Inno hyaluron anti-wrinkle serum

Has your skin become pale and lifeless as you age? Wrinkles have appeared, but you really want to stay young, right? InnoGialuron is an innovative product based on natural ingredients that deeply moisturizes, nourishes and saturates every skin cell with strength. After just 1-2 weeks of using the product, you will notice that your skin glows and seems to be healthier from the inside!

More than 49,000 women have already felt the unique anti-aging effect of Inno Gialuron, and 97.5% of them confirmed that thanks to the drug they were able to get rid of wrinkles.


InnoGialuron is a serum that fights the signs of age on the neck, face and hands. The product contains components that are 100% compatible with the skin, without rejection or allergic reactions.

  1. Fucus extract. A substance that is responsible for the natural processes of collagen production. As you know, after 24 years, collagen begins to be produced in small portions, and with age it becomes less and less. But it is this compound that is responsible for the smoothness of the skin and its radiance. Additionally, fucus extract activates regeneration processes and restoration of damaged cells.
  2. Laminaria extract. Reduces the manifestations of allergies and inflammatory processes, soothes sensitive skin, creates a protective layer.
  3. Camellia sinensis extract. Protects your delicate skin from the harmful effects of sunlight and ultraviolet radiation (it has been proven that they are often the “culprits” of premature skin aging).
  4. Folic acid . Thanks to this compound, the anti-aging serum has an enhanced effect and helps restore even damaged and dry skin.
  5. Hyaluronic acid. Included in many well-known “beauty injections”. Gives your skin firmness, smoothness, elasticity.

How does it work?

  1. You apply the composition to the skin of your face or neck.
  2. Its components penetrate deep into the skin.
  3. Microelements of folic acid neutralize all toxins that have accumulated in the skin.
  4. Camellia extract removes free radicals.
  5. Other substances activate the natural processes of collagen production.
  6. Hyaluronic acid creates a layer that protects from sunlight, wind and other adverse effects.
  7. After 1 course of using the product, you get seemingly renewed skin, regain self-confidence and your own beauty.

To obtain visible improvements on the skin of the face, only 5 applications of the product will be enough. Perhaps you too will be among the 99.8% satisfied with the purchase of the drug?

How to use?

  1. Remove makeup with cream, milk, foam or other substance.
  2. Rinse your face under warm water.
  3. Wipe with a towel, trying to rub the skin (but not too much!).
  4. Wait until the moisture has completely evaporated.
  5. Take a “pea-sized” amount of the product.
  6. Apply to the surface and try to rub in with light massage movements for 5-7 minutes.

There are no contraindications found for InnoGialuron. To rejuvenate your skin, you need to use the serum for 30 days. Regimen: 2 times a day (evening and morning).

What is he doing?

  1. Smoothes out crow's feet and other wrinkles.
  2. Improves skin tone, makes it more natural.
  3. Restores elasticity and smoothness.
  4. Gives softness, the skin becomes velvety, pleasant to the touch.
  5. Brings back your natural glow to your face.
  6. Tightens pores, helps fight pimples and acne.
  7. Gives you back a clear oval face.
  8. Eliminates sagging, dryness and lifelessness.
  9. Activates the process of natural collagen production.
  10. Has a lasting effect of restoring youth and strength.
  11. Eliminates most known imperfections and skin problems.

The main causes of “aging problems” are the following: insufficient hydration, harmful effects of UV rays, accumulated toxins in the body and lack of collagen. This remedy fights ALL CAUSES of aging at once.

Where can I buy?

You have already read all the characteristics and capabilities of the drug, and now you have only one question: “Where can I buy InnoGialuron?” For now, this can only be done on the manufacturer’s official website. The product was released in limited quantities, because the manufacturer is still only testing demand and preparing the products for mass sales. The established price for InnoGialuron is likely to increase. For now, buyers have a unique opportunity to purchase a proven product on the manufacturer’s official website. To place your order, simply enter your name and phone number in the special form. A manufacturer representative will contact you to clarify details.

Expert opinion

From the age of 24-25, collagen production processes stop. At the age of 40 (if not earlier) you can notice the first signs of aging. And already at 50 years old, the face becomes dark, flabby and lifeless. To stop these processes and reverse them, I recommend this remedy. Its effectiveness has been tested in dozens of studies, after which special reports have been compiled. Surprisingly, in more than 90% of cases, the drug actually restored youth (or at least stopped the aging process). And this is without a massage therapist, salon procedures, Botox injections, surgeries or interventions. Today I can confidently recommend the drug to patients.
Okolova Galina Petrovna, Dermatologist, St. Petersburg.

Inno Gialuron reviews

Alena, 49 years old, economist
I don’t hide my age, but thanks to this product I look 35 years old!

Svetlana, 53 years old, massage therapist
I give myself a facial massage in the morning and evening. But when I started using this serum, my skin became so natural and beautiful.

Anastasia, 17 years old, did not indicate occupation
My mother uses the serum, but I only took the product once. I noticed that after it all the pimples become less red and noticeable /

Alexandra, 33 years old, junior researcher
I use this product in winter to prevent my skin from becoming chapped. It turns out so velvety and soft!

Lyudmila, 59 years old, controller
Youth has passed, but you still want to look beautiful. The girls at work gave me this product, I use it every day. So far I have noticed that my face has become lighter and the crow’s feet have decreased.


Inno Hyaluron facial serum, which is an innovative product with a natural composition, will help you get rid of wrinkles and always look young and beautiful. With the help of anti-aging cosmetics, it is possible to prevent skin aging and achieve the desired result in a short time. Before purchasing serum from Inno Hyaluron, it is recommended to exclude contraindications for use, study real customer reviews and take into account the comments of medical specialists.

Product advantages

Anti-aging serum has clear advantages over other cosmetics:

  1. safety;
  2. high efficiency;
  3. availability;
  4. quality assurance.

Over time, human skin begins to age and undergoes age-related changes, resulting in facial wrinkles, nasolabial folds, a “double chin” and other aesthetic defects. Reduced tissue tone is associated with a decrease in the production of hyaluronic acid in the body, which is responsible for hydrating tissues and cells.

Inno Gialuron anti-aging serum will help fill the deficiency of this substance and improve the condition of the skin. Using this product, you can achieve the desired result after just a few days of regular use. The effectiveness of the anti-wrinkle serum has been proven in clinical trials: 97% of users show positive results. In addition, the manufacturer provides a quality guarantee certificate for all cosmetic products.

The price of the cosmetic product is not high, and you can order the product on the website. You need to pick it up at the post office, paying cash on delivery upon receipt.

What's included

Gialuron skin rejuvenation serum has the following composition:

  1. Fucus brown algae extract.
  2. Chinese camellia.
  3. Kelp.
  4. Hyaluronic acid.
  5. Folic acid.

Fucus brown algae extract helps stimulate collagen synthesis and contains a B complex of vitamins. Chinese camellia eliminates the harmful effects of sun rays on the skin thanks to the antioxidants it contains. Laminaria contains a large amount of polysaccharides and has a protective, soothing and rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin, increases elasticity and tone of tissues, and also prevents the appearance of new wrinkles. With the help of folic acid, the serum has a powerful rejuvenating effect.

Taking into account the components included in the composition, the following effect of Inno Hyaluron can be noted:

  1. skin hydration;
  2. tissue regeneration;
  3. increased tone and elasticity;
  4. restorative effect;
  5. smoothing wrinkles;
  6. activation of collagen production;
  7. elimination of sagging skin;
  8. improvement of complexion.

Indications for use

Inno Gialuron anti-wrinkle serum is used for the following indications:

  1. "crow's feet";
  2. sagging skin;
  3. acne;
  1. dryness and flaking of the skin;
  2. wrinkles;
  3. age-related changes;
  4. dull complexion.

To ensure that such a purchase does not cause harm, it is recommended to consult a doctor or conduct a skin test before using the serum. To do this, apply a little product to the skin in the elbow area and monitor the reaction. Normally, there should be no redness, itching or irritation.

Instructions for use

Using an anti-aging anti-wrinkle product does not present any difficulties:

  1. First you need to prepare the skin and carefully remove makeup using a special foam or milk.
  2. Then you need to dry the skin and apply a pea-sized amount of serum.
  3. For the best effect, use your fingertips to make massage movements and rub in the Inno Gialuron cream without rubbing the skin too much.
  4. It is recommended to wait until the product is completely absorbed and, if necessary, remove excess with a cotton napkin.

The serum should be used twice a day, morning and evening, for 30 days, and then after a break, repeat the course if necessary.

How to choose an anti-wrinkle product

In order to choose a good anti-wrinkle cosmetic product, it is recommended to pay attention to its composition.

Where you can buy Inno Gialuron: on the manufacturer’s website (this will protect you from buying a fake). In order to order a product, you need to fill out the order form and wait for the operator to call. Then get answers to your questions and discuss the delivery method. You can receive the parcel at the nearest post office after prepayment. The serum will have maximum effect in cases where Inno Gialuron is used together with other effective procedures or anti-wrinkle products.


The cosmetic product from Inno Gialuron has different reviews, so before you buy the serum and find out whether it’s another scam or not, you can also go to the forum and read what other buyers or medical specialists write about the serum. Thanks to real reviews, you can form some opinion about this product and its effectiveness.

In most cases, the serum from Inno Gialuron receives positive reviews and does not cause side effects due to its natural composition.

Many doctors believe that using serum can stop the aging process of the skin and achieve a good anti-aging effect.

Negative reviews are mainly found against the background of improper use of the serum or an allergic reaction to its components.

Evgenia, 20 years old, Moscow

The serum helped me get rid of acne and make my facial skin clear and healthy. I advise everyone to try this product.

Marina, 35 years old, Omsk

I always use products with hyaluronic acid to keep my facial skin toned. Having learned about this new product, I decided to try the cream, especially since it has an affordable price and good quality. I noticed that within a week my skin became smooth and velvety, and wrinkles became less pronounced. I think I have found my remedy.

Olesya, 40 years old, Saratov

The results from using the serum are very mediocre. The advantages include the fact that the cosmetic product itself has a delicate consistency and a pleasant smell, and does not leave the skin feeling sticky. The serum copes well with small wrinkles in the eye area, but it will not be able to remove older and deeper ones. In general, the product is not bad, but it can’t work miracles.

Lisa, 43 years old, St. Petersburg

I’ve been using the serum for about a week and now I can also express my opinion about this cosmetic product. Immediately after application to the skin, it creates a feeling of tightness that goes away after 10 minutes. Absorbs very well and perfectly moisturizes. I didn't have any allergic reaction. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get rid of wrinkles, but at this stage I’m happy with the result.

The content of the article:

  1. Price and where to buy
  2. Description of the serum
  3. Composition of InnoGialuron
  4. Beneficial features
  5. Contraindications
  6. Instructions for use
  7. Customer Reviews

InnoGialuron serum is an innovative product on the Russian market that helps eliminate visible signs of aging on facial skin. The powerful active components included in the product provide a lasting rejuvenating effect.

Price and where to buy InnoGialuron serum

The anti-aging drug is produced by the Russian manufacturer Hendel. You cannot currently buy InnoGialuron serum in regular stores or pharmacies.

When purchasing goods online, you should beware of counterfeits. It is best if you contact the manufacturer directly for the serum. On the website you can order goods with a convenient form of delivery for you - to the post office or to your home. The serum will be sent to you as soon as possible and in excellent condition.

If you still have questions regarding the ordering procedure, you can ask them online by filling out a special form on the website. In order to buy Inno Hyaluron, go to the official online store using the banner below, since our site does not sell anything.

The optimal price for InnoGialuron serum is the one you will find on the manufacturer’s website. It amounts to:

  1. in Russia - 990 rubles;
  2. in Ukraine - 369 hryvnia;
  3. in Kazakhstan - 6490 tenge;
  4. in Belarus - 310 thousand rubles.
  5. in Kyrgyzstan - 1700 som

Description of anti-aging serum InnoGialuron

Anti-aging serum contains a powerful complex of active substances such as hyaluronic and folic acid. The first affects the deep layers of the skin, nourishing them and smoothing out wrinkles.

Folic acid is included in the drug in the form of a biotechnologically modified form. It enhances the effect of hyaluron, reduces the visible signs of wrinkles and protects the dermis from the negative influence of the environment.

In addition, Inno Hyaluron contains extracts of kelp and fucus. They are rich in polysaccharides and have an antioxidant and soothing effect on the skin.

The drug is available in tubes of 40 milliliters. With regular use of InnoGialuron anti-aging serum, the skin becomes radiant and smooth.

Composition of InnoGialuron serum and characteristics of components

The active ingredients of InnoHyaluron serum are:

Soluble collagen. This is natural collagen that nourishes dry, mature skin and protects it from the negative influence of the environment. Collagen has moisture-retaining properties that help make skin more elastic and smooth. Improves the biomechanical properties of the skin.

Sodium hyaluronate (hyaluronic acid). Contains 95% hyaluronic acid, which is a natural component of the skin. An effective means of moisturizing and regenerating. Like a hydrophilic sponge, hyaluron retains moisture thousands of times its own molecule weight. Stimulates cell regeneration, fights free radicals, gives skin elasticity. Penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, it has a moisturizing effect both outside and inside.

Panthenol. The substance is responsible for carbohydrate-protein-fat metabolism in the skin and perfectly moisturizes it at a deep level. Helps smooth out wrinkles, heal microscopic cracks, wounds, increases the elasticity of the skin and softens them.

Green tea leaf extract. Contains a large amount of polyphenols (antioxidants), which have an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin and ensure the normalization of cell function. The ability of green tea to protect the skin from free radicals, which cause aging, is 20 times higher than that of vitamin E.

Bio-modified polymer form of folic acid. The substance is protective for DNA and helps maintain the full life cycle of cells. The biological modification of folic acid is much better absorbed by skin cells and doubles their stress survival.

Fucus vesicularis extract. This is a balanced complex of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, proteins. It has a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, soothing effect on the skin. Strengthens it, increases elasticity, regenerates, relieves swelling, and has strong antiseptic properties. In addition, it is a powerful antioxidant.

Laminaria digitalis extract. Thanks to the content of nitrogen, copper, iron, magnesium and manganese, this extract helps restore skin tone. Has a positive effect on cellular metabolism. Moisturizes the skin and regenerates it.

Benefits of InnoGialuron in combating signs of aging

Elasticity and firmness of the skin of the face and neck are provided by elastin and collagen. However, with age and under the influence of external negative factors, these substances begin to be produced in smaller quantities. This leads to the appearance of a network of wrinkles, dullness of the skin, and sagging.

The “picture” is complemented by dryness and flaking, which is a consequence of the lack of hyaluronic acid in the deep layers of the skin, which is able to retain moisture around itself.

The effect of InnoGialuron serum is the active effect of hyaluronic acid on the skin. It forms a thin film on the surface of the face, maintains the natural level of skin moisture, while gas exchange is not disrupted.

Hyaluronic acid, being one of the components of human skin, is perfectly compatible with it and is not capable of causing allergic reactions. In addition, hyaluron promotes the long-lasting action of bioactive serum components such as folic acid and seaweed extracts.

InnoGialuron serum has the following effects on the skin:

  1. Affects the cause of wrinkles and folds.

Enhances the beneficial effect of creams.

It has a professional caring effect, resulting in smooth, moisturized skin.

Increases the elasticity of the dermis.

It has a mattifying effect: the skin has a healthy appearance, without greasy shine.

It should be remembered that anti-aging serum is a concentrated product and should be used only in accordance with the instructions. As a rule, a few drops of the drug are enough to achieve the desired effect.

Contraindications to the use of Inno Hyaluron cosmetics

Human skin reacts quite quickly to excess hyaluronic acid, which comes from outside. Therefore, after a short period of time, it stops producing it on its own.

As soon as external nutrition stops, the dermis becomes sluggish and new wrinkles may appear. Therefore, it is important to use preparations with hyaluronic acid, strictly controlling its amount on the skin.

InnoGialuron anti-aging serum contains an optimal ratio of hyaluron, folic acid and algae extracts. It is suitable for daily use and is practically not capable of causing allergic reactions.

However, it is worth remembering that you may have individual intolerance to certain components. In this case, the use of the drug should be discontinued.

Do not exceed the application rate of the Inno Hyaluron cosmetic product recommended by the manufacturer - 1-2 times a day. Otherwise, skin reactions may occur.

In addition, you should not use the serum if you have damage to your skin in the form of wounds, abrasions, or severe rashes. Wait for them to heal.

Instructions for using InnoGialuron to eliminate wrinkles

Applying the drug is quite simple. The instructions for the InnoGialuron serum are no different from other products based on hyaluronic acid.

Let's look at the rules for using Inno Hyaluron in more detail:

  1. First of all, cleanse the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. To do this, wash with a soft gel or foam and treat the skin with tonic.

Apply a small amount of serum to the face and neck using soft patting movements with the back of your hands.

Unlike most cosmetic creams, the serum can also be applied to the eyelid area.

Gently distribute the product on the skin until completely absorbed.

You can apply the product twice a day - morning and evening. It is worth using the serum in courses - about two months, after which - a break. Knowing how to use InnoGialuron serum, you can achieve noticeable results in just a few weeks.

Customer reviews about InnoGialuron serum

The drug appeared on the Russian market quite recently. However, the InnoGialuron serum has already earned positive reviews from pharmacists, cosmetologists and ordinary women who have experienced the rejuvenating power of hyaluron, folic acid and algae extracts.

Valentina, 28 years old

At my age, I don’t yet have obvious deep wrinkles and folds on my face, but the first facial “crow’s feet” have already begun to appear. So I decided not to wait for serious skin problems to appear and to prevent early wrinkles. I saw an advertisement for the InnoHyaluron serum on the Internet and immediately became interested because I liked the composition of the product. After the first few days of use, I noticed a positive effect. So I can confidently recommend the drug - it really helps!

Preparations with hyaluronic acid are always present on my shelf. I use them regularly to keep my skin toned. A new product in my “collection” is the InnoGialuron serum. Excellent quality at an affordable price! I like the condition of my skin after use: it becomes smooth, velvety, and the oily sheen completely disappears. I feel like my skin is moisturized and nourished with beneficial substances. I think I've found my remedy.

My daughter gave me the Inno Hyaluron anti-aging serum. Before using it, I had not performed any cosmetic procedures to rejuvenate my facial skin. I was sure that it was almost impossible to cope with my wrinkles with a simple cosmetic product. Having tried the serum several times, I came to the conclusion that the product is of high quality, moisturizes the skin well and makes it soft. But then I began to notice that there were actually fewer wrinkles on my face - they were smoothing out literally before my eyes. In general, I am satisfied and have changed my opinion regarding cosmetic products. My serum can really solve the problems of aging skin!

InnoGialuron serum is an effective remedy that solves the problems of aging and aging skin. In addition, anti-aging serum helps prevent the appearance of the first wrinkles. It is not yet possible to buy it in a pharmacy, so purchase only from a trusted official supplier to avoid counterfeiting.