Jillaws - pine nuts

These are the nuts of the great pine tree. They are more nutritious than walnuts, but are digested more slowly. They consist of a watery and earthy substance, and there is little airiness in them. A full discussion of this medicine should be found where we talk about pine.

They are balanced and have a little warmth to them.

Actions and properties.
Pine nuts are a very nutritious dense food; they are not harmful and are suitable for correcting spoiled fluids in the intestines. They are digested slowly and for people with a cold nature their digestibility is improved with honey, and for people with a hot nature - with sugar - with candy. This also increases their nutritional value. Nuts soaked in water lose their pungency, pungency and pungency and become extremely nutritious, so that even “small” nuts that have no nutritional value are thus transformed from medicinal to nutritious. And the “small” nuts are the grains of the “small pine”, which grows in all countries.

Tools with joints.
Pine nuts cure pain in the nerves and back and from inflammation of the sciatic nerve and are also useful in relaxing the organs.

Respiratory and chest organs.
They strongly cleanse the lungs and remove pus and thick juices from them.

Eruption organs.
Pine nuts, especially in the form of jam, excite lust. They help with pus and bladder stones.

With figs or dates they help against scorpion stings.