Facemed anti-wrinkle cream gel with 20 vitamin C

Facemed anti-wrinkle cream gel with 20 vitamin C

Emergency help for the face!

Awakening facial cream-gel with 20% vitamin C.

Your skin will thank you!

Emergency help for the face!

Awakening facial cream-gel with 20% vitamin C.

Your skin will thank you!

Give your skin nourishment and renewal after winter.

Spot care gel for the face with 20% vitamin C. Used to rejuvenate and restore the skin.

Ideal for aging skin care, facial rejuvenation, lightening dark spots and combating signs of aging.

Can relieve you of fine wrinkles.
Regular use of Facemed gel will give you the effect of glowing skin throughout the year.

  1. Eliminates skin-damaging free radicals
  2. Enhances collagen synthesis
  3. Improves the appearance of sun-damaged skin
  4. Doesn't clog pores
  5. Not sticky
  6. Not greasy
  7. Hydrophobic nature - seals out moisture
  8. Anti-inflammatory
  9. Dermatologically tested

On cleansed skin, apply evenly over the entire face, or specifically to problem areas.

Use at night, rinse with warm water in the morning.

Avoid sunlight while you have applied Facemed and use a high SPF sunscreen if you are in sunlight.

Manufacturer: India, pharmaceutical company Ethicare Remedius (India)

Official website of the manufacturer:

Release form: light emulsion, silky, with small microcapsules of vitamin C, quickly absorbed, does not leave a filmy feeling.

Volume: 15 g (1 tube is enough for 1 month)

Active ingredient: 20% vitamin C

  1. Ascorbic acid 20%
  2. DC-556 (Phenyl Trimethicone)
  3. Glycerine
  4. Vitamin E acetate
  5. Carbomer
  6. Perfume
  7. Silicone oil

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Order FACEMED - anti-wrinkle cream gel with 20% vitamin C

Emergency help for the face!
Awakening facial cream-gel with 20% vitamin C.
Your skin will thank you!

Give your skin nourishment and renewal after winter.
Spot care gel for the face with 20% vitamin C. Used to rejuvenate and restore the skin.
Ideal for aging skin care, facial rejuvenation, lightening dark spots and combating signs of aging.
Can relieve you of fine wrinkles.
Regular use of Facemed gel will give you the effect of glowing skin throughout the year.

Eliminates skin-damaging free radicals
Enhances collagen synthesis
Improves the appearance of sun-damaged skin
Doesn't clog pores
Not sticky
Not greasy
Hydrophobic nature - seals out moisture
Dermatologically tested

Mode of application
On cleansed skin, apply evenly over the entire face, or specifically to problem areas.
Use at night, rinse with warm water in the morning.
Avoid sunlight while you have applied Facemed and use a high SPF sunscreen if you are in sunlight.

Description of the purchase

The full catalog of goods and a link to the supplier can be seen in the purchase - Open purchase

Hello to all blog readers! I recently learned that collagen creams do not help with wrinkles. This is a publicity stunt. Collagen molecules are too large to penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis. Let's talk about vitamins for the face against wrinkles. They will help us fight wrinkles. But again, if applied correctly :) Therefore, read the article to the end.

TOP 3 most useful vitamins for wrinkles

Beauty must be maintained from within. I completely agree with this. The longer you stick to a healthy lifestyle, the more chances you have to stay healthy, beautiful and young.

Research shows that certain nutrients are important in preventing many signs of skin aging. Therefore, a balanced diet and healthy foods help keep your skin supple and glowing. But the fact is, the body provides our skin only a certain percentage of vitamins. Regardless of whether you eat a kilogram of carrots or spinach daily. Our body will release the amount of vitamins it deems necessary right now.

What to do? There is a solution: we need to apply vitamins locally to the areas of the body we need. That’s why we’ll talk today about the benefits of vitamins for improving skin texture, turgor and reducing dark circles under the eyes.

The best vitamins for skin are:

Vitamin C

It is the most abundant antioxidant found in the skin. In sufficient quantities, this vitamin stimulates collagen production. It makes the skin smooth and elastic. It is found in currants, kiwi, Brussels sprouts, citrus fruits, spinach, pomegranate, red cabbage, blueberries, sea buckthorn, rose hips and hot red peppers.

In one study, women who treated sun-damaged skin with a vitamin C cream reported a significant reduction in fine lines and improved complexion uniformity.

Consider creams containing vitamin C in your daily day care routine. For example, an excellent product is La Roche-Posay Active C.


Vitamin A

In the body in the right amount, this vitamin works wonders for skin and hair. It acts as an antioxidant. Protects skin from rashes and fights inflammation. There is a lot of it in liver, viburnum, broccoli, carrots, spinach, seaweed, cottage cheese, feta cheese, cheese, oysters. It is better to apply this vitamin at night, because... sunlight inactivates most forms of vitamin A. Look for retinol or retinoids in the ingredients. If you use vitamin A in oil, then look at the reaction.

Even better, vitamin A works in tandem with adenosine, which actively promotes the production of natural collagen. This is exactly the trend used in the contour cream from Vichy.

Vitamin E

This vitamin is a real anti-aging wizard, an antioxidant. Moisturizes, relieves dryness and invigorates the skin. This vitamin has even been given the nickname “defender” for its ability to quickly eliminate the damaging effects of free radicals.

There is a lot of it in nuts, dried apricots and prunes, rose hips and viburnum, spinach, sorrel, sea buckthorn, oatmeal and barley, squid, salmon, eel, pike perch and wheat.

How do you know if vitamin E cream is good? The best anti-aging products contain at least 1% of this vitamin. Therefore, it will be listed somewhere in the middle of the list of ingredients. Here is an example of such a tool.

Ways to use vitamins for facial skin

Against wrinkles, even the simplest remedies can be no less useful. The main secret in this is regularity of care. Magic will not happen just once a month. Try to set aside 15 minutes in the morning and evening. Just 30 minutes of daily care and after 2 weeks you will notice improvements in skin turgor.

Pharmacy products

Anti-wrinkle products can be purchased at the pharmacy. They can be taken orally in tablets. There are special vitamin and mineral complexes. Aevit is taken against skin aging. It is used externally and internally.

Pharmacies also sell professional cosmetics with carefully selected components of vitamins and anti-wrinkle active substances. Yes, the price is higher than Aevit. But these are more comprehensive and effective means. At first I used mono-products such as base oils and simple mass-market creams. Having tried professional medical cosmetics once, I noticed much better results. And I no longer want to switch back to consumer goods.

I myself have combination skin, but over time, testing cheap products, it dried out a little and became more sensitive. Especially during the winter and spring periods. I wash my face and moisturize my skin. There is a special product under the eyelids. And I always carry thermal water in my purse. I spray it on my face.

Mineralizing, Vichy

Cosmetic procedures

In the cosmetologist's office they will tell you that even the most expensive product may not be able to cope with deep expression wrinkles. After all, creams have a rejuvenating effect only on the upper layers of the epidermis. And the deep layers of the skin, where collagen is produced, remain untouched. Quite logical, wouldn’t you agree? Therefore, the specialist will advise you to do special injections.

Biorevitalization is very popular. This procedure most often uses hyaluronic acid and preparations based on it.

Experts advise starting “beauty injections” with the appearance of the first wrinkles

These procedures increase skin tone, even out the relief, correct the oval of the face, and increase turgor. The cosmetologist will advise you to do 3-5 sessions. The procedure has virtually no contraindications.

Reviews about this procedure are as follows:

Anna: I wanted to start the procedure for a long time, but doubts prevented me from going and doing it. I decided what to guess - I’ll go and find out everything. I have been to three cosmetologists. Everywhere they argued that there were very few side effects. I really liked the feeling of tightness and smoothness of the skin. I didn't regret it.

Lyudmila: The most important thing is to go to a good specialist. Everything must be sterile. The cosmetologist should open needles and ampoules only in front of you. And you need to find a good specialist so that they can actually prescribe the required number of procedures, and not siphon off money.

Irina: One of my friends, even when she was pregnant, had these injections. This substance does not cause any harm to the body. But an unqualified specialist can make a mistake. You need to be very selective when choosing a cosmetologist.

By the way, the procedures themselves can be done at a good discount. I periodically look at the sites of Biglion and Groupon nurseries. You can always find something interesting there!


This device is a roller with needles from 0.3 to 1 mm in length. The roller is attached to the handle approximately 15 cm. The needles are made of medical steel or titanium.

The mesoscooter can be used at home or undergo a procedure with a cosmetologist. Experts advise using the device yourself with needles from 0.1 to 0.3 mm. A mesoscooter with 1 mm needles can only be used by a specialist.

The essence of using the device:

  1. You (or a cosmetologist) thoroughly cleanse the skin
  2. Then use special cocktails in ampoules. They are applied to the entire surface of the face
  3. Next, you begin to roll the mesoscooter along the massage lines.

The skin receives microdamages. It is punctured and the substance applied to the skin penetrates into the deeper layers of the epidermis. This is how rejuvenation and overall improvement in skin condition occurs.

Only special cocktails should be applied under the mesoscooter. All products - cocktails, equipment, facial skin and hands must be sterile. Otherwise, there is a high probability of inflammatory processes or more serious consequences.

Here is an example of a home mesoscooter:

Almea Xroller mesoscooter for facial skin rejuvenation

The opinions of cosmetologists are divided on this issue. Some believe that this is an effective way to combat the signs of aging. Others do not find it an effective anti-wrinkle remedy.

Home treatments

I found out that masks with vitamin E have proven themselves well among cosmetologists. Reviews about this product are also quite good. The article about Aevit for wrinkles contains recipes for masks with this drug.

Vitamin E masks:

  1. Almonds are a rich source of fiber, vitamin E, folic acid, zinc and oleic acid. They delay the aging process naturally. To prepare the mask, you need to soak a handful of almonds in milk overnight. In the morning, remove the skins from the nuts and grind them in a blender into a thick paste. Apply directly to wrinkles. You can even apply this paste under your eyes. Wait 5-7 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  2. If you have almond oil, massage your face with it. Just wash your face first, but do not wipe off any droplets of water. After you have done the massage, wash your face with a face wash, dab your face with a paper napkin and apply a nourishing cream.
  1. Aloe + vitamin E. I have already written about the benefits of aloe for wrinkles. Now let's combine 2 useful components :) Take 1 capsule of vitamin E and add a teaspoon of fresh aloe gel. Mix well and apply this mixture to the areas where wrinkles form. Leave on for 30 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  2. Vitamin E with glycerin. It is better to do this procedure in the evening. Take 3 vitamin E balls, pierce them with a needle (preferably a syringe - it is sterile). Squeeze the contents into a bottle of glycerin (25 g). Cleanse your face and apply the mixture to the skin. After 10 minutes, wash your face and thoroughly remove the remaining mask with a napkin. Repeat the procedure every 3-4 days. Before the procedure, do a test on the bend of your elbow.
  3. Mask against wrinkles around the eyes with vitamin E. Chop the parsley. She should let out the juice. One tablespoon will be enough. Add the contents of 2 vitamin E balls to the greens. Stir the mixture and apply to problem areas around the eyes. 15-20 minutes is enough for the mask to have a rejuvenating effect. Remove the mask and refresh your face with cool water. The main thing is to repeat this procedure twice a week.

What vitamins should I add to the cream?

Cosmetologists and dermatologists recognize A, C, and E as the most effective supplements for facial skin. You just need to be very careful when using what is sold in a pharmacy for 50 rubles. An acceptable option is to buy from a manufacturer who has earned your trust.

Please use caution. Take a small single portion of your cream and mix with a drop of oil containing the desired vitamin. That is, make a sample. Apply to face. Check for 2-3 days to see if there is a bad reaction. There is no irritation, which means you can mix your cream with oil.
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