St. John's wort

Hypericum perforatum

St. John's wort has never harmed animals. Its name comes from the Mongolian word “jerabai” transformed into Russian - healer of wounds It has been known for a long time as a medicinal plant. During excavations of the ancient Slavic settlement of Biskupin, which existed more than 2,500 years ago, archaeologists discovered the remains of medicinal plants used by our ancestors, among them St. John's wort.

Popular wisdom says: “Just as bread cannot be baked without flour, so many diseases cannot be cured without St. John’s wort.” This is probably why they called it in Rus' “the herb for 99 diseases.” St. John's wort was also awarded the attention of crowned heads. Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich ordered this herb to be collected in Siberia, dried, ground into flour and sent to Moscow, and “a pound for every city.” The French call it St. John's wort millepertuis - “a thousand passes.” If we consider the sheet Hypericymperforatym, then you can see many holes, which are actually translucent glands that secrete essential oil, other glands framing the petals and sepals secrete blood-red oil. Perhaps this feature of the plant allowed the French, Germans and Italians to call it “the herb of St. John”, which appeared from drops of the blood of the Baptist.

The healing power of St. John's wort was appreciated during the time of Hippocrates, Dioscorides and Pliny wrote about it. Paracelsus in the 16th century claimed: “... St. John's wort lotions are used to cleanse and heal large wounds and ulcers, for fire burns...” The famous English doctor and pharmacist John Cheetah echoed him: “This is a precious remedy for deep wounds that cross body". That's why the English call St. John's wortBalm-of-Warrior - “balm of warriors” orTouch-and-Heal - “touch and heal.”

Modern medicine today is not attentive enough to this accessible and powerful natural remedy.

Medicinal properties

  1. Effective in the treatment of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, tuberculosis, acute rhinitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, and sinusitis.
  2. Stimulates appetite, is used for acute and chronic colitis, gastritis with low and normal acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastroenterocolitis, dysentery, dyspepsia, flatulence, and also as an anthelmintic (pinworms, roundworms).
  3. Used to treat decreased filtration capacity of the kidneys, functional failure of the renal glomeruli with fluid and electrolyte retention in the body.
  4. Recommended for stagnation of bile in the gallbladder, cholecystitis, initial symptoms of cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, hepatitis, liver and bladder diseases.
  5. General strengthening and adaptogenic agent.
  6. Helps cleanse the blood and restore peripheral circulation with symptoms of stagnation.
  7. Effective in the treatment of burns (including sunburn), allergic, pustular viral skin diseases, acne, bruises, abscesses, cracks, diathesis, bedsores, boils, as well as vitiligo to eliminate depigmented (white) spots on the skin.
  8. Reduces pain in radiculitis, arthritis, rheumatism, neuritis, myositis, gout.
  9. Strengthens the heart muscle, increases the tone of the cardiovascular system.
  10. Eliminates bad breath, strengthens gums, and eliminates their bleeding. Effective prevention and treatment of gingivitis and stomatitis.
  11. A good hypoglycemic agent.
  12. Hemostatic agent for uterine bleeding, used for inflammation of the female genital organs, cracked nipples.
  13. In folk medicine, it is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, diseases of the liver and bladder, rheumatism, scrofula, stomach and intestinal disorders, bedwetting, heavy menstruation, leucorrhoea, mastitis, hemorrhoids, as a specific remedy against liver and stomach cancer, an analgesic for inflammation. sciatic nerve, as well as for ulcers, boils, rashes, anemia, migraine, salt deposits, hemoptysis, profuse sputum.
  14. Calms and strengthens the nervous system. Relieves fatigue, helps with severe emotional distress, hysteria, insomnia, paralysis, apathy, and neurosis.
  15. Eliminates dandruff, strengthens hair well.
  16. It is recommended to use for sweating of the face, hands and feet, as well as for the care of oily and porous skin (at a halved dosage for aging, dry, delicate skin).
  17. A strong regenerating agent.


Oil burner: 3-4 k.

Internally: 1-2 k. with 1 tsp. honey 2-3 times a day.

Massage: 3-4 k. per 10 ml of transport oil.

Inhalations: 1-2 k.

Rinse: 2 k. per 200 g of water.

Douching: 10 k. per 500 g of water.

Compresses: 4-6 k.

Enrichment of cosmetics: 2-3 k. per 10 g basisyou for dry skin; 5-6 k. for oily skin.

Contraindications. Individual intolerance, hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract occurring against the background of chronic constipation, various disorders of water-salt metabolism (hepatic and renal etiology), thrombophlebitis, general atherosclerosis.

Note. When using, consult a doctor. Has a strong photosensitizing effect.