
Bavrak is stronger than salt and all substances with the same strength, but is not an astringent. It is sometimes burned in an earthenware vessel over glowing coals until it is calcined.

The best bavrak is Armenian; it is light, lamellar, crumbly, spongy, white, pink or purple in color and intensely hot. Bavrak from Ifriqiya occupies the same place in relation to other varieties of bavrak as ordinary bavrak in relation to salt. Bavrak is taken orally only for essential reasons. The "foam" of bavrak is more rarefied than the bavrak itself, and has the same properties, the best foam is the crumbly "foam" of marble bavrak, which is even better than it.

Hot, dry at the limit of the second degree. Dryness of bavrak sometimes goes into the third degree.

Actions and properties.
Bavrak greatly opens the pores and cleanses, especially ifrikian. It causes peeling, cleansing and stripping of thick juices.

All substances that have the properties of bavrak are slightly astringent and perfectly cleanse due to their inherent salinity, with the exception of ifrik bavrak, for ifrik bavrak is not astringent, but cleansing.

Bavrak, when sprinkled on the hair, adds shine to the hair, and in the form of a medicinal bandage, it attracts blood to the surface of the body and improves complexion. It is useful for thinness. His face sometimes turns black from heavy use.

Tumors and acne.
Bavrak is useful for scabies, as it dissolves pus, especially ifrik bavrak with vinegar. It also helps against jarab.

Tools with joints.
Wax ointment is prepared from bavrak for paralysis, and especially for paralysis in the final stage, especially when the disease subsides. It is also useful for "nerve-cleaning."

Organs of the head.
Bavrak is useful for dandruff, and its “foam” with honey, if allowed into the ear, cleanses and opens blockages and is beneficial for deafness. When mixed with grape wine or hyssop syrup, bavrak helps against ringing in the ears.

Nutritional organs.
Bavrak has a bad effect on the stomach and spoils it. Ifrikian bavrak causes vomiting, and if not for its cleansing properties, it would tear away the juices in the stomach more than all other types of bavrak. When mixed with figs, medicinal dressings for dropsy are prepared from it, which reduce it.

Eruption organs.
Introduced in the form of suppositories, bavrak releases the nature, and when taken orally with rue and cumin or with a decoction of rue and dill juice, it soothes pain in the intestines. Taken with these and similar substances, bavrak surpasses the effect of salt. It is taken with certain medicines that kill intestinal worms and drives them out. It’s the same thing if you rub bavrak on your stomach and navel and sit close to the fire: it will kill intestinal worms.


Any bavrak, and especially Ifrikian bavrak, is extremely useful against mushroom poisoning, no matter whether it is burnt or unburnt bavrak; its “foam” also works. Bavrak with donkey or pork fat is applied to the place bitten by a rabid dog; They drink with water from the Spanish fly drink what is called Afronitron.

And they drink bavrak with ferula gum to eliminate the harm from bovine blood.