Akit makit-aetite, eagle stone. Isfanax - spinach

Indian medicine that acts in the same way as peony.

Organs of the head.
They rub it on the place where the vapors rise, and it stops epilepsy.

Cold, damp at the limit of the first degree.

Actions and properties.
Soft. Eating spinach is better than eating garden quinoa. I say: it has a power that cleanses, washes, and it strongly drives away yellow bile. Sometimes the stomach does not accept spinach broth, in which case the spinach is pureed and then eaten.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Spinach in the form of a drink or ointment is useful for fever in the chest or lungs.

Tools with joints.
Spinach helps with blood back pain.

Eruption organs.
It softens nature.