
Thrombolytic is a factor that helps dissolve blood clots that form in the circulatory system. Blood clots can form in blood vessels due to various reasons, such as damage to the vessel wall, blood clotting disorders, or other factors.

To treat thrombosis and other diseases associated with the formation of blood clots, various medications are used, including thrombolytic drugs. These drugs help break up the clot and restore normal blood flow.

One of these drugs is fibrinolytic tissue plasminogen activator. It is one of the main thrombolytic drugs and is used to treat acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism and other conditions associated with thrombosis.

The action of fibrinolytic tissue plasminogen activator is based on its ability to activate fibrinolysis - the process of dissolving fibrin, the main component of blood clots. The drug accelerates this process and promotes rapid destruction of the blood clot.

However, the use of thrombolytic drugs may be associated with certain risks, including bleeding. Therefore, the use of these drugs should only be carried out under the supervision of qualified medical personnel.

Thus, thrombolytic (Thrombotytic) is an important factor that promotes the dissolution of blood clots. Fibrinolytic tissue plasminogen activator is one of the main thrombolytic drugs and has been successfully used to treat diseases associated with thrombosis. However, like any medicine, it can cause side effects, and its use should only be carried out under the supervision of specialists.

Thrombolytic drugs, or thrombolytics, are medications that can dissolve blood clots. Depending on which blood component they are able to dissolve, thrombolytic agents can be divided into two large groups:

– fibrinolytic;
– tissue-type plasminogen activators.

Fibrinolytic therapy can be carried out for both acute and chronic thrombosis. Drugs in this group exert their effect by destroying the fibrin strands that form at the site of the blood clot.

Plasminogen activators, tissue type, are able to act on plasmin itself, which is the main enzyme involved in the process of dissolving a blood clot.

**Thrombolytic** (Thrombolytic) - this term was used back in the middle of the 20th century. It means the process of dissolving blood clots, which occurs during the natural formation of factors that contribute to their destruction. However, currently in the world there is an increase in the number of patients who have serious risks of blood clots and the development of thrombotic complications. For this reason, this topic is relevant for modern science.

The word "thrombotic" was coined in 1895 by American physician John Harris. This term can also