What is silver concentrate used for?

Protein silver is used as an ear antiseptic, topical antiseptic, and nasal decongestant. you can follow the link.

Protein silver, often called vitelline silver, is an active ingredient composed of organic molecules and silver ions, successfully used in clinical settings as an antiseptic and as a decongestant of the nasal mucosa.
Basically, the bacteriostatic effect is determined by the ability of this molecule to suppress bacterial replication, exhibiting a visible pro-oxidant effect, for example, changing the normal metabolic ability of the microorganism, first causing blockage of replication processes, and then its death.
The decongestant effect, on the other hand, has not yet been fully elucidated, although the ability to cause protein precipitation in the serum exudate, determining a better dismemberment of the water state and a reduction in associated edema.
This is facilitated by the good pharmacokinetic properties of silver proteinate, which limit the systemic absorption of the ion and possible side effects.

All studies regarding the effectiveness of colloidal silver in clinical settings are particularly dated, demonstrating the widespread use of this active principle in clinical practice.
Despite this, recent scientific evidence, some of which is published below, demonstrates new potential uses of silver in medicine, dispelling some myths and opening up therapeutic prospects of particular clinical interest.

A study testing the potential of silver in healing wounds, particularly anorethal fistulas, potentially sparing surgical treatment, which is certainly more invasive and carries greater morbidity.

Silver protein is contained in ear drops or nasal drops with a concentration of 0.5% - 1% and 2%.
For medical reasons, it is usually recommended to place 1-2 drops directly into the ear canal several times a day and 1-3 drops into the nostril several times a day.