properties will help to effectively solve the problem.

Causes of wrinkles


To stop the early development of wrinkles around the eyes, it is important to remember the factors that can cause them:

  1. One of the main reasons for the formation of crow's feet is lack of moisture. This is explained by the fact that poorly moisturized skin dries out and loses its elasticity, as a result of which it stretches better.
  2. Excessive facial activity also contributes to the appearance of wrinkles. Over the years, the skin becomes less elastic, so it is more difficult for it to return to its original state.
  3. The list is completed by poor nutrition and frequent stress, which are nevertheless considered quite serious factors. Here the consequences can be even more dangerous: with a lack of vitamins and minerals, the grooves around the eyes become more distinct and pronounced.

The main problem with the appearance of wrinkles in the eye area remains the impossibility of masking them. Foundations, concealers and other products only further emphasize the presence of folds. That is why literate women resort to folk recipes.

How to avoid crow's feet

You need to start taking care of the skin around your eyes when you are young. It is worth paying close attention to the quality of cosmetics and eyelid care products. To solve the problem, you can also use “grandmother’s methods”, which can not only prevent the formation of new wrinkles, but also smooth out existing ones.

Folk remedies to combat wrinkles after 30 and 40 years

When immersing yourself in the study of traditional medicine recipes, pay attention to the peculiarities of the action of certain remedies depending on age. Until the age of 50, changes in a woman’s body, both physical and hormonal, occur gradually. This means that after 30–40 years, daily eye skin care and following popular advice can lead to excellent results.

There are many home remedies for wrinkles - masks, compresses, lotions, lotions and even creams.

Remember! The sooner you start taking care of your skin, the longer it will delight you with youth and freshness.

For young skin, it is recommended to use both fruit and plant-based decorative cosmetics, as well as folk recipes with the same composition. Below are the methods most suitable for the prevention and elimination of wrinkles after 30 years.


The simplest remedy, but at the same time quite effective. To obtain ice cubes, pour clean drinking water into ice molds and leave in the freezer for several hours. The best effect can be achieved by adding milk or herbal decoction in a 1:1 ratio. Rub the skin around the eyes with ice cubes very carefully in the morning and evening.


  1. 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  2. 1 egg white;
  3. 1 tbsp. l. flour.

Combine honey with pre-beaten egg white, then add a pinch of flour and knead until smooth. The warm mixture should be applied to the skin of the eyelids and washed off after it has cooled completely.


  1. boiled milk;
  2. cotton pads;
  3. moisturizing cream.

Moisten cosmetic cotton pads with a small amount of milk, then place on eyelids for 3-5 minutes. Repeat the procedure three times. After completion, rinse your eyes with warm water and use a specialized eyelid cream.


  1. 4–5 strawberries;
  2. 1 tsp. warm honey;
  3. gauze.

Mash strawberries with warmed honey. Place the soft mixture in a small piece of gauze and leave on the eye skin for about 20 minutes.


  1. asparagus juice;
  2. fatty oil (olive, peach, almond);
  3. cotton pads.

Mix asparagus juice with oil, then moisten a cotton pad with the resulting mixture and apply to the eyes for 15–30 minutes. After the procedure, wash with warm water.


  1. 2 tbsp. l. Flaxseed;
  2. 2 glasses of water;
  3. gauze.

Pour water over flax seed and bring to a boil over low heat. Place the boiled product in a gauze bandage and leave on your eyes for 15–25 minutes. After the procedure, you should rinse your face with water.

Video: flax seed mask


  1. 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  2. 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  3. 1 tbsp. l. strong tea.

Honey must be mixed with crushed oatmeal and tea, then add a little water and heat. After applying the mask, cover your face with a towel for 20–25 minutes. Upon completion of the procedure, wash your face and treat your skin with moisturizer.

Video: oatmeal mask


  1. 1 tsp. olive oil;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. grated lemon zest;
  3. juice of half a lemon;
  4. 1 egg yolk;
  5. milk.

To get a mask, you need to grind the lemon zest, add lemon juice, yolk and olive oil. Apply the mixture to the skin of the eyelids and leave for 25–35 minutes. It is recommended to wash off with cotton pads previously soaked in milk.


  1. 1 tsp. softened banana;
  2. 1 tsp. sour cream.

Mash the banana with a fork, then add sour cream to it and apply it to your eyelids. After 15–20 minutes, rinse with warm water.


Place dill seeds on cheesecloth and dip in hot milk for a few minutes. Apply compresses to your eyelids for 10–15 minutes, then wash with water.

Folk remedies to combat wrinkles after 50 years


Over time, the skin loses its former firmness and elasticity. Most women begin to pay attention to this after the age of 40–50, and only radical solutions such as complex cosmetic procedures or even surgical intervention come to mind. There is no need to rush, because folk remedies will help to prolong the radiance of your skin and restore it to its former freshness, even if you have reached the age of 50.

Important! Under no circumstances should you use regular face cream on the delicate skin of your eyelids.

Only natural materials should be used as ingredients: only they can have the most gentle and effective effect on the skin. It should be noted that women over 50 years of age and younger representatives of the fair sex have different skin structures, so the choice of product should be approached carefully and responsibly. Don't forget about allergic reactions. To avoid unpleasant consequences, follow a few rules:

  1. Study the composition carefully. You must clearly understand the desired result and understand what components can contribute to its achievement.
  2. Do not neglect the test for an allergic reaction - apply a small part of the drug to your wrist. If no changes are observed in your condition, feel free to use the recipe!
  3. Before using the product, you need to steam your facial skin - this will prepare it for manipulation and enhance the effect.
  4. The composition should be applied with light massage movements. Do not press under any circumstances!
  5. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 40 minutes per session and twice a week.

In the fight against wrinkles after 50 years, the following recipes have proven themselves to be the best.


  1. 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  2. 1 tsp. butter;
  3. 2 tbsp. l. blackcurrant juice.

Mix all ingredients until smooth and apply the mixture to the skin. After twenty minutes, rinse off the mask with clean water.


  1. 2 wedges of raw potatoes.

Quite a simple recipe. You just need to cut the potato into slices and apply it to problem areas for a few minutes.

Video: raw potato mask


  1. 1 tbsp. l. glycerin;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. gelatin;
  3. 5 tbsp. l. water.

To prepare a gelatin mask, mix all ingredients and heat in a water bath. The mixture should be carefully applied to the skin and washed off with cool water after 20 minutes.


  1. 3 tbsp. l. pineapple juice;
  2. 2 tbsp. l. turmeric.

Mix both ingredients and apply to skin for 20–30 minutes.

Video: turmeric mask


Aloe juice should be massaged into the skin around the eyes with the lobes of your ring fingers every day. Aloe is the most popular remedy in the field of folk cosmetology.

Photo gallery: using folk remedies - before and after


This problem hasn’t really affected me yet, but my sister is constantly coming up with something. Silver spoons are regularly frozen in the freezer - you need to apply them to your eyes in the morning, it removes swelling and wrinkles. Peels from fresh cucumbers - wipe around the eyes, and if you don’t have fresh ones on hand, then you need to make supplies in advance, that is, freeze them. Well, plus some tea bags, but these are already warm. Believe it or not, at 38 she looks like just a girl. Maybe this kind of operation of the freezer helps...



I am 24 years old and about 2 months ago wrinkles began to appear around my eyes. And for some reason there are more wrinkles under the right eye. I urgently began to look for ways to combat these nasty paths. First, I bought two products in the store - these are products from the company “Black Pearl” and “Magrav”. I’ve been using them for 2 months now and I can say that they help very little. Then I bought cosmetic oils at the pharmacy: peach oil and apricot oil. I added them to creams around the eyes, and sometimes applied them before bed with patting movements of my fingers. Oils help, but not much. Today I discovered a magical face mask made at home and concluded that it will get rid of wrinkles. Ingredients: 1 egg white, a little warmed milk and 1.5 tbsp. l. oatmeal. All this is mixed, placed on gauze and on the eyes for about 20 minutes. When I took off the gauze and went to the mirror, the effect shocked me! There were no wrinkles. At all. So I highly recommend trying it and seeing for yourself.



Nowadays, a huge number of recipes are available using folk remedies for the prevention and elimination of crow's feet. Above is only a small part of the whole variety of masks, lotions, compresses and lotions that can improve the condition of the skin. The result can be amazing, the main thing is to devote a little time to yourself and be patient, which is so lacking in the rejuvenation process. As a result, you will gain radiant fresh skin and an eternally young irresistible look!