Aggressive pathology of HPV: causes, symptoms, prevention

Human papillomavirus is one of the most common diseases of recent times. The pathology is practically asymptomatic, and in the future it can have quite serious consequences. In this regard, timely diagnosis and treatment are of great importance.

HPV doctors diagnose the condition through a visual examination, as well as specific smears and tests. A number of histological studies may also be prescribed. Causes of the disease Statistics show that about 15% of the world's population suffers from the papilloma virus. The virus enters the human body, which leads to the formation of condylomas. In some cases, a tumor process occurs.

Human immunity is partially capable of developing resistance to the virus. But this does not mean that re-infection is impossible after illness. It should also be noted that about 70% of the world's population are carriers of the virus.

There are about a hundred varieties of human papillomavirus. However, some demonstrate high oncological activity. Most often, infection occurs through sexual contact. But due to the fact that the virus continues to remain viable for a long time in the environment, infection through household contact is possible. Self-infection can also occur when the virus is transferred from one area of ​​the skin to another.


The symptoms of the disease are quite pronounced. Genital warts, condylomas and other pathological phenomena appear on the genitals.

Diagnostics involves calcoscopy, cytological and histological examination. There are no universal recommendations for preventing the disease.

Monogamous relationships can reduce the risk of infection. There are also special vaccines of different types. Periodically, every person needs to undergo a preventive examination by a specialist.

At the slightest suspicion, you should immediately contact an HPV doctor. Only a specialist can diagnose the disease based on accompanying symptoms and prescribe appropriate treatment.

It is necessary to understand that the disease is quite serious and can cause irreparable harm to health. Therefore, it is recommended not to delay treatment when the first signs appear.