Removal of stretch marks with laser price


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Stretch marks or stretch marks - a fairly common cosmetic defect that appears most often on the chest, abdomen, and thighs. In fact, stretch marks are thin scars that form where skin fibers separate. Such defects can occur with prolonged overstretching of the skin, when the connective tissue is under severe stress, and with certain hormonal changes in the body, when the tissue becomes less durable.

Very often, stretch marks appear in women during pregnancy, when the volume of the abdomen and breasts increases sharply, and hormonal levels contribute to weakening of the bonds in the collagen framework of the skin.

In men, stretch marks often appear with a rapid increase in muscle mass - the skin simply does not keep up with the growth in volume.

The procedure is based on the formation of special thermal healing micro-areas in the skin using a laser. Penetrating through the epidermis (upper layer of skin), the laser passes into the next layer - the dermis, which contains a protein important for youth and elasticity of the skin (collagen), affects this layer, which activates collagen regeneration and helps eliminate different types of stretch marks on the skin. Penetrating through the layer of the epidermis, the laser does not injure its structures, that is, it reaches the dermis without any superficial damage to the skin.

The results of clinical studies convince of the high efficiency and safety of this technique. Exposure is permissible even on the most delicate areas of the skin (eyelids, neck, hands)

The procedure is minimally invasive and completely painless. The impact is exerted through the needle-shaped surface of the RF-Pixel nozzle, where each needle serves as an electrode. Penetrating the skin, these needles generate radiofrequency pulses of the required power, which affect collagen fibers. Due to the production of new collagen, skin elasticity increases, thus solving the problem of stretch marks and stretch marks.

The age of occurrence of stretch marks does not matter.

FRACTIONAL LASER IMPACT is a modern method of safe comprehensive skin rejuvenation and elimination of various aesthetic defects, which has replaced aggressive laser resurfacing procedures. Today, Fraxel fractional laser treatment is the “gold standard” for laser skin rejuvenation throughout the world.

FRAXEL re:store DUAL (Fraxel) from Solta Medica (USA) - the latest erbium-thulium fractional laser, allowing for laser rejuvenation of the face and any parts of the body. Fraxel laser rejuvenation is the most effective and modern way to solve such cosmetic problems as:

  1. photo- and chronoaging of the skin of the face and body;
  2. wrinkles - deep and superficial, including in the delicate area around the eyes;
  3. pigmentation disorders of any origin and depth (melasma, chloasma, post-traumatic pigmentation and post-acne);
  4. removal of scars - hypertrophic and atrophic: after operations, injuries and acne;
  5. enlarged pores, loss of skin elasticity;
  6. hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis);
  7. stretch marks of any localization of any “statute of limitations”.

Why is the FRAXEL fractional laser more effective and safer than laser resurfacing?

  1. Higher skin regeneration potential after the Fraxel procedure

With fractional exposure, thin vertical “columns” of skin are removed. Subsequently, it is in those areas through which the laser beam passed that new, young skin cells are formed. Due to the fact that there are areas of the skin that are not affected by laser exposure, the skin recovers better and faster; the re-epithelialization process takes literally a few days.

High safety and accuracy, completely predictable results of the Fraxel procedure

With fractional exposure, the specialist knows exactly the number, thickness of laser beams and the depth of their penetration into each square centimeter of skin, which guarantees high safety of the procedure without the risk of scar formation and burns. With continuous laser resurfacing, even a slight deepening of the penetration of the laser beam causes secondary scarring.

Comfortable and short recovery period after the Fraxel procedure

The FRAXEL fractional laser does not damage the epidermis, which greatly facilitates skin care after the procedure - regular moisturizing and sun protection SPF 30-50 are sufficient. Already on the second day after the procedure, you can use decorative cosmetics.

With continuous laser resurfacing, a crust is formed in the area of ​​the procedure that lasts for several weeks. Since during resurfacing the skin completely loses its barrier functions, a course of antibiotics is prescribed to prevent infection.

No border between treated and untreated skin after the Fraxel procedure

With fractional laser treatment with FRAXEL, the specialist works with the tip, like an artist’s brush, performing “shading” movements, due to which there is no clear boundary between the skin treated and untreated with the FRAXEL laser.

With full laser resurfacing, there is a clear, visible boundary between the untreated skin and the areas that have been resurfaced. Moreover, persistent redness most often persists in the sanded area for up to 1 year.

Dual laser system "erbium + thulium laser"

Only the FRAXEL laser, in addition to the ERBIUM laser, which transforms the dermis to eliminate wrinkles, scars and enlarged pores, has a second, TULUM laser in its system. The thulium laser literally transforms the epidermis in 1-2 sessions, eliminating foci of hyperpigmentation of any origin, even the deepest and “oldest”. In addition, the thulium laser provides deep heating of the skin to achieve maximum tissue lifting effect.

Contraindications to the procedure

Effect of the procedure

Immediately after the procedure, slight redness and swelling is observed, similar to the effect after a slight sunburn. The epidermis remains UNDAMAGED; there is no need for special medical skin care. It is enough to simply moisturize the treated area and protect it from exposure to sunlight using a cream with SPF with a protection index of at least 30. The very next day after the FRAXEL procedure, you can use decorative cosmetics. Over the next week, you will observe light, fine-plate peeling. FRAXEL does not require a rehabilitation period. Over the next month, deep regeneration processes will occur in the skin. After 1-1.5 months, the procedure can be repeated.

technology and its advantages

FRAXEL re:store DUAL was the first to combine 2 laser systems in one device: the classic ERBIUM laser for deep remodeling of the dermis and the newest THULIUM laser to eliminate all pigmentation disorders in 1 session.

  1. The thulium laser targets the epidermis, allowing the specialist to treat up to 70% of the skin surface in the procedure area, due to which deep pigmentation disorders are removed in just 1-2 sessions
  1. An erbium laser with a record depth of exposure is an ideal tool for comprehensive rejuvenation and smoothing of skin texture: smoothing wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, post-acne, enlarged pores.
  1. Unlike other lasers, FRAXEL is capable of forming thousands of micro-areas of action in the skin. Thin laser beams penetrate the surface of the skin and remove old, damaged cells. At the same time, regeneration processes are launched, and these cells are replaced with young, healthy ones
  1. The FRAXEL laser procedure is fully computerized, the percentage of coverage and penetration depth of laser beams set by a specialist, as well as the uniform distribution of micro-zones of influence makes FRAXEL procedures the SAFEST and EFFECTIVE in the world, surpassing all types of laser resurfacing and chemical peels in these indicators.

Guaranteed removal of stretch marks

Stretch marks on the body create a feeling of aesthetic imperfection and psychological discomfort in women. The difficult task of removing stretch marks is solved through comprehensive and consistent therapy. The severity of the effect largely depends on the timeliness of treatment. Newly formed stretch marks still retain a sufficient number of blood vessels and nutrition to the damaged tissue, which has the potential for successful recovery.

The clinic uses the most modern equipment for complex effects during laser removal of stretch marks in Nizhny Novgorod. As a result, it is possible to modify damaged tissue with restoration of deformed fibers, as well as improve external relief, internal structure, up to complete visual alignment of stretch marks.

The laser procedure is attractive due to its effectiveness and short recovery time, as a result of its gentle effects:

  1. shallow penetration depth;
  2. absence of thermal damage to adjacent tissues;
  3. possibility of repeated exposure.