Ban - ban or moringa wingless

Ban seeds are larger than chickpeas, slightly whitish; they have a soft, buttery center.

Hot to the third degree, dry to the second.

Cleansing, especially at the core of the grains.

Ban seeds remove thick and foul phlegm, and together with vinegar and water, open blockages in the insides. Their settled grounds contain more bitterness, and it binds, so the grounds of the ban have a cauterizing property. The husk of banana grains knits more; Banana oil is also not without astringent properties. All parts of the ban cleanse and tear off matter.

Ban seeds are useful for bruises, freckles, bahak and marks of ulcers. Banana oil works the same way.

Ban seeds, when included in patches, are beneficial for all hard tumors and warts.

Ban seeds with vinegar are useful for flaky jarab and its ulcerative variety, milk pimples and ssfa.

Tools with joints.
The seeds and especially bana oil warm the nerves, soften spasms and hardening of the nerves.

Organs of the head.
With its astringent property, bana seeds stop nosebleeds, and bana oil is a suitable medicine for pain and ringing in the ears, especially when mixed with duck fat. Gargling with a decoction of banya root helps relieve toothache.

Nutritional organs.
Ban is useful in hardening the liver and spleen if drunk mixed with two dirhams of vinegar. Sometimes it is combined with wine, chaff flour, honey-sweetened water, vetch flour or iris rhizome flour and used to make a medicinal bandage for the spleen. Ban has a bad effect on the stomach and causes nausea: if you drink one bowl of its squeezed juice with honey, it will cause severe vomiting and diarrhea. Its fruits also act in the same way.

Eruption organs.
One bowl of Ban seeds, drunk with honey, relaxes with immature mucus. Bath oil also works if you insert a wick soaked in it into the rectum.

It is replaced with an equal amount of madder, half the weight of cinnamon and an equal amount of nutmeg by weight equal to one-tenth.