Injection to smooth out wrinkles

The aging process is inevitable, no matter how much women like to admit it. However, representatives of the fair sex have long been fighting to preserve beauty and youth. Today, many people decide to take anti-wrinkle injections - subcutaneous injections that help eliminate recurrent changes for a while, but can cause a lot of harm.

Why do “beauty injections”?

Plastic surgery is the most effective way to change your appearance for the better. At the same time, many try to avoid plastic surgery, since not in all cases it brings the expected result. To get rid of small wrinkles on the face and neck that begin to appear after 25 years, it is not at all necessary to risk your health and beauty by going under the surgeon’s knife. It is enough to contact a qualified cosmetologist who will select suitable injections for wrinkles.

“Beauty injections” help remove external defects only for a short time. They rejuvenate and tighten the skin, but after 6-12 months the expensive procedure will have to be repeated. Which anti-wrinkle injections are suitable for the eye area and which for the forehead? What is injected to maintain the contour and sagging of the cheeks? Today, the following manipulations are considered very popular, which differ in cost, principle of action, and duration of effect:

  1. injections with collagen;
  2. hyaluronic acid injections;
  3. injection of Botox;
  4. ozone therapy.

Operating principle

Anti-wrinkle injections are injections of drugs that block nerve channels and the impulses entering them, which leads to partial paralysis of the facial muscles. Blood circulation in the muscles of the face remains the same as before, so the tissues do not atrophy. If you do not use the muscles of one group, then other muscles become more active. That is why the most important condition for anti-wrinkle injections to bring benefits and not harm is to choose the right place to inject the drug. Where the injection was made, it is possible to smooth out the skin for a while, eliminating wrinkles and folds. It is equally important to correctly calculate the dosage of the drug, since the selection of the dose is carried out individually for each person.


If you want to remove wrinkles with injections, you must first consult with your doctor, because this cosmetic procedure also has a lot of disadvantages. The most negative aspect is the short-term effect of this method of combating aging. After some time, the effect of the injections disappears and there is a need for a repeat procedure. Having once started taking injections for wrinkles, many women can no longer refuse them; they continue to inject various drugs that give only imaginary youth and have a lot of contraindications.

Preparations with collagen

Before understanding how such injections work, it is necessary to understand the natural processes that occur in the skin. It consists of three layers, the top of which, the epidermis, is responsible for the passage of moisture through the pores. With age, the body begins to lose moisture, the skin becomes drier and lifeless. Below the epidermis is the dermis, the second layer containing capillaries and nerve endings. Thanks to collagen, fibers and new tissue are constantly formed. This protein is the main building material for human skin.

The hypodermis is the third layer of skin, which consists of fat and connective tissue. Blood vessels pass through this layer. The hypodermis is responsible for heat exchange and serves as a natural protection for internal organs.


With collagen injections, this protein penetrates directly into the hypodermis, restoring the skin and making it more youthful. To ensure a permanent effect, the procedure is carried out at least once every three months. Synthetic collagen, just like natural collagen, makes the skin smooth and elastic. According to reviews, injections for wrinkles with collagen improve the overall condition of the skin and protect against allergic rashes on the face, but the results do not last long, on average 4-5 months. The dosage of the drug must be determined by a doctor; such injections cannot be given at home.

Pros and cons of collagen injections

The main benefits that fans of this cosmetic procedure receive include the onset of the effect several hours after the manipulation. In addition, the injections themselves are practically painless, which is also important. However, this method has some disadvantages.

If you do the procedure in dubious clinics or salons, there is a possibility of errors when choosing a drug and calculating the dosage. An experienced specialist should give injections for wrinkles on the face, since the mistaken choice of filler injection site can result in serious troubles for the client.

Collagen injections are not carried out if there are allergic reactions to a synthetic analogue of this protein. According to unofficial statistics, about 4% of people cannot tolerate such drugs, as a result of which hematomas and swelling appear on their face. Fillers should not be administered to people with immunodeficiency, as well as to those who have a cold. Some cardiovascular diseases are a limitation for injections, so before deciding on the procedure, you must undergo an examination. As for the cost of manipulation, it can vary significantly in different clinics and salons. The price of 0.5 ml of the drug costs about 7000-8000 rubles.


Injections with hyaluronic acid

Like collagen, hyaluronic acid is present in the body of every person. This component is necessary for the human body. The main function of hyaluronic acid is to impart viscosity to connective tissue and fibers. Hyaluronic acid is found in joints, cartilage, and even in saliva.

Anti-wrinkle injections with acid make the skin more elastic. This substance is involved in tissue regeneration processes, since it is present in the extracellular matrix and helps accelerate the body’s metabolism. Hyaluronic acid is found in fatty acids that are produced by enzyme breakdown. Sometimes this substance causes allergies.

Synthetic hyaluronic acid is produced through biochemical synthesis. To obtain it, pharmaceutical companies use streptococcal strains that produce a substance with a similar chemical composition, but at the same time it is hypoallergenic. It is used not only for wrinkles. Hyaluronic injections are used for:

  1. elimination of nasolabial folds;
  2. carrying out non-surgical lifting;
  3. increasing lip volume;
  4. rhinoplasty.

Injections with this acid quickly restore water balance in tissues. At the same time, we must not forget that such an intervention can lead to various complications in the form of edema, tumors, and changes in facial contour. It is dangerous to give anti-wrinkle injections at home; this should be done by specialists with specialized education and experience in this field. The main task is to correctly assess the condition of the skin, select the injection site and determine the volume of the drug required to fill the folds.


Who is not suitable for this method of rejuvenation?

Hyaluronic acid gives quick and stable results - this is a definite plus. Thanks to drugs based on it, you can get rid of outdated facial wrinkles in problem areas. This is a very effective and at the same time safe way to give your skin an ideal condition. Among the negative aspects of injections with hyaluronic acid it is worth noting:

  1. the need for preliminary examination (blood tests, allergy tests);
  2. restrictions that must be observed after the manipulation;
  3. high risk of side effects.

If low-quality material is used or the work is performed incorrectly, the patient may experience swelling and bruising on the face. After the injection of filler with hyaluronic acid, you should not stay in the heat for a long time, sunbathe in the sun, or visit a solarium. Anti-wrinkle injections with such drugs are not given to pregnant and breastfeeding women. Hyaluronic acid, however, like other fillers, is contraindicated in dermatological and other chronic skin diseases, severe inflammatory processes, as well as in autoimmune pathologies. The cost of 0.5 ml of a drug based on this substance is approximately 11 thousand rubles.

What is botulinum toxin

Botox injections for wrinkles began to be used in cosmetology a little over twenty years ago. The properties of botulinum toxin were first discovered during studies of the medicinal properties of this substance for strabismus. Scientists were able to discover that Botox has a relaxing effect, smoothing out transverse wrinkles.


Botox is a toxic component of botulinum toxin, which is a waste product of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. In low concentrations and weakened forms, botulinum toxin is not dangerous to humans. However, when it gets into the tissue, it blocks the muscles and causes their paralysis. In this regard, Botox has been used for several years in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, as well as for the treatment of hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating. Botulinum toxin injections are made into the armpits, palms, and feet.

Today this substance is also used for cosmetic purposes. It is used to give injections against wrinkles on the forehead and other parts of the face. Botox controls the appearance of new wrinkles by targeting the facial muscles. Indications for injections based on botulinum toxin are signs of skin aging and age-related changes in the oval of the face. Botox is also used to smooth out wrinkles on the neck.

Features of Botox injections

Thanks to botulinum toxin, the skin can be smooth and perfectly smooth, the skin on the forehead and in the area around the eyes can be tidied up. Anti-wrinkle injections can be given only after passing tests, the results of which will determine the patient’s tolerance to the substance and the number of injections to achieve the desired effect. Botox injections cannot be done independently - the consequences of illiterate intervention can be disastrous.

A positive aspect of using botulinum toxin is the ability to remove wrinkles on the face, neck and around the eyes. Anti-wrinkle injections with Botox provide an immediate cosmetic effect, but are not accompanied by a huge risk of dangerous consequences, which include:

  1. the appearance of swelling and subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  2. drooping and swelling of the upper eyelids;
  3. asymmetry of facial contours;
  4. temporary immobility of the facial muscles;
  5. lack of facial expressions.


Side effects from botulinum toxin can last for several days. In addition to the above reactions, the possibility of mild headache, increased body temperature, and muscle weakness cannot be ruled out. Before deciding to inject filler with Botox, it is important to make sure that there are no cancer or neuromuscular diseases. Such manipulations are contraindicated for people with an unstable mental state. It is dangerous to do beauty injections in the presence of ARVI, during prolonged use of antibiotics, during pregnancy and lactation. On average, the cost of one injection of 0.5 ml is 12-14 thousand rubles.

General description of ozone therapy

Ozone is used as an effective method of physiotherapy. This substance can be used in different forms - as a dropper, injection, external solution. Ozone therapy has been used for a long time in the treatment of a number of diseases. This method is also used in cosmetology.

The ozone therapy procedure is not carried out without special chemicals. The main element of this manipulation is a life-giving medicinal mixture, which is supplied in gaseous form. Carbonation affects the body, activates metabolism and slows down the onset of aging processes. Ozone is also used in the form of injections. The drug is injected into different areas of the skin on the face. Thanks to a course of injections, you can achieve the desired results and acquire a fresher, healthier and more youthful appearance.

In cosmetology, beauty injections with ozone help get rid of sagging and unattractive skin. Moreover, the cost of such manipulations, in comparison with other types of fillers, is the most affordable. Most reviews about ozone therapy are positive.

By the way, ozone therapy is not only local, which is used to eliminate wrinkles, lose weight, treat acne, etc. If the immune system is weakened, it is recommended to take a course of general ozone therapy, which is carried out by specialized specialists - ozone therapists.


Reviews and recommendations from patients

Most of those users who leave their comments about “beauty injections” note that those around them practically do not notice the changes and do not realize that cosmetic injections have been made for wrinkles, but at the same time they give pleasant compliments. You do not need to observe any special restrictions after the manipulations, which is very convenient: you can return to work or start your usual activities immediately after the procedure. Cosmetologists do not recommend staying in the sun or visiting a solarium. It is also undesirable to bend over after Botox injections for the next four hours.

Negative reviews are often left by those who, neglecting the rules, drank alcohol within a week after the manipulation - this is undesirable, since bruises and swelling occur. Small defects at the puncture sites, which may appear in people with sensitive skin, are easily masked with foundation. It is advisable to give “beauty injections” only in specialized clinics and in the absence of contraindications or allergies. Trust your health and youth only to real professionals!

With age, the skin loses elasticity and becomes thinner. Big influence genetic predisposition influences the aging process to early wrinkles. For some women, the first facial wrinkles appear at the age of 25-28.

Cosmetology has extensive means for skin restoration, including injections of collagen, hyaluronic acid, Botox and an oxygen-ozone mixture.

What do they inject from wrinkles on the face?

The skin of children and young people is riddled with blood vessels and filled with structured collagen, a protein that makes the skin smooth, soft and elastic. In aging skin, long collagen threads are destroyed and the number of blood vessels decreases. The dermis (middle layer of the skin) loses its ability to recover and becomes deformed. First, facial wrinkles appear, and then deep wrinkles. Collagen loss occurs throughout the body, but this process is clearly visible on the face. Preparations containing collagen are obtained from:

  1. the patient’s own collagen (autocollagens);
  2. from cattle leather;
  3. their skin from deceased donors.

Collagen injections effective for patients aged 25 to 60 years. Collagen injections are used:

  1. to eliminate facial wrinkles around the mouth and nose, around the eyes, between the eyebrows;
  2. for the correction of deep wrinkles;
  3. to smooth out traumatic scars;
  4. to smooth the skin after acne has healed;
  5. to enlarge lips, cheekbones and cheeks.

Collagen gels (fillers) are injected under the skin using a syringe with a thin needle. The gel fills the subcutaneous space, as a result, wrinkles are straightened, and the face acquires the contours provided for by the correction. Skin looks young and becomes soft, elastic and smooth.

Pros of collagen injections:

  1. the effect of the injection is noticeable immediately after the procedure;
  2. the skin at the site of the scar or postoperative scar is smoothed out and the defect becomes less noticeable;
  3. injections stimulate the body’s production of its own collagen, regeneration of the dermis occurs;
  4. The duration of the procedure is short - from 15 minutes to 1 hour;
  5. the effects of the injection disappear after a few days.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  1. the effect of injections is short-lived (from 3 to 6 months);
  2. some patients experience allergic reactions after the introduction of foreign collagen;
  3. after the injections the patient feels slight pain;
  4. Swelling and bruising may appear on the skin;
  5. some patients feel nausea, dizziness, joint pain after injection;
  6. Post-injection tissue necrosis and capillary blockage may appear at the sites of collagen injection.

The dosage of the drug depends on the injection site and the expected effect. The volume of one injection is from 1 to 5 ml of gel. To smooth out and eliminate shallow wrinkles, a drug with a low concentration of the active substance is selected.

More concentrated preparations are intended for the correction of acne scars and medium expression lines. To correct deep folds on the face, highly concentrated products are used (for example, the drug Collost with a gel concentration of 7% is intended for smoothing shallow expression wrinkles and minor skin correction, with a concentration of 15% for the correction of deep wrinkles).

The choice of drug, number of injections, injection site depends on the condition of the skin. The doctor first injects a high-concentration gel, then injects a low-concentration drug into the superficial tissues. Collagen injections cannot be done at home. The procedures are performed in the doctor's office.

Contraindications to collagen injections:

  1. allergic reaction to the drug;
  2. acute infectious diseases;
  3. rash on the face;
  4. oncological diseases;
  5. pregnancy;
  6. breastfeeding;
  7. age under 18 years.

Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide that is present in the human body. In children and young people, hyaluronic acid is synthesized in sufficient quantities, which contributes to optimal skin hydration. But over the years, the substance is formed in ever smaller quantities and wrinkles appear. Hyaluronic acid promotes the production of the main components of elastic skin - collagen and elastin.

The effect of injections with hyaluronic acid preparations lasts from 6 months to a year, sometimes for a longer time. As a result, the skin is well moisturized inside and out. The hyaluronic acid molecule binds up to 400-500 water molecules.

Synthetic hyaluronic acid in the injection solution stimulates the synthesis of your own collagen. Thanks to intensive hydration and collagen formation, wrinkles are smoothed out and appearance improves. Injections of the drug are used for:

  1. eliminate dry skin;
  2. smoothing wrinkles around the eyes at the stage of their formation;
  3. increasing the firmness and elasticity of facial skin;
  4. eliminating pigment spots;
  5. changes in facial contours (in contour plastic surgery).

Pros of hyaluronic acid injections:

  1. the drug causes allergic reactions only if there is an individual intolerance to the ingredients of the solution;
  2. the drug does not contain animal protein, so after its use there is no necrosis or tissue rejection;
  3. a cosmetologist performs procedures on an outpatient basis for 25-60 minutes;
  4. swelling at the injection sites resolves in 2-4 days.

Cons of the procedure — after the end of the drug’s effect, the skin stops moisturizing and producing collagen naturally, and wrinkles may become the same as they were before. The ability of tissues and skin to regenerate is lost.

The dosage of the products is done by a cosmetologist. The doctor can spend from 1 to 5 ml of hyaluronic acid for the procedure. There are several dozen drugs produced by manufacturers in different countries.

  1. Solutions for mesotherapy are less concentrated than solutions for revitalization with acid.
  2. For bioreinforcement, preparations with a high acid concentration are used.

You cannot give injections with hyaluronic acid at home; the procedure is carried out on an outpatient basis in a cosmetologist’s office. At home, you can only use external products. Contraindications to therapy are:

  1. age under 18 years;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. acute infectious diseases;
  4. skin rash, redness on the face;
  5. oncological diseases;
  6. lactation.

Botulinum toxin is a toxic substance of organic origin, which has a nerve-paralytic effect on human tissues and the nervous system. In large doses, the toxin can be deadly. But small doses of this organic poison are used in medicine and cosmetology. Preparations containing botulinum toxin are precisely injected under the skin using a syringe.

How does a Botox injection work? Botulinum toxin paralyzes a small area around the injection and facial muscles. As a result, the muscles at the injection site temporarily become immobile or inactive, and the wrinkles above them straighten out.

Botox injections are effective for four to eight months. After this they can be repeated. Small doses of botulinum toxin are not dangerous to health; the poison does not damage muscles and nerves, does not cause their atrophy, and is completely safe as a cosmetic. Several drugs are produced based on botulinum toxin. The most common treatments are Botox and Dysport.

Pros of Botox therapy:

  1. injections in the same place can be done multiple times;
  2. the use of Botox is very effective for eliminating wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows, on the forehead, around the eyes and nose, and above the upper lip;
  3. Botox allows you to correct asymmetric eyebrows and different heights of the corners of the mouth;
  4. the skin at the site of straightened wrinkles quickly regenerates;
  5. there is no rehabilitation period after injections;
  6. maximum smoothing of wrinkles appears after 12-15 days;
  7. redness and swelling of the skin disappear after 1-2 days.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  1. Botox cannot eliminate deep folds, scars and wrinkles;
  2. injections in the lower part of the face (chin, cheeks) are less effective than in the upper part;
  3. after the injection, the muscles can become very numb and completely lose sensitivity for a while (a sedentary face will look like a wax mask);
  4. after injections, drooping of the corners of the lips, eyelids, and eyebrows is possible;
  5. Small bruises may remain at the injection site.

The average dose of the drug for smoothing wrinkles is 30 units. Products from different manufacturers vary in effectiveness and strength, which is taken into account by the cosmetologist when calculating a single dose. So, 1 unit of Botox is equal to 4 units of Desport.

Improper use or home use of Botox, Desport, and other similar products can lead to severe poisoning and death.

Contraindications to Botox therapy:

  1. low blood clotting;
  2. acute forms of diseases of internal organs;
  3. acute infectious diseases;
  4. redness, rash, wounds on the skin of the face;
  5. myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness), paresthesia;
  6. oncological diseases;
  7. diseases of the endocrine system;
  8. pregnancy;
  9. lactation.

Injections with an oxygen-ozone mixture are made under the skin and inside the skin. As a result of the procedures, gas exchange in tissues improves, metabolic processes are stimulated and the skin is rejuvenated. For greater effectiveness, oxygen-ozone injections are supplemented with injections of physiological ozonized solution. Ozone therapy is effective for shallow wrinkles.

After the procedures, the following positive changes occur::

  1. Old and damaged cells die, and decay products are removed.
  2. Young healthy cells are nourished and actively work, which makes the skin firm, velvety and elastic.
  3. Active fibroblasts (connective tissue cells) produce substances that retain water inside the dermis.
  4. Ozone destroys pathogenic bacteria and skin mites (Demodex).
  5. Small acne disappears on skin treated with ozone.
  6. Intensive metabolism leads to the disappearance of scars left after acne treatment.
  7. Pigment spots are significantly lightened.
  8. After ozone injections, the face reacts less to temperature changes and does not blush in the heat.
  9. The functions of the sweat and sebaceous glands are normalized, and their ducts are not blocked.
  10. Spider veins and small capillaries narrow and become less noticeable. Blood flow in the capillaries is normalized.
  11. Excess intercellular fluid disappears, therefore swelling around the eyes decreases, “bags” under the eyes disappear.

Ozone injections normalize skin condition. They are prescribed to reduce the dryness of the skin; after treatment, oily skin produces less sebaceous secretion, since ozone narrows the pores.

The disadvantages of ozone therapy include:

  1. pain during administration and distribution of the gas mixture;
  2. bruising when capillaries are ruptured by a syringe needle;
  3. a swelling is visible at the injection site for one to three days, and when you press on it you can hear a creaking sound;
  4. Some patients may experience convulsions and a temporary decrease in sensitivity in the limbs after injections.

For one injection, 1 ml of the gas mixture is enough. It is injected under the skin (or inside the skin dermis) of the patient until a swelling (small blister) appears. A cosmetologist can give up to twenty injections on the face in one session.

The course of treatment includes from 6 to 15 sessions, which are carried out with a break of several days (twice a week or more often). Session duration is 35-40 minutes.

Contraindications to ozone injections are:

  1. diabetes;
  2. decreased blood clotting, hemophilia;
  3. hyperthyroidism;
  4. decreased number of platelets in the blood;
  5. taking medications that reduce blood clotting (anticoagulants);
  6. oncological diseases;
  7. acute infectious diseases;
  8. first days of menstruation;
  9. Ozone therapy should not be given to patients who have previously had seizures or epilepsy;
  10. therapy is contraindicated in people who have suffered head injuries.

The possibility of suppuration and tissue necrosis at the injection site is a rare side effect of ozone therapy. Most often, this complication occurs due to individual intolerance to the drug.

Cosmetic procedures including injections must be performed by a doctorWith the appropriate specialty. Correct correction and good treatment can only be obtained in specialized clinics. In choosing therapy and assessing its effectiveness, you should rely on specialists in the field of cosmetology.


For many years, scientists have been struggling to create a product that would help maintain a youthful and attractive face. Modern specialists are able to disguise age-related changes, as well as prevent their premature appearance. Various injections of anti-wrinkle drugs will help achieve maximum effect in rejuvenation. To understand why a particular drug is used, you need to understand all the features.

How to get rid of wrinkles with injections?

Anti-wrinkle injections are procedures that help fill the empty spaces under the skin and smooth out the resulting unevenness. Typically, such preparations are based on collagen, which helps increase the strength and elasticity of the skin. It is suitable for treating nasolabial folds, crow's feet, wrinkles on the bridge of the nose and forehead.

On average, the effect of such procedures lasts for six months, after which a new dose of the drug must be administered.

If you don’t know the name of the anti-wrinkle injections that are suitable for you, be sure to check with your cosmetologist.

Collagen injections

Collagen is a protein that is responsible for the strength, firmness and elasticity of the skin. Injections based on it are ideal for correcting wrinkles on the nasolabial folds, forehead and around the eyes.

The drug is administered in significantly higher doses than normal, since about half of the collagen volume will be destroyed by enzymes. Human and bovine collagen are used in cosmetology. On average, the effect of such injections lasts for 4-6 months.

Injections based on hyaluronic acid

Injections of hyaluronic acid against wrinkles are highly effective because “hyaluronic acid” is able to bind collagen fibers. In addition, it retains moisture under the skin, which helps smooth out wrinkles. Such injections are especially popular among older women, since natural aging is associated with loss of moisture.

The advantages of such injections include:

  1. No risk of transmission of infection.
  2. Absolutely hypoallergenic.
  3. Quick effect and no recovery period.
  4. The effect lasts for 1 year.
  5. Possibility of injection into the area around the eyes. Learn more about how to remove wrinkles under the eyes with injections here.

Botox-based injections


Botox is an injection based on botulinum neurotoxin. It paralyzes the nerve endings of muscle fibers, causing them to lose their motor activity. Thanks to this, it is possible to get rid of facial wrinkles.

As muscle paralysis occurs, the grooves begin to smooth out and the skin regains its natural elasticity. The effect of such a procedure lasts for 4 months, and after about six months the motor activity of the facial muscles is restored.

Injections for wrinkles on the face

Injections for wrinkles above the lip

Wrinkles above the lip are vertical folds that occur due to age-related changes. Their appearance makes a woman’s face dull, sad and dissatisfied. Such folds can be removed only with the help of cosmetic procedures, among which the most popular are:

  1. Mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid cocktails.
  2. Biorevitalization with HA preparations.
  3. Bioreinforcement.
  4. Botox.

Injections into nasolabial folds

Nasolabial folds are two wrinkles-furrows that extend from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. They can occur both due to natural aging and facial structure. To get rid of this problem, 2 procedures are most often used: mesotherapy and injections of concentrated hyaluronic acid.

The following drugs are commonly used:

  1. TEOSYAL Meso.
  2. TEOSYAL MesoExpert.
  3. TEOSYAL PureSense Redensity.

Injections into eyebrow wrinkles

The deep furrows between the eyebrows are mimic. They arise due to various experiences and emotions. It is difficult to get rid of such formations; only injections with special drugs can cope with them.

The most effective are injections for wrinkles on the forehead with botulinum toxin, which can be replaced with Dysport. Such drugs fill the free space under the skin and also paralyze muscle fibers.

Injections for facial wrinkles

Expression wrinkles are the very first sign of natural skin aging. They occur due to excessive activity of facial muscle fibers. Because of the emotions we express, creases and grooves form on the cover, which over time turn into deep folds.

The following methods will help you cope with expression wrinkles:

  1. Botox or Dysport injections.
  2. Introduction of fillers.
  3. Introduction of hyaluronic acid.
  4. Injections with vitamin cocktails.

Injections of nicotinic acid in anti-wrinkle ampoules can speed up the blood circulation process, which speeds up regeneration and recovery. This will help cope with the shallow manifestations of aging. For deep grooves, this method is absolutely ineffective.

The best injections for wrinkles


Manufacturers of cosmetic preparations offer a huge selection of various preparations for smoothing wrinkles. They all differ in composition, effect, and duration of action.

In order to determine what is best for you, you need to consult with a qualified cosmetologist. The most popular are:

  1. Anti-wrinkle injections – Dysport and Botox. They get rid of both deep and small folds. Special components inhibit the activity of nerve impulses, which is why muscles cannot contract.
  2. Fillers — Surgiderm, Stylage, Juvederm, Princess. With their help, it is possible to get rid of deep senile furrows and also enlarge lips. The injections are completely safe and cannot cause allergies.
  3. Collost – a gel based on unreconstructed collagen. Such injections relieve not only age-related changes, but also scars. They improve elasticity and skin turgor. The gel can also be used to enlarge lips.

There are a huge number of injections that can get rid of wrinkles. A qualified specialist will be able to select the most effective drug. To do this, he needs to determine the condition of the skin, the degree of damage, as well as its individual characteristics. With the help of injections, you will be able to regain your youth without resorting to the help of a plastic surgeon.