Botox lifting his ake serum

399 rub.

Anti-aging smoothing facial serum with snake venom peptide and Botox effect. Incredible lifting for aging skin without injections or plastic surgery.

Gross weight: 97 grams

Anti-aging serum with Botox effect has a profound effect on skin changes caused by constant tension in the facial muscles. Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Effectively smoothes and tightens the skin, increases its firmness and elasticity. Restores the protective functions of the lipid barrier of the stratum corneum. Tense muscles responsible for the formation of facial wrinkles relax, and the skin becomes even. Regular use of the cream serum will significantly reduce the depth of wrinkles.

SYN-AKE is an analogue of snake peptide. A synthetic substance similar to the venom of the Temple Snake. The formula was developed to block muscle movement that causes wrinkles and, as a result, slow down skin aging. As a result, small and medium expression wrinkles are gradually smoothed out, the appearance of new ones is effectively prevented, and the firmness of the skin and its natural elasticity are restored.

In 2006, the development was awarded the Swiss Technology Award.

Today, cosmetics containing snake peptide are considered almost the most effective for combating anti-aging changes, and are also claimed as an alternative to Botox injections.

The SYN-AKE peptide acts locally, only in the application areas. It has a cumulative effect, so the product should be used in courses from 1 to 6 months, depending on the condition of the skin and the desired results.

Directions for use: Apply a few drops of serum to clean skin in the morning under the Cream to smooth out expression lines and age wrinkles and in the evening under the Cream with Botox effect to restore skin elasticity.

The fight against wrinkles is a complex process that requires a lot of time, attention, and expense. Many people do not want to resort to radical measures (surgery, Botox injections). It's always better to find an alternative, softer option. Botox serum from Thailand is the right solution. The product, acting on the surface of the skin, provides an effect superior to injection therapy for age-related changes.

What's happened

Alternative Botox Serum from the Thai company YaYa is an interesting option for combating external signs of aging. Unique oriental technologies using the power of natural components provide powerful restoration of internal skin processes damaged by age.

Unlike injections of a popular toxin, the drug works gently and does not affect facial expressions. The surface action of the product does not pose the dangers associated with injections. The circle of influence of the drug is wider than that of Botox. The serum is able to penetrate deep into tissues, restoring internal processes.

The composition of the Thai product is interesting. The emphasis is on natural ingredients. The restoration processes occurring in different living organisms in the natural environment are taken as a basis. The beneficial effects of various extracts and filtrates are successfully used for anti-aging.

Efficiency of use

Serum with Botox effect has a multifaceted, deep effect on the skin. A gentle and comprehensive approach ensures hydration, improvement of regeneration processes and metabolism in tissues. A natural cumulative memory is formed, preventing immediate regression.

Thanks to the course use of the drug, it will be possible to achieve rejuvenation and improve the external condition of the skin. Noted:

  1. muscle relaxation (elimination of tension, tension);
  2. smoothing facial wrinkles (reducing the depth of existing ones, preventing the appearance of new ones);
  3. improving skin quality (color, firmness, elasticity).

The Thai product affects the production of collagen and elastin, which increases the body’s own strength in the fight against age. There is a general toning of the skin, tightening, smoothing, and improvement of protective functions. You will be able to get by with only cosmetics, and you will be able to postpone taking medical products.

Attention! The anti-aging effect of the drug is similar to the effectiveness of Botox injections. The cosmetic effect of using the product is characteristic of the Thai drug; Botox injections do not bring similar results; they act exclusively in a narrow direction.

Indications for use

Using the serum is useful for everyone who notices the appearance of age-related changes. It is permissible to begin preventive combat against old age at the age of 25–30.

For young skin, maintenance treatments 1-2 times a week regularly are sufficient.

Age-related changes are removed in courses: twice a day for a month, then once a day for 1–2 months, the procedures are repeated as the problems return.


The component composition of oriental drugs always causes awe. Exotic plants, derivatives of living organisms (snake venom, shark oil) are used. In the Thai serum with Botox effect, snail filtrate attracts attention. This is a specially processed mucus produced by a mollusk. Shell derivatives (chitosan) are also used. These components help awaken the body's natural regenerative forces, increase skin strength and resistance to adverse effects. Inflammation disappears, wrinkles are smoothed out.

In addition to the exotic snail filtrate, the anti-aging serum contains:

  1. peptides - prevent the formation of wrinkles;
  2. hyaluronic acid - moisturizes, maintains hydrobalance;
  3. vitamins - stimulate internal processes;
  4. amino acids - strengthen, increase defenses;
  5. collagen, elastin - restore tissue, maintain tone, firmness, elasticity.

Thanks to its rich composition, the serum helps to normalize the condition of the skin, disturbed for various reasons. The use of the product is aimed at combating external signs of aging.

Instructions for use

Using whey from Thailand is easy. The cosmetic product does not require special knowledge or skills. The packaging is presented in a glass bottle equipped with a portion pipette. This helps to dose the substance, increasing the efficiency of use. This version of the product is easy to apply.

The rejuvenation session proceeds as follows:

  1. the skin is freed from cosmetics and impurities;
  2. using a pipette, dose the product onto the areas to be treated;
  3. the resulting droplets are carefully rubbed into the skin along massage lines, the movements are soft, sliding, tapping, ensure uniform distribution of the composition, intensive treatment is not required;
  4. wait until the product is absorbed (2–5 minutes);
  5. When applied in the morning, it is permissible to apply cosmetics over the treated areas; in the evening, additional use of an intense moisturizing, rejuvenating cream is advisable.

Note! For young skin, the serum will be an excellent supporting base. Age-related changes are “treated” comprehensively; an anti-aging drug is combined with the use of other restorative agents.

Place and price of purchase

You can buy Thai serum with Botox effect in many online stores of oriental cosmetics. Delivery is carried out by courier or by mail. The range of such trading platforms is always extensive, allowing you to choose a compatible care package. If you are planning a trip to Phuket, be sure to check out the Vitamax store. There you will find many anti-aging products, including the serum in question.

The cost of the product differs on different platforms. The price of the drug usually varies between 250–750 rubles per 30 ml bottle.

Advantages and disadvantages

The generally recognized advantages of the drug are:

  1. efficiency;
  2. naturalness of the composition;
  3. ease of use;
  4. versatility (suitable for any skin type);
  5. absence of risk, discomfort, stress;
  6. long-term effect;
  7. no obvious restrictions or side effects;
  8. low price.

Not everyone likes having to wait for results. After Botox injections, wrinkles will not smooth out after 3-5 days. A clear effect is noticeable only at the end of the course of use or after achieving a cumulative effect.

Some are confused by the exotic composition of the product and the unknown manufacturer. Those who believe advertising promises are better off using expensive luxury cosmetics produced by well-known global brands.

Precautionary measures

There were no side effects from the use of Thai serum with Botox effect. The manufacturer emphasizes the versatility of the product. The only thing is that it is not recommended to use the product for those under 25 years of age. Premature use of anti-aging cosmetics can disrupt the natural course of the body’s internal processes and upset the balance.

General restrictions on the use of products with Botox effect are standard:

  1. skin damage (wounds, scratches);
  2. profuse rashes (acne, herpes, allergies);
  3. unsatisfactory health (fever, pressure surges).

Addiction, other similar consequences have not been noticed.

Important point! Before standard use of the serum, it is necessary to perform a test for individual reactions (applying a small amount of the product to the crook of the elbow). The absence of negative manifestations indicates the possibility of using the drug.

Consumer Reviews

The product with Botox effect is easy to use and intended for self-use. Professional cosmetologists do not work with such drugs. The opinion of experts is skeptical: the body’s reaction is individual, it is possible to achieve success, but the process takes time, the result is in doubt.

Reviews from the majority of real serum consumers indicate the noticeable benefits of the drug. Some expect overwhelming success but are disappointed. The availability of the product allows you to try the anti-aging method yourself and form your own opinion.

Often, buyers of the product note the effectiveness of the product even if they prefer to regularly use other products.

The product is a success. A large number of women pay attention and order.

A young, blooming look into old age is the dream of many women. It is difficult to achieve this without radical measures. Using a Thai serum that is similar in effectiveness to Botox is an affordable option to achieve your goal.

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Anti-aging facial serum with snake peptide.

(Thailand) 345 rub. Add to favorite products To be able to add to "Favorite Products" please register or log in

Anti-aging collagen facial serum Natural SP Beauty & Makeup Botox Lifting Syn-Ake Serum contains the active elements of snake venom and fat, which contribute to the rapid and deep penetration of the serum's beneficial substances into the skin cells. It is a direct alternative to Botox injections. Has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Significantly accelerates the process of cell renewal, stimulates the production of your own collagen and elastin, making the skin firm and elastic. The serum saturates the skin with a large amount of essential vitamins and minerals, moisturizes and tightens the skin, smoothes out fine wrinkles, prevents their appearance, promotes contraction of small muscles and visually softens the tension of facial lines. Brightens and evens out skin tone, helps get rid of pigmentation. Refreshes and heals the skin, helps smooth out scars, evens out the surface of the skin, and reduces pores. Syn-Ake facial serum is very useful after aggressive cosmetic procedures, soothes the skin, relieves inflammation and irritation. Helps get rid of dark circles around the eyes.
Suitable for all skin types.

Mode of application:
Apply 2-3 drops of serum to cleansed facial skin with light, circular movements until completely absorbed. Apply every day morning and evening, paying special attention to areas most prone to wrinkles.
Can be used as a base for makeup.
Volume: 35 ml.