Bittich - melon

This plant is famous.

Cold at the beginning of the second degree, humid at the limit of the same degree. If you dry melon seeds, they will not be moisturizing, but drying in the first degree. The root dries it out.

Actions and properties.
A ripe melon is tender, but an unripe one is hard. The unripe one has the same nature as the kissa; whatever it is, the melon opens the blockages. The best melon in terms of juice is the mulyuni melon. The pulp of melons causes ripening and cleanses, and its seeds especially act this way. Ripe and unripe melons are cleaned, and its seeds are cleaned even more and turn into some suitable juice in the stomach. They are more capable of turning into mucus than into yellow bile, what can we say about black bile! Mulyuni melon does not turn into juice soon.

Melon cleanses the skin, especially its seeds, but also its pulp. Melon, especially if its insides, as they are, are kneaded with wheat flour and dried in the sun, are useful against freckles, bahak and dandruff.

Organs of the head.
Melon peels are stuck to the forehead, and they prevent catarrhs ​​from reaching the eyes.

Nutritional organs.
Melon causes vomiting, especially its root. Two dirhams of its root in wine can easily cause vomiting if you drink one obol of this mixture.

Melon, if not properly digested, produces haida; Mulyuni is slowly digested unless it is eaten along with all its contents. The nutritional value of this melon is the best, and the juice it produces is the most suitable.

Melon should be eaten after other food, because if it does not follow something else, it causes nausea and vomiting. A person with a hot nature should wash down the melon with sikanjubin, and a person with a damp nature should take incense, ginger jam or wine after it.

Eruption organs.
Both ripe and unripe melons drive urine and help against kidney stones and bladder stones, if these stones are small; they are especially useful for kidney stones. Mulyuni does not drive urine as much; it cleanses more easily and goes down into the stomach more easily, especially when it is soft.

When melon spoils in the stomach, it becomes poisonous. Therefore, if it burdens the stomach, it is necessary to quickly remove it; and it is best for the person to vomit by any means.