Acne on the body of an adult


Acne (acne) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands, resulting from their blockage and increased production of sebum.

Causes of acne

The following factors play a role in the formation of acne vulgaris:

  1. hormonal changes, increased levels of male sex hormones (androgens), which cause an increase in the sebaceous glands and increase their secretion in both men and women;
  2. bacteria Propionibacterium acnes;
  3. diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  4. liver diseases;
  5. hereditary predisposition.
  1. fluid retention. Exacerbation of acne in the premenstrual period occurs due to swelling of the ducts of the sebaceous glands as a result of fluid retention;
  2. nutrition. Some foods, eg. chocolate, carbonated drinks, nuts, coffee;
  3. external factors, for example: skin contamination with oils, tar, DDT. As well as improper skin care;
  4. abuse of hormonal drugs;

Diagnosis of acne

To make a diagnosis, a visual examination is sufficient, and the following tests will help to identify the cause of acne:

  1. blood test for hormones (free testosterone, FSH, LH, estradiol, 5-testosterone (dihydrotestosterone, DHT) and 5-androstenediol). Tests must be taken on an empty stomach for women on days 5-7 from the start of the menstrual cycle; for men this is not important, preferably before 10 am;
  2. biochemical blood test (especially liver parameters), fasting ultrasound for women, also on days 5-7 of the menstrual cycle (to exclude polycystic ovary syndrome);
  3. analysis for intestinal dysbiosis; in case of any changes in the tests, consult a doctor to correct the condition (gynecologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist, therapist, andrologist, gastroenterologist);
  4. clinical blood test (is there inflammation, since it will aggravate the course of acne) in the presence of ulcers - analysis for pathogenic flora and sensitivity to antibiotics

Acne treatment

  1. First, undergo all the necessary examinations; if there are any changes, consult a doctor to correct the condition.
  2. Do not press or pick at acne under any circumstances, as this will aggravate the course of the disease.
  3. Externally use products that reduce inflammation, cleanse pores, have a sebum-regulating effect (i.e., affect the quality and quantity of sebum), suppress the proliferation of microflora, eliminate flaking, moisturize the skin (for example: Sebium AKN cream, Differin, Baziron AC gel, regetsin, skinoren, zinerit, retinoic ointment, dalacin T, fucidin, chlorhyxedine, metrogil.curiosin and many others). For moderate and severe forms - antibiotic tablets. For severe forms, isotretinoin is used.
  4. They also additionally take macro and microelements, zinc (for example: zincteral, etc.), selenium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, chromium, vitamins C, E, group B.

How to get rid of acne easily?

Medicine can certainly offer a way. And quite effective. But simple solutions to complex problems are much less common in life than in books and films.

Treatment of acne with modern methods allows you to achieve bright and lasting results, but such treatment must be carried out comprehensively and individually.

Metabolic processes in human skin are closely interconnected with everything that happens in his body. Therefore, acne cannot be considered separately as a purely skin disease.

Many people perceive getting rid of pimples and blackheads as a simple treatment of the skin with an ointment or lotion designed to get rid of the scourge quickly and inexpensively. And when such a simple acne treatment does not help, they decide that there are no effective treatments.

The main principle on which the treatment of acne-prone skin is based is the regulation of lipid metabolism in the skin against the background of antimicrobial therapy. Depending on the intensity with which acne manifests itself, the treatment process can take place according to different schemes.

In mild forms, treatment of acne can be reduced to the use of local treatment, but not less than two drugs with different effects. If a person has severe acne, resistant to local treatment, atypical or leading to scarring, the solution to such a problem must necessarily include both the systemic use of specific drugs and nonspecific measures of general correction of metabolism in the body.

Treatment of acne rashes with minor or moderate manifestations usually begins with cosmetic procedures (deep skin cleansing, peeling) and topical use of antibacterial drugs.

For antibacterial therapy in this case, Zinerit is perfect - it is a mixture of zinc acetate and the antibiotic erythromycin. Firstly, because resistance to its antimicrobial component in bacteria, the presence of which causes acne, develops slowly. Secondly, this antibiotic does not provoke irritation, which is important for skin with pimples and blackheads, the treatment of which becomes more effective in this way. Thirdly, the drug contains zinc, which helps remove excess fat both from the surface of the skin and from the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

Treatment of acne and acne with mild and moderate forms of manifestation with drugs that restore fat metabolism usually begins on the 7th – 12th day of the course. Proven clinical effectiveness has been observed in drugs containing the latest generation of retinoids (isoretionine, adapaline) and azelaic acid. In this case, acne can be treated with, say, retinoids, and azelaic acid can be used for further maintenance therapy.

Treatment of problem skin using glycolic peeling is also an effective method of maintenance therapy. It is recommended to use this method once a month.

If a person has severe forms, which sometimes include diseases such as acne and pimples, treatment is carried out according to a strictly individual scheme, different from that previously described. The specific plan according to which treatment should be carried out in this case should be determined by a specialist. The main thing that the patient should know is that, regardless of the form and nature of the acne, treatment should be carried out systemically - with antibiotics, stomach cleansing drugs, etc.

The use of any cosmetic procedures is strictly contraindicated until the inflammatory phenomena are relieved.

Well, and, of course, no matter how mild or severe acne is, the process of its treatment should include the use of multivitamins and dietary adjustments. During the treatment period, it is worth taking care that the skin is exposed to as little harmful, aggressive effects as possible. It is worth trying to protect it as much as possible from such damaging factors as ultraviolet radiation, friction and excessive drying.

In conclusion, I would like to note that a serious and competent approach to the treatment of acne will definitely give positive results and return the skin to health and a fresh look.

