Tired type of aging face what to do

Have you ever had a situation where an expensive cream on your skin, praised by your friends, completely refused to demonstrate its “super effectiveness”? Moreover, after using it, super irritation appeared on the face and new super wrinkles began to appear.

At such moments, as a rule, a woman diagnoses herself with some abnormalities. And these conclusions are quite logical, because the cream was selected according to skin type and had an excellent effect on my friends.

Situations like this happen quite often. Due to a simple ignorance of their own type of skin aging, women often build the wrong anti-aging program, where they take only their belonging to one or another skin type as a basis. While from the moment natural aging begins, i.e. from 25-27 years, the choice of means and methods of combating aging should be based on belonging to one of the 4 types of skin aging, since it is depending on this that the its deformation at different rates, in different zones and variations.

Types of Facial Aging

Facial aging of the “tired face” type is considered the most treatable form.

Most often, this type of aging occurs in women with normal skin and a moderate layer of subcutaneous fat with an oval or diamond-shaped face, who regularly exercise and control their diet.

For many years after the onset of natural aging, a woman with this type still looks youthful and fresh: deep wrinkle furrows do not appear on her face, the facial contour does not deform and does not float down. Signs of fatigue on the face simply become more and more noticeable: gray circles under the eyes and “crow’s feet” appear, the nasolabial triangle becomes more and more expressive and the complexion changes, dryness and tightness also appear.

Until the age of 35-37, in order to transform into a youthful beauty again, a woman needs only a healthy 8 hours of sleep - in the morning there is no trace of signs of aging: swelling in the nasolabial area disappears, small wrinkles under the eyes become barely noticeable, and the complexion becomes brighter. healthy and fresh. But as evening approaches, age begins to treacherously show signs of fatigue on her face. And only closer to 40-43 years old, fatigue begins to become more and more firmly fixed on a woman’s face, gradually turning into gravitational ptosis, characteristic of the deformation type of aging.

But if a woman takes care of her face, does facial exercises, eats right and constantly plays sports, then in her body, contrary to the natural course of aging, regular metabolic processes occur, thanks to which the skin is renewed with enviable youthful constancy, the synthesis of collagen is stimulated and elastin fibers, the presence of which determines elasticity, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and deformation of facial contours.

  1. decreased tone of the facial muscles;
  2. deterioration of lymphatic drainage;
  3. circulatory disorder
  1. Use skin care products containing hyaluronic acid. This way you can speed up the processes of cell regeneration and collagen production.
  2. Adjust your diet. Fill every meal with foods that contain vitamins and minerals. Saturating your body with vitamins C, E, A, and D that are beneficial for the skin will soon affect your face by improving its color, restoring elasticity and smoothing out light wrinkles.
  3. Lymphatic drainage massage also effectively helps restore the tone of the facial muscles and improve the outflow of lymph.
  4. In addition, do the Ballet and String exercises. They perfectly help tone the facial muscles, help create the muscular “framework” of the face, thereby preventing sagging and deformation of its contours.
  5. Choose a suitable program for yourself aimed at preventing or preventing wrinkles in problem areas. For example, if you have wrinkles on your forehead, then you should do exercises that activate the temporalis or epicranial muscles.

However, remember that you can achieve the best effect only if you approach the fight against aging according to the type inherent to you, comprehensively and systematically.

This type of aging goes by several names: deformation, edema, gravitational.

According to the type, the main signs of which are “sliding” of facial contours, swelling and the formation of jowls, people usually age with a full build and an “apple” figure (the upper part of the body gets fat first) with dense, porous and oily skin.

Usually, overweight people have a smooth and even face for many years after natural aging begins. But already at 35-37 years old, the first, but pronounced signs of aging begin to appear on the face.

In youth, overweight people have a highly developed layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue held in place by a strong collagen framework, but as collagen production slows down, the tone of the facial muscles and elasticity decrease, this entire layer sinks down, and the skin, which has lost its elasticity, becomes flabby, especially in the chin area. Also, the deformed type of face can be recognized by the accumulation of skin above the upper eyelids and by swelling under the eyes.

However, fullness is not the only sign that foretells fading of the face according to the type of deformation. Sometimes people of normal build, but who have problems with the endocrine, cardiovascular and urinary systems, age this way.

  1. violation of venous outflow;
  2. decreased tone of the facial muscles;
  3. slowing down the production of collagen and elastin fibers that maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  4. circulatory disorders;
  5. an excess layer of fatty tissue that sinks under the influence of gravity due to the destruction of the collagen framework;
  1. Use skin care products that contain draining substances, as well as arnica extract, seaweed, horse chestnut and vitamins C, P, A, K - their beneficial properties will help you strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood circulation.
  2. In addition, pay attention to vitamin E and group B - they help speed up metabolic processes and are involved in the production of collagen.
  3. Fruit acids and retinol are also useful for restoring skin elasticity.
  4. Exfoliate regularly
  5. You can make homemade peelings based on sugar, sea salt, coffee, etc. Thanks to peeling, you can cleanse the skin even in deep layers. With prolonged and systematic (2 times a week) implementation of this recommendation, you will also speed up the processes of cell regeneration and skin renewal.
  6. Facial gymnastics is definitely recommended for your type of aging.
  7. It is best to start performing exercises aimed at maintaining the tone of the facial muscles approximately from the moment the natural aging processes of the body begin, i.e. from 25-27 years old, this way you can prevent weakening of the facial muscles. But even if you are over 40 years old, the exercises listed below will help you tone your muscles, tighten sagging skin and get rid of sagging: the “String” and “Ballet” exercises. They help maintain and restore the muscular frame of the face, prevent the appearance of deep folds in the nasolabial area, prevent sagging cheeks and the appearance of a double chin, and also help smooth out existing folds and wrinkles. exercises aimed at modeling the shape of the cheekbones, smoothing out folds in the nasolabial area, reducing skin accumulations and puffiness in the eye area and preventing the formation of wrinkles between the eyebrows and on the forehead.
  8. In the fight against swelling, cosmetologists also recommend lymphatic drainage massage.

It is also called fine-wrinkle type.

This is how slender or thin young ladies most often age, with dry and thin skin and a poorly developed layer of fatty tissue; their faces, as a rule, are oval or pointed.

The first signs of aging with the finely wrinkled type appear quite early - as soon as natural aging begins. First, light crow's feet appear around the eyes. Following the eyes, the forehead and the area above the upper lip become covered with wrinkles, and so-called “corrugations”, or small vertical wrinkles, appear there. A little later, closer to 35–37 years, against the background of severe drying in the cheek area, a fine network of wrinkles appears and the nasolabial fold becomes a little more pronounced.

In this form, unlike her peers, a woman remains (with a slight deepening of wrinkles) until old age: her face does not deform, its contours do not “float away”, it does not undergo strong pigmentation and does not swell - therefore this type is considered the most noble. If at first women look with pity at people who age according to this type, then after 35 years they begin to envy them.

  1. dry face;
  2. loss of collagen framework;
  3. decreased tone of the facial muscles;
  1. use skin care products that contain antioxidants and phytoestrogens, moisturizing and nourishing components, and also imitate natural sebum;
  2. drink at least 2-2.5 liters of water per day and monitor the humidity in the room. It should be at least 40-60;
  3. Be sure to protect yourself from exposure to sunlight, because they have an extremely destructive effect on thin and dry skin;
  4. for your type of aging, exercises that involve placing your hands on your face can greatly harm thin skin, so prefer non-contact exercises: on posture - exercise 1 for every woman who wants to maintain youth and beauty of her face; light, very careful patting - this exercise again helps tone the facial muscles;
  5. massages with acupressure or vibration that improve skin condition and help smooth out wrinkles.

Most often, people of Asian appearance, with well-developed facial muscles, a thin layer of subcutaneous fat and thick skin, age according to this type, while only 2-5 Slavs experience facial aging in this way.

The types described above differ from the latter in the appearance of obvious signs around the age of 35-37. But with muscular aging, up to 45-47 years, the skin remains smooth and the face does not undergo any deformation. The only thing that happens to such a face by the age of 40 is the bright expression of the nasolabial fold and a gradual increase in the relief of the face, which appears as a result of a decrease in the layer of fat and the skin tightening around the facial muscles.

But already beyond the 50th birthday, carriers of this type begin to wither overnight. It suddenly (within 1-2 years) becomes covered with deep furrows of wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows and around the eyes. Deep creases and folds appear in the nasolabial area, depressions form in the cheeks and temples, and pigmentation is disrupted.

  1. loss of an already thin layer of subcutaneous fat;
  2. decreased production of collagen and elastin fibers responsible for firmness and elasticity;
  1. do regular contrast douches. This way you can tone the vessels of your face and achieve their elasticity;
  2. eat foods containing magnesium – it helps cope with muscle strain;
  3. perform the exercises indicated for the deformation type, using steam. This way you can get rid of hypertonicity of the facial muscles.

By the way, I hasten to warn those with muscular and deformed facial types - your aging patterns can easily be smoothed out or, on the contrary, toned thanks to the exercises given in this article and others like them.

Aging of facial skin in women is not an instant process. It is accelerated by external aggressive factors, stress and internal problems (chronic diseases, poor nutrition). Therefore, if you want to delay this process, you should start taking care of yourself from an early age.

Signs of skin aging: how to identify the problem

There are a number of simple tests that can help determine the extent of the problem. Among them are the following:

  1. The eye area is most often affected by expression wrinkles. To determine the extent of damage to this area, if you are over forty, you should raise your eyebrows with your fingers. If this happens without effort, then the skin has already sagged.
  2. You can understand exactly how the oval of your face looks from the side by taking a mirror. By looking at yourself in profile and lowering your head slightly, you will see exactly where the skin is weakened.
  3. Serious problems are clearly visible if you lower your head above the mirror. This way all folds and excess skin will become visible.
  4. While lying down, you can palpate the skin in front of the ears and on the posterolateral part of the neck. If there are sagging areas, poor elasticity and density, we can talk about serious problems.

The first signs of facial skin aging appear on average between the ages of 25 and 27 years. At the same time, it is very important to devote time to preventive measures that will help cope not only with stress, but also with the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle.

Types of skin aging

The aging process of facial skin is a complex set of functional and structural changes that affect all layers of the skin. Since the cause of external changes is never one thing (withering of the skin or a decrease in the fat layer of the face), we are talking about global changes affecting all anatomical structures of the face and neck. So, for example, with the loss of bone tissue (loss of teeth or replacement of teeth throughout life), the overall shape of the face changes, and dips appear in the cheek area.

Therefore, it is so important to focus on a comprehensive solution - in order to correct age-related changes in the oval of the face, it is necessary to carry out a full-fledged orthodontic procedure. And only after this can we talk about any anti-aging operations, be it a course of cosmetology or surgery.

Despite the fact that the aging process is characterized by similar processes, there are several types of aging:

  1. tired;
  2. finely wrinkled;
  3. deformation;
  4. muscular.

For women of the Slavic type of appearance, the first three types are predominantly common.

This morphotype of aging is characterized by swelling and some pastiness of the face. This occurs due to disruption of the lymphatic drainage process and a significant decrease in the tone of facial muscles. The least elasticity of the skin is noticeable in the naso-zygomatic area. Nasolabial folds and “marionette lines” appear, and the skin of the oval face sags in places where the cheeks sag. The corners of the eyes look downward, which creates a tired appearance and gives a certain hint of chronic exhaustion.

The causes of skin aging in this type are due to the weakening of the subcutaneous fat layer. The most obvious sign, as the name implies, is the appearance of wrinkles in the areas of facial muscles and nasolabial folds. However, the overall muscle tone decreases slightly, so the skin does not sag in those places, as is expressed in the previous type. The finely wrinkled subtype is characterized by the appearance of wrinkles in the area of ​​the lips and eyes (above those muscles that are constantly at work), but since the subcutaneous tissue is evenly distributed, there are no pronounced problems in the zygomatic area.

This type is expressed in the form of swelling and sagging, which is especially pronounced in the lower third of the face. The skin is often shiny and porous, retaining the characteristics of an oily appearance. Pigmentation disorders are rare, but rosacea is possible. At the same time, the skin is not dense enough, which is why not only the oval, but also the zygomatic part is deformed.

The cheeks often sag, and the oval line of the face becomes uneven and as if “floating”, since the deformation is most visible in the lip area. Often a double chin appears, fat folds under the lower eyelid and significant drooping of the upper eyelid.

Despite the fact that this type is typical for Asian women, it is often found in the European part. The subtype is determined by the good development of facial muscles and insufficiency of subcutaneous fat.

Muscular aging is distinguished by the fact that the oval of the face is preserved until old age, but at the same time nasolabial folds, wrinkles around the eyes and some swelling of the eyelids are well defined. The skin of the cheeks is not subject to deformation, remaining even and smooth.

Care procedures for different aging skin:

  1. The first option requires proper toning, nutrition and moisturizing of the skin. Changing your diet, regulating your sleep patterns, and choosing the right caring cosmetics can help you cope with swelling. Peeling should be chosen soft so as not to injure the skin. A sunny period of time does not replace sunscreen even in urban conditions, and in winter you should actively protect your skin and do not forget about nutrients. Injection procedures are indicated only if it is impossible to correct the situation with the help of cosmetics. Injections should be aimed at restoring water-retaining function.
  2. Fine-wrinkle aging will require the purchase of cosmetics that restore the natural water and lipid balance of the skin and its protective functions. Components that are presented as smoothing agents will help get rid of facial wrinkles or at least reduce their depth. The use of biorevitalization and the use of products aimed at restoring the metabolic function of the skin and botulinum-containing drugs for muscle relaxation are indicated. .
  3. If you have serious deformities, you should consider losing weight, since this is the process that reduces the thickness of the fat layer and reduces the degree of sagging in the cheeks and neck. You should pay attention to products that improve blood circulation and microcirculation. Salon procedures include lymphatic drainage masks, facial massage and those procedures aimed at reducing swelling and correcting the facial contour.
  4. Contrast dousing is perfect for muscular types. It improves skin tone, helping to strengthen blood vessels and narrow pores. Relaxing treatments are also shown in the form of massage. It is necessary to actively consume foods containing magnesium. They will help relax the muscles and avoid the appearance of deformities in the jaw area. Botox injections work great.

Even if you suddenly realize that that same age is just around the corner, visit a cosmetologist to get advice on the type of skin aging. This will help you choose the right care program and get rid of unpleasant problems, eliminating the occurrence of severe deformation.

In order to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible, slowing down the natural aging process, you need to properly care for your face from a very early age. But at the same time, each girl has her own skin characteristics, based on which several types of aging can be distinguished. Knowing yours, you can easily resist it with the help of cosmetics, turning back time.

Cosmo recommends

“Aging is, in essence, the accumulation of defects at the molecular level, which gradually lead to both a change in appearance and disruption of the internal functions of tissues and organs. All skin structures lose their former shape over the years, but common “targets of aging” can be identified. The first is the epidermis and its uppermost layer, the stratum corneum, since with age the rate of cell renewal noticeably decreases and it becomes thinner, while the stratum corneum, on the contrary, increases, which often leads to hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin). The barrier properties of the skin also change, all damage begins to leave more noticeable marks, including even inflammation. The result is often increasing dryness, wrinkles, and dull complexion.

The second target is the dermis and its intercellular substance, where the production of proper collagen and elastin is disrupted, the collagen framework is gradually weakened, and the skin loses its elasticity and freshness. The third is vessels and capillaries, since as blood circulation deteriorates, the rate of delivery of “repair” molecules decreases, the vascular wall becomes more fragile, and the likelihood of its damage and the appearance of rosacea increases.

Another target is subcutaneous fat, which thins with age in the upper part of the face and increases in the lower part, exposing the cheekbones, but forming fat bags under the chin and at the bottom of the cheeks (the so-called inversion of the “beauty triangle”). It is also worth noting the appearance of excessive pigmentation, especially in the presence of endocrine disorders.

Each person has their own “set” of skin aging symptoms, depending on their constitution, age, diet, lifestyle and much more. Often, schemes for correcting age-related changes also include hardware procedures. A cosmetologist, using specialized biophysical instruments, will help to accurately determine the state of the skin's relief, its biomechanical properties, the degree of hydration and the organization of the dermal matrix. These parameters are considered primarily when assessing the skin as a whole and prescribing complex procedures. However, this does not mean at all that you cannot take a single step without a personal cosmetologist - you just need to carefully determine the range of tasks that you want cosmetics to cope with and look for the right suitable active ingredients.”

Types of aging:

This type of aging is the most common, although it is believed that women with normal or slightly combination skin types with oval faces are more susceptible to it. It is also the simplest morphotype of aging and the most beneficial for its owner, since it is the easiest to correct. Main changes: decreased tone of facial muscles and skin elasticity, drooping of the corners of the eyes and mouth, appearance of tear troughs and pronounced nasolabial folds, dull complexion and loss of volume. Here, first of all, you should pay attention to renewing and toning serums, especially with AHA acids.

It is characterized by increased dryness and dehydration of the skin, early expression wrinkles in the forehead, a large number of crow's feet, and the presence of purse-string wrinkles (around the lips). With this type of aging, the skin thins and becomes like a baked apple, desperately requiring additional hydration, strengthening the lipid barrier and peptide products to combat excessive expression wrinkles. Particular attention should be paid to gentle cleansing - the more gentle the better, as the skin dries out very easily. This type of aging most often affects thin girls with dry and dry skin, with poorly defined subcutaneous tissue and not prone to swelling; the oval of the face in this case almost always remains clear.

With this type of aging, a swollen oval of the face (ptosis), the appearance of jowls, a double chin, pronounced bags under the eyes, swelling, deep nasolabial folds are observed, marionette lines often appear (wrinkles of “sorrow”, running from the corners of the mouth down to the chin, they are formed in result of sagging of the soft tissues of the face and are classified as gravitational wrinkles). This type is also known as “bulldog cheeks.” To correct the situation, you need to purchase lymphatic drainage products to improve blood microcirculation, to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the general matrix of the skin, as well as complexes of products aimed, among other things, at weight correction. This type is most often found with well-developed subcutaneous fat and a full face, plus in girls who are prone to being overweight and with oily skin.

This type is characterized by developed facial muscles and weakly expressed subcutaneous fat. The skin retains its elasticity and shape for a very long time, but then literally within a year or two the muscles weaken and rapid aging occurs, which most often manifests itself in the sagging of the upper eyelid, the appearance of creases and large deep wrinkles, and facial features generally become coarser. The main emphasis when working with this type of aging is mainly on deep moisturizing the skin and preventing hyperpigmentation, it is also necessary to increase the elasticity of blood vessels and relieve hypertonicity of the facial muscles. The muscular type of aging is rare among Europeans (only if large facial features are present). People with Asian genes and pure Asians are more susceptible to it. The skin is characterized by very pronounced facial muscles, weak subcutaneous tissue (“fat-free face”), and rich facial expressions play an important role.

Unfortunately, pure morphotypes are relatively rare; usually there is a combined type of aging, when one or more characteristics of different species are combined. It all usually starts with the “tired face” type, then the other signs develop. Women with combination skin, who have swelling or a tendency to become overweight, are especially prone to this.

At an older age, an additional type is added - “exhausted face”, when all the complexly compensated signs of aging gradually appear, the skin becomes excessively thin and only supportive procedures are possible.

  1. cleansing — you should use soft, slightly alkaline products depending on your skin type; micellar products must be washed off;
  2. stimulation of cellular renewal — here you will need soft exfoliating peels and scrubs, including acidic ones;
  3. protecting skin from UV rays and lipid peroxidation — we purchase day creams rich in antioxidants, as well as sunscreen cosmetics;
  4. strengthening skin barrier properties — enzymatic cosmetics or those with probiotics, deep and surface moisturizing components, as well as products with easily dismountable fatty acids will help here;
  5. replenishing local nutritional deficiencies - these are masks whose composition includes vitamins, lipids, minerals, trace elements;
  6. stimulation of blood circulation - masks and serums with lymphatic drainage, strengthening the walls of blood vessels will help in this matter;
  7. stimulation of renewal of the intercellular matrix of the dermis — peptide remodeling signal cosmetics, as well as products that stimulate the production of your own collagen and elastin;
  8. eliminating external symptoms of aging - whitening cosmetics and anti-wrinkle products.

In general, it should be noted that aging is a complex and very poorly understood process. The secret of eternal youth is still not discovered. At the moment, there are developments in certain areas that cause a number of signs of aging; systems have been found that help to partially slow down or temporarily block these processes. But no product or procedure can completely solve all the problems of aging skin. Accordingly, when using one or another means, it is necessary to clearly understand the limits of its capabilities. But if you use cosmetics “with your eyes open” to solve specific, feasible tasks, you can achieve impressive success in the fight for youth.