Abanus - ebony, ebony

Eben is famous. According to Dioscorides, it was brought from Ethiopia.

The best variety is the blackest and smoothest, without stripes, feels like sharpened horn, durable and has a burning taste. If ebony is placed on hot coals, it gives off an aroma like incense.

Hot, dry in the second degree. Some doctors claim that ebony, despite its warmth, still extinguishes heat in the blood.

Actions and properties.
It is ground in water, like many stones; it thins and purifies.

Organs of the eye.
Eben removes the veil and thorn. From its crumbs they make eye ointment, and from the wood they make bars for rubbing eye medicines, for it is very suitable for this.

Ebony sawdust, fried in a frying pan and then washed, helps against chronic ulcers in the eye, against dry inflammation, against trachoma and against chronic lacrimation.

Eruption organs.
Khuzistan doctors say that ebony crushes kidney stones. It is also said to relieve some bloating.

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