Laser hair removal on legs

effective and painless
any skin type
any season

Do you want to know the secrets of simple and painless hair removal? Cosmetologists willingly reveal them and initiate not only women, but also men into them.

Secret No. 1. What is laser hair removal?

The energy of laser radiation temporarily stops the work of hair follicles, and hair stops growing for a certain period of time. If we talk about the neodymium laser, then, unlike the alexandrite laser, it does not act on the melanin pigment contained in the hair, but on the vessels that feed the hair follicle. Thus, with the help of a neodymium laser it is possible to:

  1. the procedure is almost painless,
  2. carry out hair removal at least all year round,
  3. eliminate hair, regardless of its color and skin phototype.

Neodymium laser is effective. And there is no doubt about it. But right on its heels is a more advanced method of hair removal with a diode laser. Diode laser is the latest equipment in the field of cosmetology, designed to remove unwanted hair. Thanks to him, women all over the world (and men too) were able to find out what completely painless and truly fast laser hair removal is. What is special about diode laser hair removal?

  1. You should not sunbathe 2 weeks before and after the procedure.
  2. The area to be treated must be shaved in advance.
  3. During the procedure, the patient does not experience any discomfort. Painlessness is achieved due to the fact that the laser tip uses sapphire glass with a skin cooling system.
  4. The laser produces 3 flashes in one second, which provides faster and more effective results.
  5. The effect is noticeable after the first procedure.

Secret No. 2. Can laser hair removal be done at home?

Laser hair removal (at home) These are unjustified risks and discomfort. If you choose home laser hair removal, the results can be unpredictable. No one will tell you about contraindications and possible complications. In addition, for safety reasons, manufacturers make the devices low-power, so the procedure at home will be very long and ineffective.

Laser hair removal (salon) This is a high speed of the procedure and guaranteed safety. In specialized institutions, they will definitely tell you about the individual characteristics of the body, which can become an obstacle to hair removal. The salon uses expensive and powerful equipment, which makes the procedure completely painless, fast and effective. This is especially important if laser hair removal is required on the face.

The DIODE laser, according to the results of clinical trials, is recognized as one of the most effective of all lasers. With fewer procedures, it provides excellent results: hair growth slows down for a longer period of time, which means that the skin remains smooth and attractive longer. The diode laser energy reaches the hair follicle without damaging surrounding tissue or causing pain. All thanks to sapphire optics, which prevents thermal effects on the skin. Painlessness is one of the main advantages of diode hair removal.

Secret No. 3. Photoepilation or laser hair removal?

Both photoepilation and laser hair removal use light energy to stop hair growth, and this is the only thing that brings them together.

Laser hair removal

  1. Laser hair removal uses a laser beam: as you know, the laser wavelength can be fixed.
  2. Burns are impossible if you choose laser hair removal, reviews of which are extremely positive.

You can find out about contraindications from a cosmetologist.


  1. Photoepilation uses light that is not selective.
  2. When photoepilating, there is a greater risk of skin burns.

Secret No. 4. Is laser hair removal forever?

Laser hair removal is for a long time! We cannot stop the body's functions forever, but we can stop unwanted processes for a while. Laser hair removal gives an effect that lasts up to 7 years, and, you see, it’s wonderful! 2-3 days before the first procedure, your legs should be shaved.

The first hair removal takes the longest, since the bulk of the hair is processed; in subsequent sessions, those hair follicles that were in the resting phase at the time of the procedure are processed. Repeated hair removal sessions are carried out after 2-3 weeks. To achieve maximum effect, several sessions will be required, on average 6.

Secret No. 5. Laser hair removal: there are contraindications

  1. Oncological diseases;
  2. Pregnancy;
  3. Varicose veins, etc.

Comparative characteristics of three types of laser hair removal:

Characteristics Alexandrite Neodymium Diode
Usage time 2 weeks before and after tanning all year round 2 weeks before and after tanning
What type of hair does it work on? to dark for any to dark
Soreness hurt tolerable moderate sensations
Recommended number of procedures 6-8 procedures up to 15 procedures 6-8 procedures
Procedure speed average average very fast

What device is used to achieve high efficiency from the procedure?

Epilation is carried out on modern diode laser Midepi (808 nm) from Hironic.

Currently, the diode laser is "gold standard» laser hair removal.

Advantages of MIDEPI laser hair removal:
  1. does not cause burns, scars, swelling, irritation, pigmentation, etc. (because it has an intelligent system with preset work programs based on skin phototype and hair thickness!);
  2. passes painless due to the No pain Mode system (no pain);
  3. suitable for everyone skin phototypes (including dark skin and after sunburn);
  4. reduces hair removal time due to the highest operating speed (up to 15 flashes per second);
  5. long lasting effect (complete hair destruction after 3-8 procedures);
  6. allows for skin whitening, age spots, reduction por;
  7. treatment acne;
  8. non-ablative rejuvenation skin.
Differences between the MIDEPI laser and diode lasers from other companies:

The MIDEPI laser is equipped with a special skin cooling system “Sapphire Chill” (-5°C) built into the applicator, so anesthesia is not required. The temperature always remains constant. The Midepi procedure is much more comfortable than ELOS and photoepilation.

New technology: No pain Mode (no pain) and Dynamic Mode (different pulse shapes - single, double, triple, combined) allows you to more effectively and safely influence hair follicles located at different levels, including the deep roots of male hair.

This device implements latest scientific achievements in the field of diode lasers for hair removal:

  1. highest power density from 1 to 100 J/cm2,
  2. wide range of pulse duration selection from 4 to 495 ms,
  3. high processing speed up to 15 Hz.

Thanks to the high pulse frequency (up to 15 Hz), the procedure time has been significantly reduced. For example, bikini hair removal takes 3-5 minutes. This is real lunch-time procedure. ​

A wide range of pulse duration selection from 4 to 495 ms makes it possible to delete vellus hair, which is not amenable to conventional diode lasers!

Due to the correct shape of the diode glass, the MIDEPI laser does not have the effect of overlap and painful hot spots.

It is possible to select the most optimal therapy depending on the indications and wishes of the client: 18 preset programs for hair removal, recording settings in 6 memory cells, the ability to adjust the shape (single, double, triple, combined pulses) and parameters (duration, frequency, power density) impulse.

Weak absorption by melanin allows the laser to work on all skin phototypes (I-VI), which allows procedures to be performed on it all year round.


Modern beauty standards for the human body imply not only correct proportions and well-trained muscles, but also impeccable smoothness of the skin. One of the indicators of beautiful and well-groomed skin of the legs is the absence of excess hair on it.

There are various ways to combat unnecessary hair on the legs, but laser hair removal of the legs has proven itself better than others.

What it is?

Laser hair removal is one of the methods of body hair removal using special equipment. Its essence is that penetrating deep into the subcutaneous tissue, it affects the capillaries that nourish the hair roots, destroys melanin and has a damaging effect on the follicle. As a result, the hair becomes weak, stops growing and dies. The greatest effect is achieved on light skin with dark hairs.


Laser hair removal services can be obtained in almost any Russian cosmetology clinic by making an appointment with a specialist and making sure there are no contraindications.

To get high-quality laser hair removal on your legs, you need to choose a good cosmetology clinic. Customer reviews can help with this. If an establishment has a lot of positive reviews and few negative reviews (or none at all), then you should opt for it.

How much does full leg laser hair removal cost? The average price of a procedure for hair removal on the legs (completely, in all areas) ranges from 19,500 rubles in Moscow to 11,500 in Krasnodar. Many clinics operate systems of discounts and bonuses that can significantly (sometimes up to 70%) reduce the cost of procedures.


What types of lasers are used

Several types of lasers, and sometimes a combination of them, are used to remove hair. Experts call certain types of this equipment the “gold standard of hair removal.”

1. Ruby - has been used for a long time and has proven itself in working on predominantly light skin types. Its beam penetrates shallowly and completely eliminates unwanted vegetation in about 5 sessions.

2. Alexandrite - the newest and safest laser. If the procedure is carried out according to all the rules, complications are practically excluded.

3. Diode - its main feature is that it is able to penetrate quite deeply into the skin, removing hair follicles located deeply. It is effective when working with any type of hair, but the procedure takes a long time.

4. Neodymium laser – notable for the fact that it gives the most lasting and long-lasting (up to 5 years) hair removal effect. Its action is based on cauterization of the blood vessels that nourish the hair.

When choosing a laser, it is better to trust a specialist cosmetologist. He will select a device taking into account the type and condition of your skin and vegetation on it, and will also take into account other important nuances.


Who is recommended for laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is the optimal way to solve the problem of unwanted hair for those who:

  1. no longer wants to waste precious time on procedures that give a short-term effect;
  2. suffers from frequent pustular rashes, skin damage and other dubious delights of mechanical methods of dealing with excess hair;
  3. does not want to treat irritated skin every time after “hard” hair removal with a razor or sugaring;
  4. I am facing the problem of ingrown hairs.


It is especially worth saying that laser hair removal is an ideal option for combating excess body hair for those who suffer from hypertrichosis and hirsutism.

Preparing for the hair removal procedure

How to prepare for laser hair removal on legs? The following steps should be followed:

1. Do I need to shave my legs before laser hair removal? If laser hair removal is planned for the first time, you should stop fighting hair 2 weeks before the procedure. This will make the first session as effective as possible.

2. For 3 days, you cannot use new, previously unused, care cosmetics on those areas of the body where hair removal will occur. This is explained by the fact that due to a possible unexpected skin reaction to a new product, epilation, sadly, will have to be postponed.

3. For 2 days, do not use alcohol-containing liquids to wipe areas of the body where hair removal is planned, so as not to disturb the normal water-fat state of the skin, as this can lead to irritation of the dermis after the procedure.

4. On the eve of the procedure, cut or shave your hair short. In this case, the effect on the follicles will be stronger.

Preparation for laser hair removal of legs should be done by every person. Thanks to her, the procedure will be as effective as possible.


How does laser hair removal work?

It consists of several stages.

1. First, the cosmetologist assesses the condition of the skin and hair in order to correctly calculate the strength of the beam and the duration of the session.

2. The surface for epilation is cleaned of sweat and other possible contaminants.

2. Despite the painlessness of the procedure, there may be a feeling of slight discomfort, so 20-30 minutes before the start, at the client’s request, a special cream or lotion is usually applied to legs with particularly sensitive skin, which reduces sensitivity.

3. The client puts on special glasses to protect the eyes from laser flashes, relax and calm down.


4. The doctor turns on the device and begins influencing the hair follicles, directing impulses to a given area of ​​hair removal.

5. In the intervals between flashes, the skin surface is cooled with a special gel through a nozzle on the device.

6. At the end of the session, the depilation area is treated with moisturizing cream.

The first session is the most effective and allows you to remove up to 90% of hairs.

Photos of legs before and after laser hair removal:



Possible complications

Much depends on the qualifications of the specialist - the higher it is, the lower the risk of possible complications. But situations where complications are likely are not excluded. After laser hair removal, pigment spots may, for example, appear on the legs if the client is careless about following the basic rules of foot care after the session.

If the skin turns out to be so sensitive that a slight burn is observed after the procedure, the problem is solved by using regenerating drugs such as panthenol. It soothes and restores the upper layers of the skin.

If irritation occurs on your legs after laser hair removal or your legs itch, you should also apply soothing and healing creams.

In some cases, scars may appear on the legs after the procedure. This happens because particularly impatient clients try to quickly get rid of the crusts on the epilated area. This is strictly forbidden because the thin dead layer of the epidermis should dry out and fall off naturally. But if a problem appears, you just need to give the skin time to recover.

If there is a disturbance in the menstrual cycle after laser hair removal, then you need to contact a gynecologist!


Contraindications for laser hair removal of legs

The use of the laser method for removing unwanted hair, despite its high efficiency, is not allowed for everyone. As a rule, restrictions are related to health conditions.

Here are some diseases and conditions that are contraindications for laser hair removal of the legs:

  1. Diabetes mellitus in the active stage. Due to impaired carbohydrate metabolism, ulcerations and wounds may appear on the skin, and the upper layer of the skin is slowly restored;
  2. Period of taking antibacterial drugs. The session can be carried out 14 days after the end of the appointment;
  3. Hormonal therapy. At this time, hair removal may simply be ineffective, because hormones help strengthen and grow hair;
  4. Pregnancy and lactation period. The reason is the same - altered hormonal levels. After completely stopping breastfeeding a child, a young mother can safely make an appointment with a specialist for hair removal;
  5. The presence of infectious and viral lesions of the skin of the legs, since laser exposure can cause serious complications.
  6. Malignant neoplasms;
  7. Epilepsy;
  8. Blood diseases;
  9. Pulmonary tuberculosis in the active phase;
  10. Cardiovascular diseases during decompensation.


A relative contraindication against hair removal is the presence of warts and papillomas. The decision on the possibility or impossibility of hair removal in each specific case is decided by a cosmetologist or other laser hair removal specialist.

If there are damage to the skin of the legs such as scratches, burns and abrasions, the procedure should be postponed until they are completely healed.

If there are gray hairs on your legs, then a laser epilator is powerless against them.

The reason is that instead of the coloring melanin, gray hair contains voids, and this makes it impossible for the laser to affect the follicle. The laser beam does not affect light-colored hairs either.

Skin care after the procedure

It’s quite simple, but you should pay close attention to the advice of experts:

  1. It is necessary to protect your legs from sunbathing for 2 weeks, since excess ultraviolet radiation is completely unhealthy and can cause irritation.
  2. You should refrain from washing your feet in hot water for 3 days, as its effect on hair removal areas can interfere with normal skin regeneration. For the same reason, you should not use hard sponges and washcloths.
  3. Peeling of the laser treatment area is also prohibited, so as not to injure the skin, creating conditions for infection.


Answers on questions

Is it possible to permanently remove hair with laser hair removal on legs?

The laser hair removal procedure for legs, unfortunately, cannot guarantee 100% hair removal forever, but it gives a good effect for a long time.

Laser hair removal on legs does not guarantee hair removal forever, but it gives a long-lasting and high-quality effect.

How long does laser hair removal on legs last?

For a period from several months to 3 years. The effectiveness of the method largely depends on the type, quality of hair and the hormonal levels of the body.

How many laser hair removal treatments are needed for legs?

After the first session, you need to undergo another 3-8 procedures.

How often can I have laser hair removal on my legs?

A gap of one or two months must be maintained between sessions.

Is it possible to shave your legs after laser hair removal?

Immediately after the procedure, shaving is prohibited. The skin is irritated and vulnerable; there is no need to injure it even more. And between sessions, when the hair of the branch can be shaved carefully.


Laser hair removal on legs has many reviews. Among them you can find many positive and negative ones. But the quality of the procedure depends precisely on the level of the clinic, the experience of the cosmetologist and the equipment.

Every year, new tools and technologies appear that make it possible to make body care as effective and painless as possible with minimal time. The laser hair removal method is also being improved and changed, while remaining the most effective currently existing method of maintaining beauty and well-groomed skin.

To appreciate all its benefits, it is enough to go to a good cosmetology clinic at least once and try the effect of this unique procedure for yourself.


Of all the modern hardware procedures for removing excess hair, laser hair removal is becoming more and more in demand. This technique has proven itself both in terms of “price: effectiveness” ratio and in terms of safety parameters. The most popular use of laser is for hair removal on the legs.

Laser hair removal: how it works

It is no coincidence that laser hair removal is considered the most effective and high-tech hardware hair removal method. This method has been widely used relatively recently - since the early 2000s, but it has already gained well-deserved popularity throughout the world and has been comprehensively studied in practice.


Laser hair removal is a practice-tested, reliable and effective procedure

In aesthetic medicine, four types of laser devices are used to get rid of unwanted hair:

Despite some significant differences and features of the use of devices, the principle of their operation is the same and consists in the impact of an intense light beam on melanin, which colors the hair follicles and shafts. In this case, the protein compounds coagulate and the bulb dies. The laser method is especially good for hair removal on large areas of the body (for example, on the legs), since the procedure is quite fast.


Laser hair removal is ideal for leg hair removal

An ideal and fairly quick result is achieved by combining white skin with dark, well-pigmented hair. The effectiveness of the procedure increases significantly if you follow the rules of preparation for laser hair removal.

Competent step-by-step preparation for laser hair removal of legs is the key to the success and safety of the procedure. A visit to the salon should be planned about a month in advance in order to have time to follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Consult with a specialist - listen to the experience and advice of a qualified specialist whom you trust; Discuss with him the characteristics of your skin and the nuances of the procedure in advance in order to properly prepare for it and minimize risks.
  2. Avoid tanning - no solariums, beaches or tanning creams at least two to three weeks before the hair removal session; If you spend a lot of time in the sun, protect your legs from ultraviolet radiation with long skirts or trousers.
  3. Two weeks before your procedure, stop removing leg hair using methods such as tweezers, waxes, or electroepilators.
  4. It is extremely undesirable to take tetracycline antibiotics for two weeks before laser hair removal.
  5. Saturate your skin with moisture - take care of moisturizing your skin, especially if it is dry; At least a week before the procedure, start lubricating your feet with moisturizing creams.
  6. Do not experiment with cosmetics - three or four days before going to the beauty salon, do not use new creams and other skin care products: its reaction to the new product may be unpredictable and then hair removal will have to be postponed.
  7. Do not use alcohol-containing products to care for the dermis - alcohol tans and dries the skin, which can cause burns, so you should stop using such products at least a couple of days before hair removal.
  8. Do not visit the sauna or swimming pool within 24 hours before your scheduled hair removal appointment.
  9. Shave your legs - this should definitely be done a day before the session, then the laser energy will not be spent on the length of the hair, but will be completely concentrated on destroying its bulb.
  10. Immediately before the procedure, take a light pain reliever - this should be done if you have a low pain threshold or too sensitive skin.

Preparing for laser hair removal - video

After the first session, significantly fewer hair follicles remain, and the growth of the remaining hairs slows down significantly. To radically get rid of hair on your legs, you will need not one, but several procedures. Their number is determined in each specific case, taking into account the individual characteristics of the client.

A full cycle can include from five to ten sessions with an interval of one and a half to two months, the result will be perfectly smooth, velvety skin and hair removal forever.


Smooth, velvety legs - laser will help make this dream come true

However, if your body has a high level of male hormones, then it is advisable to repeat laser hair removal once a year to consolidate success.

Personal experience with laser hair removal - video

Getting rid of leg hair using a laser is a serious medical procedure that can only be carried out efficiently by highly qualified specialists with decent equipment. Only a responsible approach to choosing an experienced master will help you avoid unpleasant complications:

  1. pain;
  2. swelling;
  3. dermatoses;
  4. allergic reactions;
  5. skin pigmentation;
  6. burns.

Burns after laser hair removal - video


The most rewarding area is the shins. At low laser power, almost everything fell out after the first session. And after five weeks nothing had grown back, but I still went for the second procedure.

Alexandra Voitich

I’m doing it now on a diode device, I want to change the device to an alexandrite one, it’s unpleasant, but it’s growing tolerably for about a third, but the trend is encouraging


I don’t do it (my hair is light), two friends do it, they praise it very much, the effect is about 3 months. but they say it hurts a lot

Mary Ann

The first two procedures went well (removed hair on the legs), the irritation went away by the evening of the same day. After the second time there was a significant break and a week ago I had the third procedure in the same salon. It was much more painful than before, but the doctor explained that with each procedure the power increases and this is normal. The irritation was very strong, on the third day the redness subsided, but multiple brown spots remained all over the legs. The legs look simply terrible, like they are covered with a rash 🙁 The doctor called herself a couple of days later to find out how things were going (that’s the custom in this salon), said that these were burns, and said that they had changed the lamps in the device and they had such a powerful effect. I recommended psilo-balm. But it’s been a week now, and the appearance of the skin has not changed, and even new hair has grown - i.e. There are clearly multiple omissions.


They will tell you about the ban on sunbathing after hair removal, but they may not mention the fact that unpleasant sensations in the hair removal area may last for a couple of days, not hours.


I have already done three procedures, 6,000 thousand per shin. the problem is that those burnt hair residues, i.e. Those same notorious blackheads take a looooong time to come out. In terms of pain, it’s not painful, but in the area of ​​the ankles it’s really bad, I even had to grit my teeth, but otherwise I don’t feel it.

Lolita Charlotte

Before going for the procedure, you need to consult a specialist! Find out all the pros and cons of laser hair removal! The principle itself and the effect on the skin! There is already more than enough information about the laser! Online support, questions and answers, etc.


Do not experiment with your health - doctors’ mistakes during laser hair removal of legs can lead not only to aesthetic dissatisfaction with the result, but also to more serious consequences that will not be easy to correct. Responsibly prepare for the procedure yourself, and trust its implementation to those specialists who have proven themselves in practice and have many real positive reviews.